Nanoscopic Architecture and Microstructure 5.4 Molecular Architecture Analysis 259
the growth of single crystals at high quality is gener-
ally difficult for such materials. The direct method is
applicable only to molecules of 100 or fewer atoms
because, as molecular size increases, the ambiguity in
phase determination rapidly increases. The heavy atoms
substitution method works for molecules larger than
600 atoms. So a gap is present for molecules in the inter-
mediate size range. In principle, as long as a good single
crystal sample is obtained, there is no limitation on the
molecular size. The maximum size so far achieved by
making full use of up-to-date methods is as large as
that of ribosome (4 × 10
in molecular weight), though
normally, the maximum size subject to routine analysis
is ≈10
in molecular weight. The powder diffraction
technique is also applicable to large molecules, but the
accuracy is limited due to the difficulty in separation of
diffraction peaks, which are more crowded than from
small molecules. The maximum molecular size is sev-
eral thousands of atoms. For more details on x-ray
structural analysis of macromolecules, see [5.73].
5.4.2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Standard structural analysis by NMR proceeds follow-
ing (1) sample preparation, (2) NMR spectra measure-
ments, (3) spectral analysis to assign NMR signals to
the responsible nuclei and find the connectivity of the
nuclei through bonds and space, (conventionally the
term signals is used rather than peaks because NMR
resonances are not always observed as peaks.) and fi-
nally (4) the deduction of structural models using the
knowledge obtained in (3) as well as information from
other chemical analyses as a constraint in the proce-
dure of fitting model to experiment. The final step (4)
is like forming a chain of metal rings of various shapes
(e.g., amino acid residues in proteins) on a frame hav-
ing knots in some places linked to others on the chain.
For this reason, particularly for macromolecules such as
proteins, it is difficult to determine the complete mo-
lecular structure uniquely from NMR analysis alone.
Since we can only deduce possible candidates for the
structure, it is better to refer to models rather than struc-
tures. This is in marked contrast to structural analysis by
x-ray diffraction in which the crystal structure is more
or less determined from the diffraction data alone. Nev-
ertheless, NMR has advantages over x-ray diffraction
methods in many respects such as
1. Single crystal samples are not needed. The samples
may be amorphous or in solution.
2. Effects of intermolecular interactions, that may
change the molecular structure, can be avoided by
dispersing samples in suspending solution.
3. Dynamic motion of molecules can be detected.
4. A local structure can be selectively investigated
without knowing the whole structure.
5. Fatal damage due to intense x-ray irradiation, that
is likely to happen in organic molecules, can be
Points 2–4 are of particular importance for proteins
that function in solution, changing their local conforma-
tional structure dynamically.
In this chapter, we will describe only steps (2) and
(3) in some detail, leaving (1) and (4) to good text-
books [5.74–76] except for a few words on step (1).
Before proceeding to the experimental details, we
briefly summarize the information that NMR spectra
Information Given by NMR Spectra
Nuclei other than those containing both an even num-
ber of protons and neutrons (such as
have a nonzero nuclear spin I. The magnetogyric ra-
tio γ
giving the nuclear magnetic moment (Sect.5.1.2)
is a natural constant specific to the nuclear species.
Table 5.4 lists isotopic nuclei commonly contained in
organic molecules having hydrocarbons in the back-
bones. Among them, proton
H, carbon
N are characterized by the smallest nuclear
spin 1/2. As explained later, this fact, together with the
fact that
H in very high natural abundance has a large
value, provides the reason why mainly these isotopes
are used for high-resolution NMR measurements. As far
as stated in the following, we consider only the case of
I = 1/2 for simplicity. The values of the Larmor (not
angular) frequency at a typical magnetic field of 2.35 T
are listed in the fifth column in Table 5.4 for various iso-
lated nuclei. It should be noted that, with increasing γ
the energy difference of the two spin states, and hence
the population difference and the magnetization to be
detected in experiments, increase, so the sensitivity of
NMR is high particularly for protons that have a large
The magnetic field B
felt by the nuclear spins may
differ from the external field due to many causes.
Chemical Shift. The external magnetic field is shielded
by the diamagnetic current of s electrons or enhanced
by the paramagnetic current of p and d electrons sur-
rounding the nucleus. In contrast to the shielding field
Part B 5.4