fuaigheall, -ill nm
see fuidheall
same as fuaigh
fuaighte pp 1. stitched, sewn 2. nailed,
pegged (as timbers in a boat) 3. and, by
extension – attached, ingrained, inherent,
integral, part and parcel of
sinn na cothroman a ghlacadh a tha
fuaighte anns an t-suidheachadh seo we
must grasp the opportunities that are
inherent in this situation
tha iad
fuaighte ri ceist a’ chumhachd they are
attached / connected to the question of
fuaim, (-e), -ean nm/f noise, patter, sound,
gun fhuaim noiseless
dèan fuaim
air sound v (of a musical instrument)
bha e ag èisteachd ri fuaim an uillt he was
listening to the sound of the stream
fuaim-dhìonach a sound-proof f.-iomlaid
nf metathesis f.-lorg nf sound-track
f.-mheudaichear nm amplifier f.-thonn
nm/f sound-wave
fuaimeadair, -ean nm megaphone
fuaimealas, -ais nm onomatopoeia
fuaimearra a acoustic
fuaimneach, -iche a echoing, noisy
fuaimneachadh, -aidh nm & vn of
fuaimnich pronouncing, phonology,
fuaimneachail a phonetic
fuaimneil, -e a same as fuaimneach
fuaimnich, -eachadh v pronounce
fuaimreag, -eige, -an nf vowel
fuaimreagadh, -aidh nm assonance
fuairead, -eid nm coldness
fual, -ail nm urine
fualachdar, -air nm water speedwell
fualactar, -air nm marsh wort
fuamhaire, -ean nm giant
fuamhaireil, -e a gigantic
fuar, -adh v get to windward (of a point),
… am feadh ’s a bha sinn a’
fuaradh an rubha … as we were weather-
ing the point
fuar, fuaire a bleak, chill, chilly, cold,
feòil fhuar cold meat
pìos feòla
fuaire a piece of cold meat
shìn iad meu-
ran fuara ris an teine they stretched cold
fingers towards the fire
fuar-dhealt nm/f blight f.-rag a numb
f.-reota a gelid f.-fhallas nm cold
fuaradair, -ean nm fridge
fuaradh, -aidh nm & vn of fuar weather-
ing etc., windward
bha sinn a’ cumail
sùil ri fuaradh is ri fasgadh we were keep-
ing an eye to windward and to leeward
bha e na sheasamh air taobh an fhuaraidh
he was standing on the windward side (i.e.
of the ship)
cùm ri fuaradh luff
fuarag, -aige nf brose / gruel made with
cold water, cold water brose
fuaraich, -achadh v chill, cool
fuaraich nf soot dripping through the
thatched roof of an old black house
bhiodh smail dhubha den fhuaraich air
a h-uile rud the black stains of the
thatch-soot used to be on everything cf
fraigh-shnighe nf
fuaraichte pp refrigerated
fuaraidh a 1. chill, chilly, cool
anns an
toll dhorcha fhuaraidh ud in that chilly
dark hole 2. damp
fuaraidheachd nf dampness
fuaralachd nf frigidity
fuaran, -ain, -an / -ain nm fountain, spring,
fuaran-teth geyser
fuarlit, -e, -ean nf poultice
rinn e fuarlit
he made a poultice
fuasgail, fuasgladh v 1. disentangle,
dissolve, extricate, loose(n), relax, unbind,
undo, unfasten, unloose, unravel, untie,
fuasgail an t-sreang untie the
string 2. decipher, solve, resolve
dh’fhuasgail e an toimhseachan he solved
the riddle
… aig an aon àm a’ fuasgladh
na ceist … at the same time resolving the
chan eil agad ach na ceistean
sin fhuasgladh dhut fhèin you just have
to solve these problems for yourself
3. acquit, emancipate, liberate, ransom,
release 4. deliver, save, rescue, rid
fuasgailte a agile, lax, liberated, nimble,
duine caol fuasgailte a slender,
agile man
na boreannaich fhuasgailte
[the] liberated women
fuasgailteachd nf laxity, looseness
fuasgladh, -aidh nm & vn of fuasgail
loosening etc., absolution, assistance (to
get out of difficulty), deliverance, dis-
charge (of tension), dissolution, emanci-
pation, rescue, resolution, riddance,
solution (of argument etc.)
fuasgladh air
urras bail v
tha fuasgladh a’ ghnothaich
nar làmhan fhìn the solution of the matter
is in our own hands
chan eil airgead na
fhuasgladh air a h-uile trioblaid money
isn’t a solution for every trouble
robh neach air am biodh dìth air nach
dèanadh e fuasgladh there was nobody
who was in want to whom he would
not give assistance etc.
bha fuasgladh
air a’ chùis there was a solution for the
315 fuasgladh