luachair, luachrach nf reeds, rushes
l.-bhog nf bulrushes (also cuilc) l.-choille
nf woodrush l.-ghòbhlach nf lake scirpus
luachmhor, -oire a beneficial, estimable,
precious, valuable
tha seo nas
luachmhoire dhuinn na shaoileadh tu this
is more valuable to us than you would
luachrach, -aich a rushy
luadh / luadhadh, -aidh nm & vn of luaidh
fulling etc.
luaidh, luadhadh v full, waulk
luaidh, luaidh v ( with / without air) allude
to, mention, quote
’s dòcha gun robh e
a’ luaidh air an tachartas seo perhaps he
was alluding to this event
dhomh mòran eisimpleirean a luaidh
I could quote many examples
luaidh nm/f darling
càit a bheil thu dol,
a luaidh? where are you going, darling?
luaidh nm & vn of luaidh mentioning etc.,
allusion, comment, mention, quotation
usually used as follows: dèan
luaidh (air) comment (on), note, mention
…gun luaidh air saoghal na Gàidhlig…
not to mention the world of Gaelic / let
alone the world etc.
feuch gun dèan thu
luaidh oirre see that you mention her /
speak about her
luaidh, -e nm/f lead (metal)
bha dath
na luaidhe air a’ mhuir the sea was
lead-coloured / leaden
luaidhe a leaden, of lead
luaidheach a leaden
luaidh-shreang nf plumbline
luaineach, -eiche a fickle, fitful, flighty,
inconstant, restless
dh’fhàs e luaineach
he grew restless
ann am bruadar
luaineach in a fitful dream
ri taobh a’
chuain luainich beside the restless sea
luaineachd nf mobility
luaireag, -eig, -an nf stormy petrel
luairean, -ein nm dizziness, vertigo
luaisg, luasgadh / luaisgneadh v dandle,
fluctuate, fret, move, rock, shake, sway,
swing, toss, vaccilate, wave
bha am bàta
beag air a luasgadh a-null ’s a-nall leis na
tonnan the little boat was tossed to and fro
by the waves
luaisgeach, -iche a turbulent
luaisgeachd nf turbulence
luaithre nf ash(es), dust (corpse)
chuir i
sac-aodach agus luaithre oirre she put on
sackcloth and ashes
luamhain, luamhan v lever
luamhan, -ain, -ain / -an nm & vn of
luamhain levering, lever
luan-lus, l.-luis nm moonwort
luas, -ais nm
same as luaths / luathas
luasgadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of
luaisg swinging etc., fluctuation, swing
luasgadh inntinne agitation
luasgan, -ain nm oscillation, ripple, rip-
pling, tossing
ghabh e tlachd ann an
luasgan nan tonn he took pleasure in the
ripple of the waves
luasganach, -aiche a fickle, fidgety, oscil-
latory, rocking, tossing, shaking, swing-
ing, unsteady
clach mhòr luasganach
a great rocking stone
thuirt i gun robh
e luasganach siùbhlach she said that he
was fidgety and restless
luasganaich nf shaking, tossing, rocking
luath, -aithe / -a nf ash(es)
luath, luaithe 1. a express, fast, fleet,
quick, speedy, swift
gu luath apace
bha e luath gus ionnsachadh he was quick
to learn 2. gu luath adv soon, quickly
chaidh sinn gu luath air falach we hid
quickly but is often found without gu – see
App. 4 Sect. 1.3
cho luath agus (also is
/’s) as soon as
cho luath ’s a gheibh iad
ma sgaoil as soon as they get out / free
cho luath ’s a fhuair sinn àite suidhe as
soon as we got a seat
cha luaithe a…no
sooner …
cha luaithe [a] stad an car
na … no sooner did the car stop than
cha luaithe [a] chunnaic e mi na …no
sooner did he see me than …
the past
tense of the assertive verb is less common
in this idiom: cha bu luaithe [a] thòisich
mo smaointean a ruith sa chlais seo na…
no sooner did my thoughts begin to run in
this groove than …
mar as luaithe ’s ann
mar as fheàrr the sooner the better
no mall sooner or later (lit. quick or slow)
tha mi an dòchas gun dèan cuideigin
feum dheth luath no mall I hope someone
will make use of it sooner or later
luath-aireach a early (of potatoes)
l.-chainnteach a glib l.-cheumnach a
quick-footed, fleet of foot l.-ghàir nm
exultation (also lùghair nm) l.-mharcaich
v gallop l.-rathad nm expressway l.-ruith
nf sprint l.-sheirbheis nf express service
l.-thrèana nf express train
luathachadh, -aidh nm & vn of luathaich
hurrying etc., acceleration
luathaich, achadh v accelerate, expedite,
express, hasten, hurry intrans, quicken,
speed, speed up
luathaich an latha anns
am bi … speed the day in which there will
be …
luathaich e a cheum he quickened
his step
405 luathaich