m.-dhùthasach a degenerate m.-
earbsa nf misgiving m.-earbsach
a mistrustful m.-fhaiceallach a care-
less, incautious m.-fhallain a morbid,
unsound, unwholesome m.-fhàbhar
nm disfavour m.-fhoighidinn nf impa-
tience m.-fhoighidneach a impatient
m.-fhoisneach / fhoistneach a rest-
less, unsettled
bha mi glè mhì-
fhoisneach anns na bliadhnachan ud
I was very restless in those years m.-
fhortan nm misfortune m.-fhortanach
a unfortunate
gu mì-fhortanach air-
son an duine seo … unfortunately for
this man … m.-fhreagarrach a incon-
gruous m.-fhreagarrachd nf incon-
gruity m.-ghealltanach a unpromising
tha e coltach nach eil an suid-
heachadh cho mì-ghealltanach it
appears the situation isn’t so
unpromising m.-ghean nm displeasure
fhuair e asta adhbhar am mì-ghean
he found out from them the reason of
their displeasure m.-gheanmnachd nf
debauchery m.-ghnìomh nm misde-
meanour, misdeed m.-ghnàthach
a abnormal m.-ghnàthachadh nm &
vn of m.-ghnàthaich abusing (treating
badly), abuse (bad treatment) m.-
ghnàthaich v abuse
tha e air a mhì-
ghnáthachadh cho tric it is so often
abused m.-ghnàthaichte pp odd,
aig uairean mì-ghnàthaichte
at odd / unusual hours m.-ghnàthas
nm abnormality m.-ghoireasach a
inconvenient m.-laghail a unlawful
m.-laghalachd nf illegality m.-leas
nm disadvantage m.-loinn nf inele-
gance, infelicity (of style etc.) m.-
loinneil a inelegant m.-mhìneachadh
nm misconstruction m.-mhìnich v
misconstrue m.-mheanmnach a crest-
fallen m.-mhisneachadh nm & vn of
m.-mhisnich discouraging etc., dis-
couragement m.-mhisneachd nf
despondency m.-mhisnich v discour-
age, dishearten m.-mhodh nm dis-
courtesy, impertinence, rudeness ri
m.-mhodh being rude / impertinent /
up to mischief m.-mhodhail / mìomhail
a cheeky, discourteous, impertinent,
impolite, indecorous, indelicate, naughty,
rude, unmannerly m.-mhodhalachd
nf incivility m.-naomha a profane,
unholy m.-naomhachadh nm & vn of
m.-naomhaich profaning, desecration
m.-naomhaich v profane m.-nàdar-
rach / m.-nàdurra a abnormal,
grotesque, monstrous, preternatural,
unnatural m.-nàrach a immodest
m.-onair nf dishonesty m.-onarach a
dishonest m.-rèite nf discrepancy
bha mì-rèite eadar na cùnntasan agus
na notaichean there was a discrepancy
between the accounts and the notes
m.-reusanta a illogical, irrational,
preposterous, unreasonable
cha robh
e coltach rithe a bhith cho mi-reusanta
it wasn’t like her to be so unreasonable
m.-riaghail v misgovern m.-riaghailt
nf chaos, disarray, disorder, insubordi-
nation, irregularity, misrule m.-
riaghailteach a disorderly, eccentric,
irregular, unorderly
mì-riaghailteach irregular verbs
m.-riaghailteachd a eccentricity,
looseness m.-riaghlaich v mismanage,
misgovern m.-rian nm confusion, dis-
order m.-rianail a confused, disor-
cha mhath le inntinn rianail nì
a tha mì-rianail an orderly mind does
not like something disorderly
m.-riarachadh nm dissatisfaction m.-
riaraichte pp malcontent m.-runach
a malicious m.-rùn nm enmity, malice
(also mìorun) m.-sgiobalta a untidy
bha (a) fhalt mì-sgiobalta his hair was
untidy m.-shàbhailte a unsafe m.-
shàsail a unsatisfactory m.-shealbh
nm misadventure, misfortune m.-
shealbhach a inauspicious, luckless,
unfortunate, unlucky, unpropitious m.-
shealbhar a unsuccessful m.-shlàinteil
a insanitary m.-shona a unhappy
m.-shonas nm unhappiness m.-
shuaimhneas nm unrest, discontent
bha geamhradh am mì-shuaimhneis
a-nis seachad the winter of their dis-
content was now past m.-shuairce
a uncourteous m.-shuidhich v mislay,
misplace m.-shuidhichte pp misplaced,
an gràdh mì-shuidhichte
[the] misplaced love m.-steòrnadh nm
maladministration m.-stiùir v mis-
manage m.-stòlda a restless m.-
stuaim nf immodesty m.-stuama a
broad (of stories), immodest, intem-
perate, profligate m.-stuamachd nf
profligacy m.-thaing nf ingratitude
m.-thaingealachd nf ingratitude
m.-thaingeil a ungrateful, unthankful
m.-thaitneach a unpleasant, unpleasing
429 mi