392 The Undermining of Austria-Hungary
88. Albertini, Epistolario,
II, no. 869, p. 980; Ojetti, Lettere, p. 576. Later, Albertini would
even judge that the Corriere had won the polemic (ibid., p. 1013). Both Trumbic
the British ambassador felt the opposite at the time: AJA, JO 19/173; HLRO, Lloyd
George MSS, F/56/29, Rodd to Lloyd George, pte, 25 September.
89. Malagodi's term:
Malagodi, Conversazioni della Guerra, II, p. 383. For Orlando's
outlook, see especially his conversation with Malagodi, pp. 371±3.
90. Ojetti to
Albertini, 28 August: Albertini, Epistolario, II, no. 870, p. 982.
91. Gallenga was
all the more motivated to join forces against Sonnino as the latter,
having found out about the Allied propaganda conference, had complained to
Orlando and demanded that Gallenga's ministry be made subordinate to his
own: see Tosi, La Propaganda Italiana, pp. 211±13. Nitti appears to have been
convinced by Amendola's advice that the best way to avoid crisis was to shift the
balance in the cabinet towards Bissolati: see Albertini, Epistolario, II, no. 873, p. 987.
92. Malagodi, Conversaz
ioni della Guerra, II, pp. 385±8. See also Trumbic
's notes of
27 August in AJA, JO 19/173.
93. Albertini, Epistolario,
II, pp. 1066±7 note 440.
94. For Sonnino's
continued influence from September, see Tosi, La Propaganda Itali-
pp. 214ff; and his remarks to Charles Merriam: PRO, FO 371/3137, Merriam to
Sisson, 9 September 1918.
95. AJA, JO
28/48(1), `Pregled rada, Manifesti sul nemico'; JO 28/48(2), `Giornali sul
96. Ojetti, Lettere,
p. 560; Albertini, Epistolario, II, no. 855, p. 953.
97. Manifesto 90,
`Srbi, Hrvati i Slovenci!' (Croat and Slovene: KA, EvB 5758/26661).
98. Manifesto 99
[issued in most languages], `Soldaten! (KA, EvB, Fasz.5758/26661,
5744/4538; OHM, sz.1485, 1415/10; AJA, JO 19/95); Diaz war bulletins of 18 June
and 6 July (OHM, sz.1353/1/2/3; OHM, sz.1264/1).
99. Zanotti-Bianco, Carteggio
1906±1918, p. 635. For the leaflets, see: `Soldaten des
oesterreich-ungarischen Heeres' (KA, EvB, Fasz.5753/19324); `Soldaten! In Oester-
reich und
in Ungarn ist die Revolution ausgebrochen!' (OHM sz.7354; in Croat:
HIL, Fasz.4517 `Propaganda Anyag'). For an Austrian reaction to `these tendentious
lies': KA, 11AK Gstbs Abt, Fasz.449, Pr.2295.
100. SWP,
Draft EPD Report, p. 40. See, for example, manifesto 99 [Italian and German
editions], `Soldati combattenti per l'Austria-Ungheria!' (OHM, sz.1415/10, 1485);
manifesto 94 [Romanian], `Ostasi roma
(AJA, JO 19/94; IWM, 3(45) File 39);
and manifesto 170, `Soldaten! Zehntausende von eurem Bru
sind an der Piave
und den Montellomassiv gefallen' (rare leaflet, only discovered in VHA collection).
101. Manifesto 108 [issued in most languages], `Ai soldati combattenti...' (numerous
copies in
OHM, sz.1252; KA, Flugzettel Sammlung; AHZ, Dobrovoljac
Arhiv, etc.).
The actual Austrian losses appear to have been half this figure but for Padua's
claims: manifesto 112, Polak no. 5, 6 July (KA, 11AK Fasz.451, `Flugzettel I').
102. Manifest
o 168, `Jugoslaveni!' (KA, Flugzettel Sammlung). The same message was
the subject of manifesto 165, `Magyar Katona
k!' (KA, 11AK Fasz.451, `Flugzettel I');
manifesto 173, `Jaky
dojem v Rakousku...' (ibid.); and manifesto 167, `Polacy!' (KA,
EvB, Fasz.5761/31651).
103. Much
was made of Below's `appointment': see manifestos 165; 161, `Magyar Kato-
(OHM, sz.01188); and the following, all in KA, 11AK Fasz.451, `Flugzettel I':
153, Ukraõ
n'ci! [Ruthene]; 152, `Polacy!'; 154, `Srbi, Hrvati i Slovenci!'; 147, `Solda
163, `CRoma
a Slova
ci!'. That false intelligence about Below was widespread
on the Allied side is clear from American sources: Challener (ed.), United States