950 Part D Materials Performance Testing
In Sect. 16.7.2, the Weibull analysis will be intro-
duced, as it has become the major tool in science and
industry to analyze failure data. Due to the importance
of this issue, this section is the longest in this chap-
Section 16.7.3 will show different test strategies.
Those address the basic problem of how to character-
ize reliability with a small number of sample devices
with the smallest possible time effort.
A similar question is addressed in Sect. 16.7.4,in-
troducing the important acceleration techniques. The
basic idea is to apply higher stresses to the device than
under real-life conditions to provoke failures. By means
of physical models describing the degradation process,
the lifetime under real conditions can be estimated.
In the last Sect. 16.7.5, quantitative reliability esti-
mation for complex systems will briefly be discussed.
The failure behavior of a complex system consisting
of single components can be calculated from the com-
ponent reliabilities. Here, we restrict discussion to the
simple case where the system solely consists of compo-
nents with serial and parallel functionality.
In this chapter, special emphasis will be placed on
the following
enabling the reader to become familiar quickly with
the basic concepts of reliability
restricting discussion to the main tools presently
used in science and industry.
For further reading, key literature is given. To com-
pletely understand this material it is inevitable that
more-sophisticated literature, which deals with special
topics in more depth than is possible here, will have to
be consulted.
There are some standard textbooks available that
introduce the basic concepts. Some of them have hand-
book character and are designed for daily use in
practice [16.102–106]. Others emphasize the mathe-
matical background and statistical tools [16.107].
Also there are several websites available dealing
with reliability. Some of these websites, e.g. [16.108,
109], offer excellent tutorials and introductions to re-
liability. Further websites are found in the survey
paper [16.110].
The Bathtub Curve
In order to describe the time dependence of a device’s
failure behavior, a reliability parameter called the failure
rate λ(t) rate is used. Simply speaking, this describes
the (average) number of failures per time unit. An exact
definition will be given in the next section.
λ (t)
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
Fig. 16.102 The typical bathtub curve (thick line), as a su-
perimposition of the three failure rates belonging to
independent failure mechanisms dominating in the regions
1–3 (dashed lines)
In most cases, if λ(t) is plotted against time, a typ-
ical bathtub shaped curve is observed (Fig. 16.102)
The bathtub curve is categorized into three regions.
Region 1 exhibits a falling failure rate and covers
the so-called early failures (infant mortality). The
origin of those failures in most cases is not related
to material properties, but rather to the quality of the
manufacturing process of the whole device.
Region 2 is characterized by a constant failure rate
and covers random failures that are not governed by
a single failure mechanism. In this region, the de-
vice fails due to miscellaneous interactions with its
environment, e.g. peak-like overloads, misuse, high
temperatures and others.
Region 3 is the region where material-related fail-
ures start to dominate. Therefore, the somewhat
imprecise phrase wear-out failures is commonly
used for this phase. The failure modes in this re-
gion are often initiated by detrimental changes of
the devices’ material components, caused by the ser-
vice loads applied to the device. The mechanisms
leading to failures are called degradation mecha-
nisms. Those mechanisms lead to a strong increase
of the failure rate with time. Typical degradation
mechanisms are mechanical fatigue (Chap. 7), cor-
rosion (Chap. 12), wear (Chap.13), biogenic impact
(Chap. 14), and material–environment interactions
(Chap. 15).
A very important statement is that the Weibull analysis
(Sect. 16.7.2) enables us to judge to which category the
investigated product belongs using the failure data anal-
Part D 16.7