a’ dèanamh air daoine … every injustice
people do to people
eucoireach, -ich, -ich nm criminal,
eucoireach, -iche a criminal, wrong,
eucoireachd nf crime, wrongdoing abstr
eucoireachd air a’ Ghaidhealtachd crime
in the Highlands
eucruth nm chaos, deformity
eud nm indec 1. jealousy, envy
dòcha gur h-e eud a bha ga bhioradh per-
haps it was envy that was pricking him 2.
eud diadhaidh religious zeal
adh iad leis an eud airson fèin-riaghlaidh
they were filled with the zeal for self-
eudach, -aich nm jealousy
used only as
follows: bha e ag eudach ris mu Chatrìona
he was jealous of him over (lit. about)
bha e ag eudach rithe he was
jealous of her
bha iad ag eudach nach
iadsan a bha … they were jealous that it
wasn’t they who were…
thig trì nìthean
gun iarraidh: an t-eagal, an t-eudach, ’s
an gaol three things come unbidden: fear,
jealousy and love.
eudail, -e, -ean nf darling, dear (usually in
voc. case)
a bheil thu sgìth, eudail? are
you tired, dear / darling?
m’eudail my dar-
ling / my dear
m’ eudail ort…my dear …
eudar, is eudar dhomh
see fheudar
eudmhor, -oire a 1. zealous
cha robh a
h-aon dhiubh na bu eudmhoire na esan
not one of them was more zealous than he
bha iad f ìor eudmhor ann an adhbhar
na Gàidhlig they were truly zealous in
Gaelic’s cause 2. jealous
eudmhorach, -aiche a fanatical
eudmhorachd nf fanaticism, jealousy,
eudmhoraiche, -ean nm fanatic
eug, èig nm death, decease, demise
an èig the sleep of death
eug, eugh / eugadh v die, expire
e / i he / she died
eugmhais, às eugmhais prep⫹ gen in the
absence of, devoid of, lacking, without
duine as eugmhais gliocais a man devoid
of wisdom
chan eil mòran ann as
eughmhais solas an dealain there aren’t
many without electric light
cha b’ur-
rainn dhuinn càil a dhèanamh as
eughmhais tuilleadh dearbhaidh we
couldn’t do anything in the absence of
more proof
as with other compd preps,
poss adjs are used in the construction
where English uses pers prons
chan eil
fhios agam dè nì mi as a h-eugmhais
I don’t know what I’ll do without her
a bheil e comasach dhuinn a dhol air
adhart as [a] eughmhais? is it possible for
us to proceed without him / it? masc
chan urrainn dhuinn càil a dhèanamh as
an eughmhais we can’t do anything
without them
eugsamhail, eugsamhla a 1. diverse, vari-
ous, varied
fhuair sinn an seo an càise
a b’fheàrr agus a b’eugsamhla a chunnaic
sinn riamh we found here the best and
most varied cheese that we had ever seen
2. incomparable, matchless
tha iad seo
cuid de na feartan eugsamhail a bhuineas
do na h-eich seo these are some of the
incomparable virtues which belong to
these horses
eugsamhlachd nf diversification, diversity,
eun, eòin, eòin nm bird, fowl
eun mara
chunnaic mi sgaoth de dh’eòin
mhara I saw a flock of seabirds
eun-an-t-sneachda nm snow bunting e.-
bàn-an-sgadain nm gannet e.-Bealltainn
nm whimbrel (also guilbneach-bheag
nm) e.-binn long-tailed duck (also lach-
bhinn nf ) e.-creiche nm bird of prey
e.-crom nm fulmar e.-dubh-an-sgadain nm
black guillemot
note that eòin-dhubha-
an-sgadain pl is a general term for black-
coloured fishing birds such as guillemots,
razorbills and puffins e.-eòlaiche nm
tha na h-eun-eòlaichean
ag innse dhuinn…the ornithologists tell
us … e.-eòlas nm ornithology e.-fionn nm
1. petrel, stormy petrel (see luaireag)
2. hen-harrier (see clamhan-fionn)
3. ptarmigan (see tàrmachan)
e.-Frangach nm turkey e.-fraoich nm
grouse e.-grunnachaidh nm wading bird
e.-lann nf aviary, birdcage, cage e.-uisge
nm waterfowl
eunach, -aich nm fowling
eunachadh, -aidh nm & vn of eunaich
eunadair, -ean nm fowler
eunadan, -ain, -ain nm birdcage, cage (for
eunaich, -achadh v fowl
euslaint(e) nf disease, ill-health, illness,
euslainteach, -iche a ailing, diseased,
sickly, unhealthy
euslainteach, -ich, -ich nm patient
euslainteach tadhail out-patient
265 euslainteach