glan, -adh v clean, purge, purify,
refine, weed
glan dhe wipe off
grunnd (aibhne, loch etc.) dredge
air falbh liquidate
tha i a’ glanadh na
h-uinneig(e) she is cleaning the window
glan-chainntear nm purist
glanadair, -ean nm cleaner, detergent
glanadair-falmhaidh nm vacuum-cleaner
g.-tioram nm dry-cleaner
glanadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of glan
cleaning etc., purgation, purification, wash
glaodh, glaodhach / glaodhaich v 1. bawl,
call, cry, exclaim, hoot, proclaim, roar,
shout, yell
… nuair a ghlaodhas sinn
ris-san airson a chuideachaidh … when
we call to him for his help
thuirt e gun
glaodhadh e air an arm mura sguireadh
iad dheth he said that he would call upon
the army if they didn’t stop [from it]
glaodh, -oidh, -an nm 1. call, cry, roar,
shout, shriek, whoop, yell
chuala e
glaodh na cuthaige he heard the call of the
cuckoo / the cuckoo’s call 2. glue, gum,
glaodh-chlàr nm pasteboard g.-cagnaidh
nm chewing gum
bha glaodh-cagnaidh
aice na beul she had chewing gum in her
glaodhach, -aiche a 1. vociferous
2. glutinous, viscous
glaodhadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm
glaodhaire, -ean nm loudspeaker
glaodhan, -ain nm pith, pulp
bha seòrsa
de ghlaodhan bog na mheadhan there was
a sort of soft pith in its centre
glaodhan-fiodha nm woodpulp
glaodhanach, -aiche a pulpy
glaoic, -ean nf buffoon (Scots glaik), fool
’s e glaoic a th’annad you’re a fool
a ghlaoic! fool!
glaoiceireachd nf buffoonery
glas, -aise a pale green, grey, dull grey (of
hair), wan
glas, -adh v become grey, pale
glas-fhaoileag nf herring gull g.-lach nf
widgeon g.-leun nm spearwort g.-neulach,
-aiche a pale, wan (also glaisneulach)
g.-sheabhag nf goshawk
glas, -aise, -an nf lock
a’ briseadh nan
glasan breaking the locks
bha iad uile fo
ghlais they were all under lock and key
tha e cho onorach ris na seachd glasan he
is as honourable as [the] seven locks
glas, -adh v same as glais, glasadh lock
glasaidh mi an doras ort I’ll lock the door
on you
glas-chrochaidh nf padlock g.-ghuib nf
gag, muzzle
cuir glas-ghuib air gag,
muzzle v g.-làimh nf handcuffs, manacles
chuir iad glas-làimh air they handcuffed
him g.-rotha nf wheel-lock
glasadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm 1. vn of glais /
glas locking etc., dead-lock 2. vn of glas
greying etc., dawning
bha e air a chois
mun robh glasadh air an latha he was up
(lit. afoot) before the dawn, dawning /
before dawn
glasag, -aig, -an nf fish roe
glasag-mhuineil nf locket
glastaidh a pale
bha a choltas glastaidh
his appearance was pale
glasradh, -aidh nm verdure
glasraich nf vegetable(s)
chan eil thu ag
ithe gu leòr glasraich you aren’t eating
enough vegetables
glè adv exceedingly, very, most (⫽ very)
lens foll. word
bha sinn glè thrang we
were very busy
bha mi glè sgìth I was
very tired
tha na tha sinn air fhaicinn
chun na h- ìre seo glè mhisneachail what
we have seen up to now / to date is most
gleac, gleac v struggle, strive, wrestle
ghleac an long ris na tonnan the ship
struggled against the waves
gleac nm indec & vn of gleac struggling
etc., struggle, wrestling
gleacadair, -ean nm wrestler
gleacadaireachd nf wrestling
gleadhar, -air, -an nm blow, jar, thump,
fhuair mi gleadhar air mo
dhruim I received a blow on my back
dèan gleadhar jar
gleadhar-molaidh nm ovation
gleadhrach, -aiche a noisy, rowdy
gleadhrachd nf noisiness
gleadhraich nf clamour, clatter, rattle,
dèan gleadhraich jangle, rattle
gleadhran, -ain, -an nm rattle
gleann, glinne, gleanntan / glinn nm dale,
glen, valley
gleann crochte hanging val-
ley (geol.)
anns a’ ghleann in the glen
tha an dùthaich seo làn de bheanntan àrda
is de ghlinn domhainn this country is full
of high mountains and deep valleys
an taobh tuath de ghleann staoin on the
north side of a shallow valley
tìr nam
beann is nan gleann the land of mountains
and glens
am measg beanntan binneanach
is gleanntan coillteach na Gaidhealtachd
among the pinnacled mountains and
wooded valleys of the Highlands (for
the differences in the form of the gen
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