lann fiadh-bheathaichean menagerie
often the second element of compd nouns
e.g. leabhar-lann library biadhlann
also found in some place
names: Lann Annaid Longannet (see
App. 12 Sect. 4.0)
lann-cluiche nf stadium l.-gràbhalaidh nf
graving-dock l.-ithe nf mess (for eating)
l.-leabhraichean nf library
lannach, -aiche a scaly
lannachadh, -aidh nm & vn of lannaich
lannaich, -achadh v plate
lannaichte pp laminated, plated
lannair nf gleam, glitter, radiance
lannair na shùilean there was a gleam in
his eyes (also lainnir nf )
lannsa, -achan nf lance (med.), lancet
fo lannsa being operated on
lannsaiche, -ean nm lancer
lannsair, -ean nm lancer, surgeon
laoch, laoich, laoich nm hero
lanntair, -ean nm lantern
laoch, laoich, laoich nm hero, warrior
laogh, laoigh, laoigh nm calf (young cow)
beir laogh calf v
rug a’ bho laogh the
cow calved
laoidh, -ean nm/f anthem, hymn, lay
laoidheadair, -ean nm hymnal
laoigh-fheòil / laoighfheòil nf veal
laom, oim nm flash, sudden flame
laom, -adh v bolt (of veg.)
laomadh, -aidh nm & vn of laom bolting
(of veg.) etc.
lap, -an nm defective spot
chan eil e
buileach gun lapan it’s not altogether
without deficiencies
lapach, -aiche a benumbed, faltering, fee-
bha e rud beag lapach a’ freagairt
cheistean he was somewhat faltering
answering questions
bha i air fàs lapach
she had grown feeble
lapachadh nm & vn of lapaich
benumbing etc.
lapachas, -ais nm faltering appearance,
lapaich, -achadh v benumb, stupify
lapaichte pp benumbed, stupified
Laplannach, -aich, -aich nm Lapp
làr, làir, làir nm floor, ground, storey
e na laighe air an làr it was lying on the
floor / ground
leag gu làr fell
mu làr
ignored, neglected, lapsed
leig mu làr
ignore, neglect
rach mu làr lapse v
sinn dualtach am prionnsabal seo a leigeil
mu làr san lath’ a th’ ann we are apt to
ignore this principle nowadays
lànachd 380
fhios aca nach do rinn e seo they know
full well that he didn’t do this
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
làn-abachd nf mellowness l.-aimsireach
a full-time
tha sgioba chòigneir ag
obair gu làn-aimsireach air an tionns-
gnadh seo there is team of five work-
ing full-time on this project
ceathrar an sàs làn-aimsireach there
are four engaged full-time l.-aois nf
neach fo làn-aois minor
noun l.-bharail nf conviction
iad an làn-bharail gu … they reached
the conviction that … / they became
convinced that … l.-bhileach a full-
chàirich i pòg làn-bhileach
air a bheul she placed a full-lipped
kiss on his mouth l.-bhuil nf full effect
… mus fhaic sinn làn-bhuil nan oid-
hirpean aca … before we see the full
effect of their efforts l.-chinnteach a
categorical, cocksure l.-chumhachd
nf absolute power, plenipotence
l.-chumhachdach nm plenipotentiary
l.-chumhachdach a plenipotent l.-
fhaide a full length
làn-fhaide a full length play l.-
ghealach nf full moon l.-ghèile nm
whole gale l.-leagte a fully resigned /
fully agreeable
bha sinn uile làn-
leagte ris we were all fully agreeable to
it l.-mara, làin-mhara nm full / high
tide l.-shoilleir a self-evident l.-thìde
a full-time
obair làn-thìde full-time
bha luchd-obrach làn-thìde aig
a’ Chomann the society had full-time
workers (also l.-aimsireach and l.-thìm)
l.-thìm a full-time
bha e ag obair
làn-thìm air he was working full-time
on it (also l.-aimsireach and l.-thìde)
lànachd nf fulness, plenitude, prime
lanaig nf narrow path for cattle
langa, -annan nf ling (fish)
langaid / langaidh, -ean nf guillemot (also
langanaich nf lowing, bellowing
langanaich low v
langasaid.-ean nf sofa
lann, lanna / lainne, -an nf 1. blade (of
a sword, knife etc.) 2. scale (of fish etc.)
3. plate, flat sheet (of metal etc.)
lann, lainn, -an nf area, enclosure, fence,
lann lùth-chleas gymnasium