deargaich, -achadh v redden trans
bha a’
ghaoth air a ghruaidhean a dheargachadh
the wind had reddened his cheeks
deargan, -ain, -an nm 1. red stain, dye e.g.
rouge 2. various types of bird, usually in
compound form as below
deargan-allt nm red-knecked phalarope
d.-coille nm bullfinch (also corcan-coille
nm) d.-fraoich nm goldfinch (also lasair-
choille nf ) d.-seilich nm redpoll d.-sneachda
nm redwing (also sgiath-dheargan nm)
dearganach, -aich, -aich nm char (fish)
deargann, -ainn, –an nm flea (also deargad)
deargte pp ingrained
dearmad, -aid nm default, neglect, omis-
sion, oversight
dearmad inntinne
absence of mind
dèan dearmad air
neglect, overlook
cha bhi dearmad air
a dhèanamh air a’ chloinn the children
won’t be neglected
dearmad inntinne
absence of mind, absent-mindedness
am bi dàil bidh dearmad delay leads to
oversight (proverb)
dearmadach, -aiche a careless, heedless,
neglectful, negligent, regardless, remiss
tha i dearmadach neo-aireach mu a gineal
she is neglectful and careless concerning
her offspring
dearmadachd nf negligence
dearmaid, dearmad v neglect, disregard,
omit, pass up
cha do dhearmaid e
cothrom air Ailean irioslachadh he
didn’t pass up an opportunity to humiliate
deàrnadair, -ean nm palmist
deàrnadaireachd nf palmistry
deàrrs, -adh v dazzle, flare, glister, glitter,
bha a’ ghrian a’ deàrrsadh air an
loch the sun was glittering on the loch
deàrrsach, -aiche a bright
bha i
deàrrsach dearg na dath it fem was bright
red in colour
deàrrsach, -aich, -aichean nf thundery rain
bidh an deàrrsach ann ann am mionaid
there’ll be a thundershower in a minute
deàrrsadh, -aidh nm & vn of deàrrs shin-
ing etc., glare, shine
deàrrsadh na
grèine sunshine
bha sinn a’ coiseachd
ann an deàrrsadh na grèine we were
walking in the sunshine
deàrrsanta a bright, shining
chunnaic e
solas deàrrsanta thall mu choinneimh he
saw a bright light away in front of him
deas nf indec south
deas / à deas southerly
mu dheas south(ward(s)) adv
deas / an àirde a deas the south
examples of usage see App. 9 Sect. 1.0
deas, deise a 1. accomplished, active, alert,
apt, clever, deft, dexterous, expert, handy,
prompt, quick, right (right hand etc.),
sharp, skilful, snappy (quick), spruce
2. finished, ready
ma gheibh iad a-mach
tha mi deas if they find out I am finished
bha iad gan dèanamh fhèin deas gu
seinn they were getting themselves ready
to sing
tha an t-arbhar deas airson a
bhuain the corn is ready for [its] harvest-
ing 3. right (of direction)
air do làimh
dheis on your right (hand)
chaidh e tro
dhoras air a làimh dheis he went through
a door on his right [hand]
bha a bhonaid
na làimh dheis his bonnet was in his right
bha suaicheantas beag airgid air
taobh deas a bhroillich there was a small
silver badge on the right side of his chest
4. near, to hand, handy
thuirt e gun
dèante croich air a shon den chraoibh bu
deise he said that a gallows would be made
for him from the nearest / handiest tree
deas-bhriathrach a eloquent d.-
bhriathrachd nf eloquence d.-chainnt nf
1. elocution 2. repartee d.-chainnteach
a oratorical, voluble d.-gnàth, -àith / -a,
-an nm ceremony, formality, rite, ritual
bha an t-seirbhis seo na seòrsa deas-
gnàtha this service was a sort of ceremony
deas-ghnàthan òg-fhoghlaim initiation
rites d.-ghnàthach a ceremonial, ritual
aig fèist dheas-ghnàthaich at a ceremonial /
ritual feast d.-labhairteach a outspoken
d.-labhrach a fluent d.-làmhach a right-
a bheil thu deas-làmhach? are
you right-handed?
deasach, -aiche a southern
seo am baile
bu deasaiche anns an dùthaich this was
the southernmost town in the country
see App. 9 Sect. 2.0 for further details
deasach, -aich, -aich nm southerner
App. 9 Sect. 2.0 for further details
2. (localised) person from South Uist
deasachadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of
deasaich preparing etc., edition, issue (of
a magazine etc.)
bidh fiughair againn an
t-iarmad fhaicinn san ath dheasachadh
we’ll look forward to seeing the remainder
in the next issue
deasachaidh a editorial
deasaich, -achadh v cook, edit, make
ready, prepare
deasaichear seòlaidhean
airson teagasg na Gàidhlig guidelines
will be prepared for the teaching of Gaelic
deasaiche, -ean nm editor
deasaichte pp prepared, set
bha am bòrd
deasaichte the table was set
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