Performance Control 16.5 Computed Tomography – Application to Composites and Microstructures 929
a known calibration standard at retained boundary con-
ditions (wavelength and scattering angle).
As well as the inner surface of pores and particles,
interfaces and cracks such as fiber debonding in com-
posites can also be determined. A model composite
has been made to demonstrate the refraction behavior
of a bonded and a debonded 140 μm sapphire fiber in
a polymer matrix (Fig. 16.74, left). Figure 16.74 (mid-
dle) shows the resulting intensity distribution of a two-
dimensional refraction scan of the model composite.
The upper ray crosses the bonded fiber–matrix interface,
causing a small amount of deflected intensity. At the
debonded fiber and at the matrix surfaces (lower ray)
many more x-rays are deflected, due to the larger dif-
ference of the refractive index against air. The polymer
channel is clearly separated from the fiber surface. For
comparison a mapping of I
yields the transmission to-
pograph containing only the absorption information of
the projected densities, like in conventional radiography
(Fig. 16.74, right). In the case of a real composite mater-
ial the much thinner fibers are not spatially resolved, but
the higher refraction signal of debonded fibers reveals
quantitatively the percentage of debonded fibers.
Beyond the capabilities for two-dimensional to-
pographs the set up of Fig. 16.73 can be employed for
conducting computed tomography of a transversal sec-
tion. This requires vertical linear scans and rotation of
the sample to gain multiple projections for the parallel-
beam reconstruction procedure. A section of a C/C
ceramic matrix composite (CMC) for high-temperature
applications is investigated to image the different crack
patterns developing during manufacture by pyrolysis.
The three samples (Fig. 16.75, left) are based on dif-
ferent phenolic resin carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer
(CFRP) green bodies of good, intermediate and bad
fiber/matrix bonding.
The absorption signals are reconstructed according
to the rules for parallel-beam filtered back-projection as
shownbyFig.16.75, center. The resulting transversal
sections reveal major cracks and homogeneous do-
The refraction and the absorption intensities per-
mit the reconstruction of the relative inner surface
density according to (16.33)(Fig.16.75, right) which
shows a significantly higher number and finer cracks.
Additionally the average intensity levels reveal the
quantitative crack density without resoling individual
cracks. These findings have proved for the first time
that the degree of fiber debonding is retained during
processing from the green state to high-temperature
treatment [16.55].
Refraction topograph Transmission topograph
Fig. 16.74 x-ray scanning topography; left: model composite of
polymer matrix and embedded bonded (top) and debonded (bottom)
140-μm sapphire fiber; middle: x-ray refraction topograph of C-
values resolving debonding spatially: an interface image, free from
absorption effects; right: absorption projection
matrix composite
bonding of
Fig. 16.75 x-ray computed tomography (CT) of carbon/carbon ce-
ramic matrix composite (C/C-CMC); left: sample arrangement,
middle: crack pattern by conventional (x-ray absorption) CT, right:
highly contrasted cracks by refraction computed tomography
16.5.3 3-D Synchrotron Refraction
Computed Tomography
2-D refraction CT by conventional x-ray tubes has dis-
advantages. It is limited to low x-ray energies from
characteristic Cu and Mo radiation and thus restricted
to low-density materials. The thickness of the investi-
gated layer is as large as 1 mm and the measurements
require over 10 h. To overcome these limitations 3-D
synchrotron refraction CT is employed. At the BAMline
at BESSY, Berlin the available monochromatic energy
ranges from 5 keV up to 60 keV. Further advantages
are the high photon flux, the selectable energy and the
highly parallel photon flux.
The experimental set up is sketched in Fig. 16.76
[16.56]. A parallel monochromatic beam (up to 60 keV)
at about 2% bandwidth is delivered by a double mul-
tilayer monochromator (DMM). At the experimental
stage a beam of several 10 mm
is reflected sequentially
by two Si(111) single crystals at their Bragg condition
for the chosen energy. An x-ray-sensitive CCD cam-
era of about 5 × 5 μm
resolution is placed behind the
Part D 16.5