sharp eyesight, he would have recognised
who was there
lèirsinneach, -iche a discerning, percep-
tive, visual
na h-ealain lèirsinneach the
visual arts
leis prep
form of le used before a def noun
or with the pron gach
also prep pron of
le (q.v.) with him / it m, by him, it m etc.
leis, -e, -ean nf haunch, thigh
sùil na leise
the hip-joint
leis a 1. lee, leeward 2. larboard, port(side)
as the lee side and the port side of a ship
need not always be the same, these terms
are somewhat confusing – in the following
examples they could mean either – see
fasgadh for ‘lee’ and cli for ‘port’
iad air eathar a chur a-mach air an taobh
leis they had put out a boat on the leeward
bha e an taic ri taobh leis na luinge
he was leaning against the lee side of the
a’ruith leis running before the wind
leis oirn to leeward of us
Leisbeach, -ich, -ichean nf Lesbian
Leisbeach a Lesbian
leisg, -e nf disinclination, inertia, laziness,
cha robh leisg air⫹ vn he had no
qualms about (doing something)
leisg air sin a dhèanamh he was loath to
do that
leisg, -e a idle, lazy, sluggish
dh’fhàg e
orra gun robh iad leisg he accused them of
being lazy (see fàg)
is e am f ìor adhb-
har gu bheil iad leisg the real reason is
that they are lazy
is leisg orm I am loath
to, disinclined to, reluctant to …
also bi
leisg gu ⫹ inf
bha a bhean leisg gu
snìomh agus gu fighe his wife was reluc-
tant to spin and weave
leisgeadair, -ean nm drone (person only),
idler, lazy person
cha bhi àite nar measg
airson leisgeadairean there will be no
place among us for idlers
leisgean, -ein, -an nm / leisgear, -eir, -an
same as leisgeadair
is leisg le leis-
gean dhol a chadal, is seachd leisg leis
èirigh a lazy man is reluctant to go to bed,
but particularly reluctant to get up
leisgeul, -eil, -an nm apology, defence,
evasion, excuse, extenuation, plea, pre-
tence, pretext
gun leisgeul unpardonable
gabh / thoir leisgeul excuse v
dèan /
thoir leisgeul apologise
gabh mo
leisgeul excuse me, pardon me
thàinig i
a-nall a ghabhail an leisgeul she came
over to apologise for them
ma ghabhas
sibh mo leisgeul if you will excuse me
lèirsinneach 392
rinn e leisgeul air choreigin ri Seumas he
made some excuse or other to Seumas
tha leisgeul aig luchd-ionnsachaidh ma
bhitheas iad a’ dèanamh mhearachdan
learners have some excuse if they make
mistakes (lit. will be making)
urrainn leisgeulan sam bith a bhith againn
we can have no excuses
bha iad am
beachd nach robh e ach ri leisgeulan they
were of the opinion that he was just mak-
ing excuses (see ri)
cha bu chòir dhaibh
a bhith a’ cleachdadh suidheachaidhean
mar sin mar leisgeul they ought not to be
using situations like that as an excuse
iomadh leisgeul a tha aig a’ gheamhradh
air a bhith fuar, oir cha bu dual dha bhith
teth the winter has many excuses for being
cold, for it is not in his nature to be warm
leisgire, -ean nm sluggard
leiteachas, -ais nm partiality, preference
leiteachas an aghaidh prejudice against
leiteas, -eis, -an nm
same as leiteis
leiteis, -ean nf lettuce
leith, -e, -ean nf nerve
leith an fhradhairc
optic nerve
see letheach
leithid, -e, -ean nf equal, peer, equiva-
chan fhaighinn a-mach còmhla
ri mo leithidean eile I would not get
out along with my other peers
eil e ach aimlisgeach na leithidean seo
eile a chleachdadh it’s simply confus-
ing to use these other equivalents
leithid used with poss adjs means
‘the like(s) of’, ‘such a …’
an dara-
sealladh is a leithid sin [the] second-
sight and that kind of thing (lit. its
thuirt iad nach fhaca iad riamh
a leithid they said that they had
never seen its like
bha ad air nach
fhaca mi a leithid a-riamh he was
wearing a hat the likes of which I had
never seen (lit. there was a hat on him
that not its like I had ever seen)
chuala e ceòl nach cuala e a leithid a-
riamh roimhe he heard music the likes
of which he had never heard before
tha inbhe aig a’ Ghàidhlig am measg
Ghaidheal agus Ghall nach fhacas
a leithid riamh roimhe Gaelic has
a status among Gaels and Lowlanders
the likes of which has never been seen