230 Part B Chemical and Microstructural Analysis
arated by an energy ω
=γ B
is called the Larmor angular frequency. In magnetic res-
onance experiments, the sample is further subject to
a small magnetic field perpendicular to the static field
and alternating at the Larmor frequency, which reso-
nantly induces transitions between the two states. In
Fig. 5.36a, the number of filled circles indicates the
population of the respective states. Since, in thermal
equilibrium, the lower energy state (up-spin state) is
more occupied than the higher energy state (down-spin
state), the spin system absorbs a net energy from the
electromagnetic oscillations.
Classically, a magnetic moment under a static
magnetic field precesses around the axis of the
static magnetic field (normally taken as the z-axis)
at the Larmor frequency, as shown schematically
in Fig. 5.36b. In thermal equilibrium, however, the
precession of the spins cannot be detected because
each precession is random (incoherent) and hence, in
macroscopic samples containing many spins, the mag-
netization of the spin assembly is averaged out leaving
only the z-axis component, due to the excess population
of up spins. An intuitive picture of magnetic resonance
is such that the spins become bunched coherently under
a resonant microwave and the resultant magnetization,
represented by a vector shown in Fig. 5.36c, flips its
head down drawing a spiral trajectory. Although this
classical vector model is rarely used in electron spin
resonance (ESR) or electron paramagnetic resonance
(EPR), it is repeatedly applied to interpretation of nu-
clear magnetic resonance (NMR). (Although ESR and
EPR are often used interchangeably in textbooks, the
term ESR in this chapter refers to a generic methodol-
ogy including EPR.)
What makes magnetic resonance informative for
structural studies of materials is the interactions of var-
ious origins operating between spins. The magnetic
moments associated with spins exert an effective mag-
netic field on the dipole moment of other spins (classical
dipole–dipole interaction). The Pauli principle gives
rise to a quantum-mechanical interaction between two
electronic spins (exchange interaction). The behavior of
a general system consisting of electron spins and nu-
clear spins interacting with each other is described by
the effective spin Hamiltonian formally written as
H = B
I +IQI +··· . (5.19)
Here S and I are now quantum operators of to-
tal electronic spins and nuclear spins, respectively.
The tensorial magnetogyric ratios γ
[slightly modi-
fied from (5.17) by spin–orbit coupling, the detail of
which is given in Sect. 5.4.2]andγ
or the correspond-
ing tensorial g-factors describe the Zeeman splitting,
respectively, J
the direct exchange interaction between
spins (slightly modified by spin–orbit coupling), J
nuclear spin–spin indirect interaction, A the effect of the
environment of the spins (e.g., anisotropic crystal field),
Q the nuclear quadrupole interaction between the elec-
tric quadrupole moment associated with I > 1/2 nuclei
and an electric field gradient at the nuclear position. Due
to the large difference between the particle mass of elec-
trons and nuclei, γ
. Therefore, electron spins feel
only small perturbations by nuclear spins, but the EPR
spectra exhibit quite informative fine structures arising
mainly from the third term of (5.19). On the contrary,
since the presence of electronic spins has enormous ef-
fects on the nuclear spin states, NMR spectra become
complicated in paramagnetic samples.
In the absence of electronic spins, the interaction
of nuclear spins with the environment is so weak that
the nuclei have a long spin lifetime, a quantity express-
ing how long the spin coherence once established is
maintained as long as the nuclei are stationary in space.
In other words, the decrease of nuclear spin lifetime
with dynamic motion of the nuclei gives ample infor-
mation of the dynamics. This unique feature of NMR
provides the basis of NMR studies of impurity diffu-
sion in solids (Sect.5.3.1) and of molecular architecture
(Sect. 5.4.2).
There are many other experimental methods
that may be classified as magnetic resonance spec-
troscopy. Optically detected magnetic resonance
(ODMR) (Sect. 5.3.1), magnetic circular-polarized
emission (MCPE) (Sect. 5.3.1), and magnetic circular
dichroic absorption (MCDA) (Sect. 5.3.1) are optical
spectroscopic versions of EPR. Muon spin resonance
(μSR) (Sect. 5.3.1) and perturbed angular correlation
(PAC) (Sect. 5.3.1) may be regarded as NMR of
exotic or radioactive particles. However, these tech-
niques will be described in a more relevant section
(Sect. 5.3.1).
Electron Spectroscopy
Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (EELS). Nowadays,
transmission electron microscopes are often equipped
with an electron energy spectrometer for routine anal-
ysis of electron energy loss. Like photons, electrons
injected into solid samples lose their energy by ex-
Part B 5.1