250 Part B Chemical and Microstructural Analysis
cancy concentration, as long as the vacancies are not
saturated with positrons. Owing to the preferential trap-
ping of positrons to vacancies, the detection limit of
vacancy concentrations is enhanced by 2–3 orders of
magnitude compared to the dilatometric method [5.64].
Since PAS experiments can be conducted irrespective
of sample temperature, the vacancy concentration can
be measured in thermal equilibrium, which is an advan-
tage over the resistometric techniques that need sample
quenching from various annealing temperatures.
The directions of the two γ -rays emitted on positron
annihilation are not completely opposite due to the fact
that the electrons to be annihilated have a finite momen-
tum whereas the momentum of thermalized positrons
is negligible: the larger the electron momentum, the
larger the correlation angle (Similarly, the energy of
γ -rays emitted on positron annihilation reflects the ki-
netic energy of the electrons through a Doppler effect.
The Doppler shift measurements provide information
similar to that given by the γ –γ angular correla-
tion. The coincident Doppler broadening technique is
found to be useful for the identification of impurities
bound to vacancy defects [5.65].). Figure 5.64 illus-
trates a schematic γ –γ angular correlation curve which
consists of a parabolic component, which arises from
annihilation with conduction electrons whose momen-
tum is relatively small, and a Gaussian component,
which is due to annihilation with core electrons whose
momentum extends to larger values. The potential felt
by conduction electrons at vacancy sites is shallower
and the electron momentum is smaller than the perfect
sites. So, if the positrons are trapped by vacancy-
type defects, the parabolic component becomes sharper
and increases its intensity at the expense of the core
Coincident counts
k ≈ electron momentum
Core electrons
Conduction electrons
0 θ
Fig. 5.64 Setup of γ –γ angular correlation experiments
and a schematic correlation spectrum
component. Various line shape parameters have been
proposed to quantify this curve shape change and used
to investigate, for example, the agglomeration of va-
cancies in electron-irradiated crystal upon isochronal
annealing [5.66]. Nowadays, γ –γ angular correlation
experiments are conducted in two-dimensions by us-
ing two position-sensitive detectors in a coincidence
arrangement. The 2-D-angular correlation of annihila-
tion radiation (2-D-ACAR) is a modern method that
allows one to investigate nanosize crystalline phases
such as G-P zones enriched with transition metals in
noble metals such as Cu and Ag [5.67].
The detection limit of vacancies by PAS is usually
around 10
in metals. In semiconducting materials,
it may be enhanced by two orders of magnitude at
low temperatures when the vacancies are negatively
charged. Since the positrons initially emitted from the
positron source (e.g.,
Na) have an energy of the or-
der of hundreds of keV, they can penetrate deep into the
sample (≈1mminSi,≈0.2 mm in Fe), so the thickness
of the samples must be of the order of 1 mm. The use
of slow positron beams, with energy ranging between
a few eV and several tens of keV, enables one to study
the depth profile of point defects, a problem of particu-
lar importance in semiconductor device technology.
Mößbauer Spectroscopy. The Mößbauer spectroscopy
is based on the recoil-less radiation and absorption of
γ -rays by Mößbauer nuclei embedded in solids with an
extremely narrow natural width (≈ 5×10
eV) . S em i-
classically, the conservation of the momentum and the
energy of the emitted (or absorbed) γ -ray and the solid
suspending the nucleus requires that a part of the γ -ray
must be transferred to the nucleus as a recoil energy.
Here E
is the energy of the γ -ray, M the nuclear mass,
and c the light velocity. Quantum mechanically, how-
ever, the motion of nuclei is quantized in the form of
phonons, so if E
< Ω (phonon energy), the emis-
sion and absorption of γ -rays occurs free of recoil.
The condition for this recoil-less radiation and absorp-
tion is k
> E
, where k
is the Boltzmann
constant, and θ
the Debye temperature of the crystal.
The most common combination of an emitter and an
absorber satisfying this condition is
Co (half life =
270 d) and
Fe (natural abundance = 2.17%) between
which 14.413 keV γ -rays are transferred.
Part B 5.3