978 Part E Modeling and Simulation Methods
0.001 0.01 0.1
MD time step Δt
Deviation from exact solution
k = 2.00
k = 3.99
k = 4.97
Fig. 17.2 The relation between the deviation in particle tra-
jectory from the exact solution of the harmonic oscillator
after 100 cycles and the calculation time step Δt.The
slope k of the linear approximation of each set of plots is
also depicted
the system considered. However, in the case of the
simulation of complex systems of many atoms, nu-
merical errors might also originate from other factors
such as an artificial cutoff of the interactions or com-
puter roundoff errors in the numerical treatment. So,
we cannot definitely conclude that the higher-order
Gear methods are superior to the Verlet method. In
some practical simulations of a small protein [17.3],
the Verlet method does show more accurate energy
conservation than the higher-order (fourth to eighth)
Gear methods for a considerably large time step, al-
though the calculation time is shorter and the consumed
memory space is lower for the Verlet methods. In
a practical sense, we should choose these numer-
ical methods depending on available computational
resources such as calculation speed and memory
Program Languages
and Computational Platforms
To end this section, we consider the program languages
in which the calculation code is written and the plat-
forms on which the MD calculations are performed.
The program that executes MD calculations on com-
puters are usually written in particular languages. The
FORTRAN language is one of the most popular due to
its historical use for supercomputers. Of course, other
program languages such as the C or JAVA are also good
for the coding MD programs.
In terms of the platform for the simulation, any
type of computer, for example supercomputers, work-
stations, personal computers (PCs), or others, can be
used for MD simulations. Any type of operating sys-
tem, such as UNIX, Windows, Macintosh, or Linux,
will work, as long as it supports the language used.
In particular, since the main part of the MD calcula-
tions consists of the computation of forces acting on
each particle, which can be calculated independently,
the use of computers with vector or parallel proces-
sors makes the calculation highly efficient. In addition,
the computing power of modern personal computers
is sufficient to perform MD simulations at a satisfac-
tory speed. Examples of typical calculation time of
MD simulations on a PC will appear in the following
17.1.2 Constraints
on the Simulation Systems
MD simulation is inevitably restricted by computational
power. Therefore, in this section, we shall introduce two
remedies for this deficiency: periodic boundary condi-
tions and the bookkeeping method.
Since the typical time scale for atomic motions
is of the order of a picosecond (10
) or less, we
should use values of the order of a femtosecond
) for the time step Δt to keep the numeric-
al errors small. Therefore, it takes many more than
a million iterations to follow the motion of a single
atom for just a microsecond. Moreover, the number
of calculations required grows rapidly as the num-
berofatomsN in the system increases. Under these
circumstances, we should satisfy ourselves with the
calculation of a small system with fewer than a mil-
lion atoms and a short physical process over less than
a few microseconds. Thus there is always a large dis-
crepancy in both length and time scale between the
real macroscopic system and the simulation system we
can handle. For example, the typical size of a million-
atom system is as small as a few tens of nanometers,
which means that the simulation system is far from
Periodic Boundary Condition
A popular remedy for the length scale problem is the use
of periodic boundary conditions. As shown schemati-
cally in Fig. 17.3, we first confine all the atoms to a box,
and then copy the box, together with the atoms in the
box, identically in three directions. By repeating this
procedure, we can fill the whole space with the original
Part E 17.1