ghrèin is fon ghaoith out in the sun and the
wind (lit. under the etc.)
tha iad a’ fao-
tainn barrachd tlachd às a seo na tha iad
a’ faotainn à rud eile fon grèin they get
more pleasure from this than [they get]
from anything else under the sun
bha iad
nan sìneadh anns a’ ghrèin they were
lying / stretched out in the sun
grian-chrios nm zodiac g.-loisgte pp
sunburnt g.-sgàilean nm parasol g.-stad
nm solstice
grianach, -aiche a sunny
griasachd nf
see greusachd
grinn a accurate, elegant, fine, graceful, neat,
nice, ornate, pretty, spick and span, sweet
dealbhan grinne fine / pretty etc. pictures
grinn-sgrìobhadh nm calligraphy
grinneachd nf accuracy
grinneal, -eil nm gravel, grit
bha sinn a’
coiseachd air grinneal garbh we were
walking upon rough gravel
chuala mi
fuaim càir air a’ ghrinneal I heard the
sound of a car on the gravel
grinneachadh, -aidh nm & vn of grinnich
refining etc.
grinneas, -eis nm elegance, fineness, frill,
gracefulness, neatness, nicety, prettiness,
gun ghrinneas graceless
a’ cur grinneas air an t-seòmar … giving
the room elegance / lending elegance to
the room
grinnich, -eachadh v refine
grìob nm rocky shore
griobh, -a, -an nm griffon
bha an eaglais
air a sgeadachadh le griobhan the church
was adorned with griffons
grìogag, -aige, -an nf bead
Grioglachan,An Grioglachan nm Pleiades
grioman, -ain nm tree lungwort (also
grìos, -a, -an nm grill
grìosach, -aich nf 1. hot embers
bha e air
a dhadhadh ris a’ghrìosaich it was singed
by being exposed to the embers (see ri /
ris) 2. volley
leig e a-mach grìosach de
mhionnan he released a volley of curses
grìosachadh, -aidh nm & vn of grìosaich
grilling etc., grill
grìosaich, -achadh v grill
grìs, -e nf goose-flesh, goose-pimples, shiv-
thug an smuain fhèin grìs orm the
very thought gave me goose-pimples
chuir an naidheachd grìs oirnn uile the
news sent shivers down all our spines /
through all of us etc.
grìseach, -iche a shivering, causing
goose-flesh, chilly
grìsfhionn a grizzled, roan
griùthach, -aich nf
always preceded by
the def art e.g. a’ ghriùthach measles
gen ⫽ na griùthaich
griùthlach, -aich nf
same as griùthlach
griùthrach, -aich nf
same as griùthlach
gròb, -adh v groove, indent, tongue and
groove (carpentry), roughly sew / mend /
bha na ballachan air an lìnigeadh
le fiodh air a ghròbadh the walls were
lined with tongued and grooved wood
gròbach, -aiche a wrinkled
bha am
buntàta gròbach grod the potatoes were
wrinkled and rotten
gròbadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of
gròb grooving, indenting etc., indentation,
tonguing and grooving (carpentry)
see gnoban
gròc, -adh / -ail v croak
chuala mi
fitheach a’gròcail a-muigh I heard a raven
croaking outside
grod, -oide a corrupt, high, putrid, rotten
grod, -adh v putrefy, rot
grodadh, -aidh nm & vn of grod rotting
etc., rot
grodaich, -achadh v corrupt
grodachadh, -aidh nm & vn of grodaich
corrupting etc.
groigeanan-cinn n pl carle-doddies (vari-
ous plants including ribwort and plantain)
gròiseid, -e, -ean nf gooseberry
gròm-dearg nm coral
grosair, -ean nm grocer
grosaireach a grocery
bathar grosaireach
grosaireachd nf groceries bùth grosaireachd
gròt(a), -achan nm groat
gruag, -aige, -an nf hair (head of hair), wig
gu h-iongantach bha a ghruag air fàs na
bu duirche! amazingly, his hair had grown
roinn i a’ghruag aige she parted
his hair
bha feusag ruadh air, agus gruag
fhada den dath cheudna he had a red
beard, and long hair of the same colour
gruagach, -aich, -aichean nf girl, maid,
gruagaire, -ean nm hairdresser
gruagaireachd nf hairdressing
gruaidh, -e, -ean nf cheek
gruaigean, -ein nm badderlocks, henware
(edible seaweed)
gruaim, -e nf 1. churlishness, gloom,
gloominess, sulkiness, sullenness, 2.
frown, grimace, frown, scowl, surly look
thàinig gruaim air aodann na h-inghinn
a grimace appeared on the girl’s face
345 gruaim