fèinealachd nf selfishness
fèinear, -eir, -an nm egotist
fèineil, -e a selfish
fèir adv just (the English word ‘fair’ –
dìreach is much better)
fèir sin just that
’s e sin fèir a tha mi a’ dol a dh’fhaigh-
inn a-mach that is just what I’m going to
find out
feir ⫽ far ⫽ bhàrr
feir / feiridh
colloquial form of bheir
will take
feiread, -eid, -an nm ferret
feirg and feirge
dat sing & gen sing
respectively of fearg anger
fèis, -e, -ean nf feast, festival
Fèis Film
nan Ceilteach the Celtic Film Festival
Fèis Bharraigh the Barra Festival
feise nf copulation, (sexual) intercourse, ‘sex’
fèist, -e, -ean nf banquet, feast
feist, -eachan nf tether
bha bò gheal aige
air feist he had a white cow on a tether
dh’fhosgail e feisteachan nan each he
opened the horses’ tethers
fèisteas, -eis nm entertainment
aotrom light entertainment
fèistear, -eir, -an nm entertainer
feitiseachas, -ais, -an nm fetishism
feith, feitheamh v wait ⫹ air or ri(s) for
(sometimes no prep is used at all)
bha e
air am fàth fhaotainn air an robh e a’
feitheamh he had got the opportunity for
which he had been waiting
is beag a bha
a’feitheamh orra nuair a thill iad [it is] lit-
tle [that] awaited them when they returned
’s fhada o bha mi a’feitheamh ri cothrom
den t-seòrsa seo I have been waiting a
long time for an opportunity of this sort
bha e a’ feitheamh na ciad litreach bho
bhràthair a bha air dol gu Canada he was
awaiting the first letter from his brother
who had gone to Canada
bha esan gar
feitheamh he was waiting for us
dheireadh thall chuala mi am fuaim ris an
robh mi a’ feitheamh at long last
I heard the sound for which I was waiting
… a tha a’ feitheamh pending
but note
the following: feumaidh sinn feitheamh
gus am faic sinn an tèid na molaidhean
seo a chur an grèim we must wait to see
if these recommendations are put into
operation (lit. until we see if …)
fèith, -e, ean nf muscle, sinew, vein
bhorrtha varicose vein
fèith dà-chean-
nach bicep
fèith thrì-cheannach triceps
fèith ceithir-cheannach quadriceps
fèithean a’ chlèibh intercostal muscles
fèith-chrùbadh nm spasm f.-fala nf vein
f.-lùthaidh nf tendon f.-mhothachaidh nf
fèithe / fèith, -e, -eachan nf bog, fen,
marsh, quagmire, swamp
fèitheach, -iche a 1. muscular, sinewy,
veined, venous 2. marshy
feitheamh, -imh nm & vn of feith waiting
etc. suspense, wait
see feabhas
293 feobhas
fèin- pref denoting ‘self-’, ‘auto-’
fèin-àicheadh nm self-denial f.-aithne
nf self-identity
airson a fhèin-aithne
mar Albannach a chumail beò to
keep his self-identity as a Scotsman
alive f.-bhrodadh nm masturbation
f.-bhuannachd nf self-gain, self-
interest, self-profit f.-chùiseach, -iche
a selfish f.-eachdraidh nf autobiogra-
phy f.-earbsa nf self-confidence
àrdaichidh e fèin-earbsa an t-sluaigh
it will raise the self-confidence of the
people f.-fhiosrachadh nm experience
f.-fhìreantach a self-righteous f.-
fhìreantachd nf self-righteousness
f.-fhoghainteach a self-sufficient,
self-confident f.-fhoghainteachd nf
self-sufficiency, self-confidence
f.-fhrithealadh nm self-service
f.-fhuath nm self-hatred, self-loathing
f.-ghluaiseach a automatic
raing e daga fèin-ghluaiseach he drew
an automatic pistol f.-ghluaisear, -eir,
-an nm automaton f.-ghluasad nm
automation f.-ìobairt nf self-sacrifice
f.-ionnsachaidh a self-teaching, teach-
cùrsa fèin-ionnsachaidh a
self-teaching course f.-labhairt nf
monologue f.-mhealladh nm self-
chan eil ann an sin ach
fèin-mhealladh soinneanta that is just
naïve self-deception f.-mheas nm self-
respect f.-mhort nm suicide (the act
of) f.-mhortair nm suicide (the per-
son) f.-òraid nf soliloquy f.-riaghlach
a self-governing f.-riaghladh nm Home
Rule, self-government f.-smachd nm
dh’fhoillsich e cion
fèin-smachd he displayed a lack of
self-control f.-spèis nf egotism, self-
conceit, self-love
bha e air a dhal-
ladh le fèin-spèis he was blinded by
self-conceit f.-spèiseach a egotistical
f.-spèisiche nm egotist