cudaig, -aige, ean nf
see cudag
cudainn, -e, -ean nf
same as cudag
cùdainn, -ean nf tub
cudrom, -oim nm emphasis, importance,
pressure, stress, weight, weighting(s)
cudrom an àile atmospheric pressure
cuir / leag / leig cudrom air emphasize,
stress, lay stress on
bu mhath leam
cudrom a leigeil air cho riatanach agus a
tha e leantainn air an obair seo I would
like to stress how necesary it is to continue
this work
tha iad a’ leigeil cudrom air
mar a tha iad a’ toirt sealladh air beach-
dan muinntir an àite they emphasize how
they are examining (or explaining /
expressing) the opinions of the inhabit-
… mar gum bitheadh cudrom air
èirigh bhom fheòil … as if a weight had
risen from my flesh
dè an cudrom a bh’
annta? how heavy were they?
bha trì
pùinnd a chudrom ann it was three pounds
in weight (where a⫽ de)
also: clach
air cudrom a stone in weight
cudrom eadar-dhealaichte with different
cudrom-siùdain nm pendulum
cudromach, -aiche a 1. important, key,
momentous, serious
na h-eilimeidean
cudromach seo these key elements
mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil sin uab-
hasach cudromach I think that is awfully
bidh e glè chudromach fios
a bhith againn nuair a … it will be very
important for us to know when … (lit.
knowledge to be at us)
’s e an leu-
dachadh an leasachadh as cudthromaiche
a tha air tachairt aig an sgoil bho chaidh
a fosgladh the extension is the most
important event that has happened at the
school since it was opened 2. burdensome,
considerable, massive, weighty
cudromachd nf importance, gravity,
solemnity bha cudromachd na cùise a’fàs
draghail dha the gravity of the matter was
becoming bothersome to him
see cudrom(ach)
cugallach, -aiche a shaky, unsteady, pre-
carious, uncertain, unstable
e air casan a bha gu math cugallach
he got up on legs which were rather
bha sin fhèin na ghnothach
cugallach that itself was a precarious busi-
… anns an t-suidheachadh chugal-
lach anns an robh e…in the precarious
situation in which he was
… cho cugal-
lach agus a tha sìth an t-saoghail…so
precarious is world peace / … as precarious
as world peace is
ann an saoghal cugal-
lach diombuan in an uncertain, transitory
see cuibhle
cuibheas, -eis nm average, enough,
cuibheas bhliadhnail yearly
a’ rannsachadh cuibheasan
investigating averages
tha bàrdachd
thar cuibheis anns a’ Ghàidhlig there is
enough poetry, and to spare, in Gaelic /
there is a superabundance of etc.
cuibheasach a average, middling,
moderate, passable, tolerable
an aois
chuibheasach the average age
cuibheasach, -aich, -aich nm moderate
cuibheasachd nf average, mean
cuibhil, cuibhleadh v wheel
bha e a’
cuibhleadh a’ bhaidhseagail roimhe he
was wheeling the bicycle before him
cuibhle, cuibhlichean nf wheel
cuibhle nave (of a wheel)
cuibhle-fhiaclach nf cog-wheel c.-shnìomh
nf spinning-wheel c.-stiùiridh nf steering-
bha a’ chuibhle stiùiridh anns an
deireadh the steering wheel was in the
stern c.-ulaig nf pulley wheel
cuibhleachadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn
of cuibhlich coiling etc., coil
cuibhleadh, -idh nm & vn of cuibhil
cuibhlich, -eachadh v coil
cuibhreach, -ich, -ichean nm chain, bond,
fetter, trammel
cuibhreachadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn
of cuibhrich binding etc., binding (i.e.
material used for binding)
cuibhreann, -inn, -an / -ean nm/f.
allotment, allowance, group, instalment,
part, portion, section, share
air a’ chiad chuibhreann de mholaidhean
let’s look at the first group of recommen-
bha a’ chuibhreann sin de
a bheatha seachad that part of his life was
cuibhreann-ùine nphr time-share
flataichean cuibhreann-ùine time share
cuibhrich, -eachadh v bind, chain, fetter,
cuibhrig, -ean nf coverlet, lid
na poite bige am beul na poite mòire the
little pot’s lid in the big pot’s mouth i.e.
a square peg in a round hole
(airson poit-tì) tea cosy
cuibhrig-cluasaig nf pillow case c.-leaba
nf bedcover c.-throm nf quilt cuibhrig(e)-
bùird nf tablecloth
187 cuibhrig-cluasaig