dìomhain, -e a 1. futile, idle, nugatory,
vain, unavailing, to no end / purpose
dìomhain sin dha that would be of no avail
to him
le cainnt dhìomhain with idle
saothair dhìomhain unavailing
labour 2. idle, out of work, slack (of
work), unemployed
bha e air a bhith
dìomhain o chionn cha mhòr dà bhliadhna
he had been unemployed for almost two
seillean dìomhain drone (bee)
dìomhair, -e a dormant, latent, mysterious,
private, recondite, secret
ann an àite
dìomhair in a secret place
gu dìomhair
incognito, privately adv
dìomhaireachd nf mysteriousness, mystery,
secrecy, secretness
cuir an dìomhaireachd
dìomhanach, -aiche a idle (not so common
as dìomhain)
dìomhanas, -ais nm futility, idleness,
bha buaidh an dìomhanais a’ fàs
gu math follaiseach air the effect of idle-
ness was becoming quite evident on him
diomol, -adh v abuse (verbally), disparage,
diomoladh, -aidh nm & vn of diomol
abusing (verbally), abuse (verbal), dispar-
chan e diomoladh ort idir
a ràdh … it is no disparagement on you at
all to say …
dìon, dìon v conserve, defend, guard, pro-
tect, screen, shield, ward
dìon air turas
dìon o chall indemnify
dìon, -a nm & vn of dìon protecting etc.,
conservation, defence, guard abstr, immu-
nity, patronage, protection, security, shel-
ter, ward
gun dìon defenceless,
fhliuchadh gach neach nach
robh fo dhìon everybody who was not
under shelter was soaked
bha e fo
dhìon Mhic Choinnich he was under
Mackenzie’s protection
tha mi taingeil
airson dìon Dhè orm I am thankful for
God’s protection over me
tha sinn a’
toirt taing dhut airson do dhìon thairis
oirnn we give thanks to you for your
protection over us
dìon-chùrsa nm ‘protective course’ as in:
dìon-chùrsa taiseachd damp-course
d.-teine nm fire-guard
chuir e an dìon-teine
ris he put the fire-guard to it
… a’cur
dìon-theine ris … putting a fire-guard to
dìona a defensive
dìonach, -aiche a proof, retentive, water-
proof, watertight
bha e a’ feuchainn ris
am mullach a dhèanamh dìonach he was
trying to make the roof waterproof
dìonadair, -ean nm fender
dìonag, -aige, -an nf two-year old sheep
diongmhalta a firm, strong, substantial,
chithear gus an là-an-diugh
cho làidir diongmhalta ’s a bha i air
a fuaigheal it can be seen to the present
day how strongly and substantially she
was built (lit. stitched – see fuaigheil)
feumaidh sinn an tuigsinn gu diongmholta
we must understand them thoroughly
bha e ceangailte gu diongmhalta it was
firmly bound
diongmhaltas, -ais nm determination,
firmness, tightness
le misneachd
agus diongmhaltas with courage and
dionnasg, -aisg nm league
diop, -a, -an nm jeep
dìoro, -othan nm giro
dìorras, -ais nm 1. dogmatism, enthusiasm,
fervour, passion, zeal
tha dìorras cha
mhòr soisgeulach aige he has an almost
evangelical zeal
dìorras ògail adolescent
chan e cion dìorrais a chuireas
bacadh oirnn it’s not lack of enthusiasm
which will stop us
lìonadh e le dìorras
chum adhbhar na h-Alba he was filled
with zeal for Scotland’s cause
… le a
chuid fhèin de fhaireachdainnean is de
dhìorrasan … with his own share of feel-
ings and [of] passions 2. obstinacy, perti-
nacity, stubbornness, tenacity
dìorrasach, -aiche a 1. dogmatic earnest,
enthusiastic, keen, passionate, zealous
a bheil thu ag iasgach cho dìorrasach ’s
a chleachd thu? are you fishing as keenly
as you used to? 2. obstinate, persistent,
pertinacious, stubborn
“Chan eil mi a’
dol ann,” thuirt e gu dìorrasach “I’m not
going (there / to it etc.),” he said stubbornly
dìorrasachd nf persistence, pertinacity,
dìosail nm diesel
dìosail a diesel
bha einnsean dìosail
innte there was a diesel engine in her
diosg nm fault, flaw, deficit (generally in
a thing, but occasionally in a person)
dìosg, -adh v parch
dìosgadh, -aidh nm & vn of dìosg parching
dìosgail nf
same as dìosgan
dìosgan, -ain nm creak, creaking
dìosgan creak rinn am fiodh dìosgan the
timber creaked
dìosganach, -aich, -aich nm parasite
diot nf ⫽ diathad nf dinner (from English
diptiria, an diptiria nf diphtheria
231 diptiria