often used with the first name of
a minister or priest: Maighstir Calum
Mr Calum (the minister / priest)
Maighstir, as a title, is in the gen case, the
surname following is not lenited, though
Maighstir is: a rèir Mhaighstir MacNèill
according to Mr MacNeil
maighstir-luinge nm shipmaster
thèid e,
ri tìde, na mhaighstir-luinge he will become,
in time, a shipmaster m.-postachd nm
postmaster m.-sgoile nm dominie, head-
master, schoolmaster
maighstireachd nf mastery
maighstireil, -e a masterly
… air a cur ri
chèile le sgil mhaighstireil… composed
with masterly skill (fem object e.g.
bàrdachd poetry)
maignèato, -othan nm magneto
maigneis nm magnesia
màileid, -e, -ean nf bag, suitcase, briefcase,
budget, portfolio, satchel, schoolbag, suit-
case, wallet
màileid làimhe hand-bag,
cò bhios a’ giùlan nam màilei-
dean? who will be carrying the suitcases?
màileid-pòca nf wallet
mailèiria nf malaria
mailgheach, -iche a having large / bushy
eyebrows, beetle-browed
mailghean pl of mala nf eyebrows
maille nf delay, procrastination, slowness
cuir maille ann / air delay, impede
maille procrastinate, tarry
cha do rinn e
maille sam bith he did not delay [at all] /
he made no delay
bha e a’ saoilsinn gun
robh maille a’ tighinn air a chridhe he
thought that his heart was slowing down
maille ri prep along with, with
Calum maille ris Calum came along with
him / Calum accompanied him
maillich, -eachadh v slow down, protract
… nach robh a’ mailleachadh tro na
h-uairean fada … which didn’t slow down
during the long hours
mainicinn, -ean nf mannequin
mainistir, -ean nf monastery, minster
mainnir, mainnreach, mainnreachan /
mainnirean nf fold
mair, mairsinn / maireann / maireach-
dainn v last, endure, live exist
mair nas
fhaide na outlast
mair beò survive
as fhaide a mhaireas an searmon … the
longer the sermon lasts …
bha fios aice
nach maireadh e fada she knew that he / it
wouldn’t last long
chan fhada a mhaireas
iad they won’t last long
cha robh rathad
aig an obair seo air maireachdainn there
was no way of this work lasting / there was
no way that this work would last
fada (a) mhaireas iad long may they last
thig crìoch air an t-saoghal ach mairidh
gaol is ceòl the world will end but love and
music will endure (proverb)
seo togalach
a tha a’ dol a mhairsinn this is a building
which is going to last
see a-màireach
maireachdainn alt vn of mair lasting
maireann alt vn of mair (but also see the
maireann a alive, durable, eternal, ever-
lasting, extant
… nach maireann the
late …
Dòmhnall MacDhòmhnaill nach
maireann the late Donald MacDonald
air mhaireann alive, extant, surviving
chan eil againn ach aon searmon leis air
mhaireann there is only one sermon by
him extant
… ris a bheil ar n-earbsa ar
cànan a chumail air mhaireann…in
whom we trust to keep our language alive
seo geàrr iomradh air na tha air mhaire-
ann this is a short account of what is
also used as a noun, but only in
the idiom ri mo mhaireann during my life-
time, ri do mhaireann during your lifetime
… nach diochuimhnich mi ri mo
mhaireann … which I will not forget while
I live / as long as I live etc.
note that, in
these latter expressions, the poss adj is
usually abbreviated, particularly in speech
e.g. mi rim mhaireann etc.
maireannach, -aiche a durable, lasting,
long-lasting, perennial, permanent
dè cho maireannach ’s a tha na
bataraidhean seo? how durable are these
maireannachd nf durability, endurance,
mairg nf indec pity
used only as
follows: is mairg don fheadhainn a tha a-
muigh air oidhche mar seo [it’s] a pity for
those who are out on a night like this / woe
betide anyone etc.
nach mairg dhut!
pity you!
mairg a pitiful
used only as follows: is
mairg a thigeadh faisg air! pity anyone
who comes near him! / woe betide etc. (lit.
it is pitiful [he] that would come near him)
is mairg tè a fhuair e! pity any woman
who got him! / woe betide etc. (lit. it is
pitiful one fem who got him!)
màirneal, -eil nm delay, procrastination
dèan màirneal lag, loiter
màirnealaich, -achd v linger, loiter
iad daonnan a’ màirnealachd mun a’
chala they were always loitering about the
413 màirnealaich