dìreach, -iche a direct, erect, exact,
first-hand, forthright, impartial, lineal,
perpendicular, plumb, positive, rightful,
straight, unequivocal, upright, vertical
as an adv dìreach⫽ directly, downright,
even (⫽ just, exactly), exactly, just,
merely, plumb, simply, straight
tha e
dìreach air tighinn a-steach he has just
come in
dìreach ann an tìde in the nick
of time
dìreach sin! quite so!
’s e rud
eile a bhios ann a lorg dìreach dè thachair
it would be another matter to discover
exactly what took place
rinn e dìreach
air an t-solas he made directly for the light
bha sin dìreach math that was just lovely
dìreach romhad / roimhe etc. straight
ahead (of you / him etc.)
bha mi a’
bruidhinn ris dìreach mun do bhàsaich e
I was talking to him just before he died
bha e dìreach mar a bha cuimhne aige air
it was just as he remembered it
dìreachadh, -aidh nm & vn of dìrich
dìreadh, -idh nm & vn of dìrich climbing
etc., ascent
dìrich, -eachadh v straighten
dhìrich mi
mo dhruim I straightened my back
mi sgìth,” thuirt e, ’s e a’ dìreachadh
a dhroma “I’m tired,” he said [and he]
straightening his back
dìrich, dìreadh v ascend, climb, mount
bha iad a’ dìreadh suas leathad cas they
were climbing up a steep slope
dìrichead, -eid nf 1. erectness 2. straight-
ness, directness
dìrichead labhraidh
directness of speech
dis, -e a weak, delicate
cha robh e dis
aig an àm sin he wasn’t unfit at that
Disathairne nm Saturday, on Saturday
càit a bheil thu dol Disathairne? where
are you going on Saturday?
Disathairne (on) Saturday afternoon /
chan fhaca mi e feasgar
Disathairne I didn’t see him on Saturday
afternoon / evening
’s e Disathairne
a bha ann it was (a) Saturday
dìsead, -eid nm duet
dìsinn, dìsne, dìsnean nf die (pl. dice)
but dìsne is also used for the nom sing
dìsne, -ean nf die (pl. dice)
see also
dìsinn and dìsnean
dìsneachadh, -aidh nm & vn of dìsnich
dicing (playing dice)
dìsnean, -ein nm dice (collectively)
pl of dìsne
dìsnich, -eachadh v dice, play dice
dìt, -eadh v condemn, convict, damn trans,
doom, sentence
dìt gu follaiseach
dìteadh, -idh nm & vn of dìt condemning
etc., condemnation, conviction, doom,
impeachment, indictment, reprobation
dìteadh (sìorraidh) damnation
dìreach 232
dìth nm 1. dearth, defect, deficiency,
deficit, lack, need (want), privation,
shortage, want
dìth smachd indisci-
nuair nach robh dìth airgid
orra when they weren’t short of money
tha dìth a’ chadail orm I need / lack
Most commonly used as the adv a dhìth
lacking, missing, wanting, as follows:
tha luchd-teagaisg a dhìth teachers are
tha rudeigin a dhìth orm
I need, lack, want something
rudeigin a dhìth air it lacks something
tha rud eile a dhìth air an aithisg seo
this report lacks something else / there
is something else lacking in this report
… mas e sin a bha a dhìth orra …if
that’s what they wanted
dè tha
a dhìth air? what does he want / lack?
feumaidh sinn leabhraichean a chur
do na sgoiltean a tha iad a dhìth orra
we must send books to the schools that
lack them
cha robh a dhìth oirnn ach
gum faigheamaid cothrom a bhith
a’ leughadh we wanted nothing but to
get the chance to be reading
The noun denoting the thing lacking
may follow the phrase and be in the
gen case
is fheàrr a bhith [a] dhìth
a’ chinn na [a] bhith [a] dhìth an fha-
sain it’s better to be lacking a (lit. the)
head than to be lacking [the] fashion
thèid mi an urras nach bi thu a dhìth
cobhair I’ll warrant you’ll not lack
assistance 2. destruction
dol a dhìth
miscarriage (general, not medical)
rach a dhìth miscarry (in general), per-
ish, die off, die out, go to ruin, go to
rack and ruin, spoil (intrans.) etc.
chaidh iad uile a dhìth feadh na
h-oidhche they all perished during the
tha mòran de na sgeulachdan
sin a’dol a dhìth many of those stories
are dying out
tha iad a’leigeil leis na
h-àitean aca a dhol a dhìth they are
letting their places go to rack and
cuir a dhìth ruin, destroy