966 Part D Materials Performance Testing
rate for the electronic components is assumed, which
depends on the load conditions (temperature, moisture,
mechanicalvibrations,...).Thereliability of the whole
electronic subsystem is determined by addition of all
failure rates.
Actuators. Additional challenges arise from the fact that
mechatronic systems often include new materials that
serve as actuators or sensors. This class of materials is
called smart materials. These active materials, which
include ferro- and piezoelectric ceramics [16.143, 144]
and shape-memory alloys [16.145], exhibit failures
under long-term operation that are not well under-
stood despite intensive work over the last decades. In
particular, it is not understood which failures occur
under which service conditions (electrical, mechani-
cal stress, temperature, etc.), and the failure probability
functions under those service conditions are not yet
The actuators used in the AI consist of piezoelec-
tric materials. Piezoelectric materials have been used
in the context of adaptronic systems for several years,
however, reliability data available from manufacturers
refer to service conditions from other applications like
fuel injection systems or micro positioning. It is there-
fore a challenging task to transfer the given reliability
data to the actual service conditions of the AI. This can
only be done by combination of expert judgement and
experimental tests where necessary.
Control. The controllers at one hand consist of elec-
tronic hardware, which was already described in the
previous section. On the other hand, it consists of
software components, which differ markedly from hard-
ware components with respect to their failure behavior.
Up to now, there is no general reliability model for soft-
ware available [16.146]. Present methods of software
reliability estimation, as e.g. described in [16.147,148],
are able to quantify implementation failures mainly. Im-
plementation failures origin from human programming
errors [16.149]. State of the art is the assumption of
a correlation between the amount of generated codes
and the amount of failures, which is, on the other hand,
not generally accepted [16.150]. A quantification of
specification errors is not possible at current state of the
art [16.149].
iii) System Reliability
Based on the information gained from the above de-
scribed procedure, it was possible to estimate the
Weibull parameters characteristic lifetime, Weibull
module and failure free time for the subcomponents
(compare Sect. 16.1.2).
Under the given preassumption, that the failure
behaviors of the subcomponents are independent, the
system reliability function of the AI reads, following
Sect. 16.1.5, as follows
Active interface
= R
× R
× R
× R
. (16.65)
The system reliability function R
is obtained from
multiplication of the component reliability functions ac-
cording to (16.65). In case of time-dependent failure
behavior, the analytical solution of the mutiplication
in these equations can only be solved by computa-
tion. This was done by means of the software package
SYSLEB, which was developed at the IMA (Institute
of Machine Components, University of Stuttgart) for
the purpose of conducting several analyses. SYSLEB
is a powerful software package to analyse life cycle
data using different distributions (e.g. Weibull, normal,
lognormal, exponential). Computation of Weibull dis-
tribution parameters including confidence limits as well
as extensive mathematic and graphic illustrations are
more SYSLEB-features used for this work. Maximum-
Likelihood estimation for combinations of several
distribution functions and Monte-Carlo-simulation are
further possibilities to use SYSLEB for analyzing sys-
tem reliability.
In order to visualize the Weibull lines for the system
reliability function R
(t) as well as for the subcom-
ponents, the Weibull lines are plotted into a Weibull
diagram, what is also a feature of the SYSLEB soft-
ware tool, Fig. 16.119. As can be seen, The Weibull
lines for the components actuator (red), bias spring
(blue), controller (magenta), amplifier (yellow) as well
as the resulting system reliability line (green) are shown
in one graph according to the schematic drawing in
Fig. 16.115.
For the electronic components like controller and
amplifier, a constant failure rate was assumed, what
is typical of electronic components. In the Weibull
plot, this is expressed by a straight line. The other
components were assumed to have a wear-out fail-
ure behavior with a given failure-free time. As can
be seen from the plot, the system reliability curve
at lower lifetimes depends on the failure behavior of
the electronic components. However, after reaching the
failure free time of the actuators, the actuators start
to dominate. Only after very long lifetimes, the bias
spring gives a significant contribution to the system
reliability function. As can be seen from the Weibull
Part D 16.7