Nanoscopic Architecture and Microstructure References 277
possible, is not efficient enough. Phase contrast imag-
ing (PCI), as in optical microscopy (Sect. 5.1.2), is an
approach to overcome this problem also in x-ray re-
gions, though there is a difficulty due to the small
size of the phase shift in light elements. However,
in the soft x-ray region, the phase shift can be 10
times larger than in the hard x-ray region, so x-ray
PCI has been introduced. Among the four schemes
so far attempted, interferometric imaging, holography-
like imaging, diffraction enhancement imaging, and
Zernike-type microscopy, the interferometric method
is most sensitive for acquiring phase contrasts. The
method uses a Mach–Zehnder x-ray interferometer cut
out of a large Si single crystal ingot which is mounted
on a multiaxis goniometer set in the beam line of a syn-
chrotron radiation source. X-ray phase shift computed
tomography [5.89] exploiting the ability of phase re-
trieval allows one to reconstruct 3-D images such as
those shown in Fig. 5.113.
Fig. 5.113 X-ray phase image of a tissue of a rat kidney.
Tubules in the tissue, a part of which was clogged by pro-
tein (T), were depicted. Glomeruli (G) were also revealed
(Courtesy of Drs. A. Momose, J. Wu, and T. Takeda)
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Part B 5