Performance Control 16.4 Computerized Tomography – Application to Inorganic Materials 921
2. An instrument comparable to the electronic micro-
scope with a more scientific purpose and able to give
information at a microscopic scale (several hun-
dreds of microns).
In the first case, the resolution power of the medical
scanner is good enough for a device of classical NDT.
We have found only one major inconvenience, namely
the lack of reliability of the scanner to make precise
measurements of the dimensions of the defects within
more than 25%.
In the second case, the resolution of the scan-
ner is not good enough to study the transverse cracks
in the matrix. We can estimate the spatial resolu-
tion of the scanner at some hundreds of micrometers,
whereas we would need 10 μm. We are dealing here
with an important need which needs more investi-
Nevertheless, we should point out that the reso-
lution in density of the scanner is of the order of
, which makes it possible to resolve all the de-
fects contained by composites whether they are cracks,
delaminations, fiber bundles, or porosities. The varia-
tion of the Hounsfield density must be related at the
volumetric density but also to the modification of the
chemical microstructure of the materials. From this
point of view, the scanner enables studies of the crys-
tallization of polymeric matrix of rubbers, for example.
This means that x-ray tomography is a multiscale NDT
16.4 Computerized Tomography – Application to Inorganic Materials
The study of volume properties as well as of dimen-
sional features with computed tomography requires
an optimized selection of source–detector combina-
tion depending on the material composition (energy-
dependent linear attenuation coefficient μ), the size
of the samples and the maximum thickness of ma-
terial that has to be irradiated, d. Additionally the
manipulator system and the mounting need to suf-
fice the required accuracy. The maximum SNR of
a CT measurement of a homogenous sample is given
for μd
2, corresponding to a transmission of about
11% [16.40]. This value is valid only for line detec-
tors with a sufficient detector collimator and shielding
between single detector elements. Due to some lim-
itations, especially for flat detectors, the conditions
for optimum image quality differ from this theoretical
For organic materials with low atomic numbers
and low density, medical scanners can be applied
in many cases. As an example fiber-reinforced heli-
copter blades have been investigated for many years
by computed tomography, using commercial medical
scanners [16.41]. Inorganic materials require radiation
sources with higher energy and appropriate detector
systems. The different kinds of computed tomography
equipment developed at Federal Institute for Materials
Research and Testing (BAM) represents the state of
the art on this field and are described in the following
knowing well that commercial solutions are in general
more efficient with regard to saving of time and user
16.4.1 High-Energy CT
This field covers roughly the energy range given by
420 kV x-ray tubes over some radionuclide sources up
to electron linear accelerators with a maximum en-
ergy of 12 MeV. Most of the high-energy scanners used
have line detectors which can be shielded against the
scattered radiation. Starting with a translation/rotation
scanning principle and multidetector systems, today
line detectors are common with several hundred de-
tector elements and scanning times in the range of
some minutes and lower. At BAM a scanner for a 380-
kV x-ray tube and a
Co radionuclide source was
described as early as 1985 [16.42]. This universal scan-
ner was extended for measurements with a 12-MeV
electron linear accelerator (LINAC, Raytech 4000) in
combination with a multi-detector system with step-
motor-controlled collimator slits [16.43]. The actual
research covers the study of some effects of high-energy
cone beam CT with a LINAC and
Co using an a-
Si flat-panel detector (Perkin Elmer, 16-bit ADC, 256×
256 pixel, pixel size is 0.8mm
). Due to the focal spot
size of high-energy radiation sources, which is on the
order of about 1.5 mm, the spatial resolution is limited
to a few tenths of a mm.
16.4.2 High-Resolution CT
Using magnification techniques a much higher spa-
tial resolution can be reached. The condition hereby
is that the focal spot size can be lowered to the mi-
Part D 16.4