instigate, set up, establish
cuir air
bòrd embark
cuir air chois institute,
set up, establish, found, organize
maidh obraichean ùra a chur air chois
new jobs must be set up, established
cuir air chrith vibrate (cause to vibrate),
cause to shake
cuir air chùl outgrow,
put aside / by
cuir air chuthach mad-
cuir air dìochuimhne cause to be
chuir seo gach trioblaid air
dìochuimhne this caused every trouble
to be forgotten
cuir air dòigh arrange,
sort, put in order, set up
an cuir thu na
leabhraichean sin air dòigh? will you
sort these books?
cuiridh iad cùrsa
air dòigh dhut tron phost they will
arrange a course for you through the
cuir air falbh put away, shed
cuir air fhiaradh divert
cuir air leth
insulate, sequester
cuir air mheidh
balance trans
cuir air mhisg make
drunk, inebriate, intoxicate
cuir air
seachran misappropriate, misdirect, put
on the wrong path
cuir air shùilean /
shùilibh suggest
tha e a’ cur air
shùilean dhuinn … he suggests to us …
cuir air teicheadh put to flight / cause
to flee (also cuir teicheadh air)
(b) adverbs where the first element is
am or an (abbreviated forms of ann am
or ann an – this also includes san ‘in
cuir am bogadh immerse, soak
(of setting clothes to soak), steep
am breislich to confuse / throw into con-
cuir am meud i) increase,
widen, extend
dh’fheuch e ri a fhogh-
lam a chur am meud he tried to widen /
extend his education ii) exaggerate
cuir an àird(e) set up, mount (a picture,
statue etc)
cuir an aire suggest
an àireamh list
cuir an àireamh nan
naomh canonize
cuir san àireamh
take into consideration, include
an àite replace (i.e. to put in place of),
cuir an aithne introduce
cuir an amharas suspect
cuir an cèill
cuir an grèim arrest
thàinig iad airson mo chur an grèim
they came to arrest me cuir an làimh
cuir an ceann a chèile mingle
cuir an cèill announce, broach (subject),
declare, enunciate, express, imply, notify,
predicate, profess, relate, represent, state,
show (by actions or words), suggest
cuir an coimeas collate, compare
(rudeigin) an comas ⫹ gen – lit. put
(something) in the ability of i.e. give
someone the ability to do something
cuir an cràdh torture
cuir an cuimhne
cuir an dìmeas despise
an eagar put in order
cuir an eas-
urram disgrace
cuir an geall pawn
cuir an gnìomh perform, implement
cuir an grèim put into operation, organ-
cuir an ìre cause to believe, pre-
cuir an òrdugh put in order, order
cuir clò an òrdugh compose (typog.)
cuir rudeigin an suarachas make light
of something, treat something lightly,
na cuir an suarachas an oid-
hirpean do not make light of their
cuir an sàs i) arrest ii)
implement, put into operation, commit
(money, effort, support etc.)
cuir an
seilbh invest
cuir rudeigin an teagamh
doubt something
(c) adverbs which are of miscella-
neous construction: cuir a dhìth ruin,
cuir a dholaidh waste, squan-
cuir a-mach put out(side) deal out,
discharge, ejaculate, issue trans, pre-
scribe, publish, vomit
chuir e a-mach
an cat he put out the cat
cò tha a’ cur
a-mach nan cairtean? whose deal is it?
chuir e a-mach he vomited
cuir an
dara taobh set aside
ma chuireas sinn
rudan mar sin an dara taobh if we set
things like that aside
cuir a-null /
a-nall hand, pass (at table)
a-steach apply, enter (in a calculator or
computer), insert, interpolate, instil
cuir bun-os-cionn capsize, overturn,
subvert, turn topsy-turvy
cuir ma
sgaoil release
cuir mun cuairt circu-
late, rotate, turn trans
cuir o chèile pry
cuir ri chèile amalgamate,
assemble, build, cement, collate, com-
pile, compose, construct, fabricate, join,
joint, put together
chuir e ri chèile
ceòl pìoba he composed pipe music
cuir ri chèile a-rithist reassemble, rejoin
cuir seachad (ùine) spend (time)
chuir e seachad an oidhche anns na
coilltean he spent the night in the woods
cuir rudeigin seachad air cuideigin
put something past someone
na cuir
seachad orm e don’t deny me the
chance to apply for it
cha chuirinn e
seachad air I would not put it past him
cuir sìos lay / put / set down, precipitate
cuir sìos an sin e lay, put, set it down
cuir rudeigin sìos air put, lay, set
195 cuipreas