leamhachadh, -aidh nm & vn of leamhaich
aggrieving etc., exasperation
leamhachas, -ais nm importunity
leamhadh, -aidh nm marsh mallow
leamhaich, -achadh v aggrieve, bore,
exasperate, irk, plague, vex
bha mi air
mo leamhachadh gu geur I was sharply
leamhan, -ain, -ain nm elm tree
leamhan-bog nm hornbeam
bha tri
leamhain-bhoga anns a’ ghàrradh there
were three hornbeams in the garden
an leamhain-bhuig the bark of the hornbeam
leamhnach, -aich nf tormentil
leamhnagan, -ain, -an nm sty(e)
lean, leantainn / leanmhainn / leantail v
1. dog, ensue, follow (trans & intrans),
pursue, succeed (⫽ follow)
is fhada a
bhios cuimhne agam air na làithean a lean
I will long remember the days that fol-
… an leanadh e bho sin gum bit-
headh sinn dad na bu shona? would it
follow from that that we would be a whit
the happier?
lean eisimpleir imitate
2. continue, proceed
lean an còmhradh
airson greis the conversation continued
for a while
lean a chuid rannsachaidh
gus am bliadhna his researches continued
until this year
ra leantainn to be contin-
ued (of a story) 3. lean air carry on, con-
tinue, descant, go on, insist, persevere,
feumaidh tu leantainn ort le do
sgrìobhadh you must continue with your
lean mi orm gus an do ràinig mi
a’ chreag I carried on till I reached the
rock 4. lean ri adhere to, persist, stick to
lean e ri mo mheuran it stuck to my fin-
lean iad gu dlùth ri aodach na
seann dùthcha they adhered closely to the
dress of the old country
lean gu dlùth
ri cliù do shinnsre follow steadfastly the
reputation of your ancestors (proverb)
tha meas aig mòran air an dìlseachd leis
an do lean na Gaidheil ris a’ Phrionnsa
many admire the fidelity with which the
Gaels stuck to the Prince
lean (ri chèile)
cohere 5. prosecute, sue
lean iad e ann
an Cùirt an t-Seisein they sued him in the
Court of Session 6. further idioms: lean
(air lorg) dog v
a leanas following, sub-
a rèir nan cumhnantan a leanas
… according to the following conditions
tagh sia de na facail a leanas choose six
of the following words
am measg nam
molaidhean aige tha na leanas among his
recommendations are the following (lit.
leagadh 386
air apply your mind to it
leag rudeigin
air impose something upon
ùnnlagh air fine, impose a fine (up)on
leag ùrlar / cabhsair pave 2. leag (sìos / gu
làr) demolish, down, knock / pull down,
fell, floor, raze, throw down, tumble
iad a’ leagail chraobh they were felling
leag iad am balla they knocked the
wall down
chaidh a leagail le càr he was
knocked down by a car
leag iad an taigh
they pulled down the house 3. leag cìs tax,
levy a tax
leag na Lochlannaich cìs air
Albainn the Vikings levied a tax on
Scotland (lit. laid a tax etc.)
leagadh, -aidh nm & alt vn of leag felling
etc., downfall, tumble
leagail nf & alt vn of leag felling etc.,
leagail (gu làr) demolition
leagarra a smug, self-satisfied
leagh, -adh v dissolve (of matter), fuse,
liquefy, melt, run, smelt, thaw
bha an
liath-reodhadh a’ leaghadh ris a’ ghrèin
the hoar-frost was melting in the sun
leagh-dhealbh v cast (metal)
leaghadair, -ean nm melter, smelter
leaghadh, -aidh nm & vn of leagh melting,
smelting etc., dissolution (of matter),
fusion, liquefaction
gabh leaghadh fuse v
leaghte pp melted, molten
òr leaghte
molten gold
leagte pp 1. knocked down, felled
leagte a felled tree 2. agreeable, resigned
bha e leagte gu leòr ris a seo he was
agreeable enough to this
bha e leagte ris
mar rùn an Fhreastail he was resigned to
it as the will of Providence / he accepted it
as the etc. 3. resolved
ma tha aon duine
a tha leagte gu bheil ’s e Calum if there is
one man who is resolved that there is it is
leam prep pron of le (q.v.) with me etc.
leam-leat a two-faced, deceitful
nàdar leam-leat aige he had a deceitful
chan fheàirrde a’chùis cho leam-
leat ’s a tha cuid the matter is none the bet-
ter of how two-faced some are
leamh, -a a 1. annoying, galling, importu-
nate, vexing, boring
bha e leamh gun
rachadh a leithid de bhàta a dholaidh it
was galling that such a boat should go to
tha e leamh nach… it is vexing
that … not …
bhitheadh seo uabhasach
leamh this would be awfully boring
e gu math leamh dhaibh faighinn a-mach
gu bheil … it was quite galling for them to
find out that … 2. annoyed, vexed
bha mi
cho leamh I was so vexed