e bàs ann an Dun Phris air a’ mhìos seo
chaidh he died in Dumfries last month
their iad gur e gaol a thug bàs dha they
say that it is love that caused his death (lit.
gave death to him)
bàs-bhuille nm coup-de-grace, death-blow
b.-cot nm cot death
bas, boise, -an nf palm (of the hand)
tha an t-saoghal na bhois the world is in
his palm
làn na boise a palmful (lit. a fill
of the palm)
le bualadh bhas with
a beating of palms
bas-bhuail v applaud, clap b.-bhualadh
nm & vn of b.-bhuail clapping etc.,
applause, clap
bàsachadh, -aidh nm & vn of bàsaich
dying etc.
bàsaich, -achadh v die, expire
bha iad a’
bàsachadh le acras they were dying of
bha i a’ bàsachadh den
chaithimh she was dying of consumption
bhàsaich an duine aice her husband died
… far an do bhàsaich e de a chreuchdan
… where he died of his wounds
bàsaichidh sinn leis an acras we shall die
of hunger (in some areas bàsaich is rarely,
if ever, used for people, euphemisms such
as caochail or siubhail being used
bastalach, -aiche a gallant, flashy, gaudy,
le a bhrògan bastalach with his
flashy shoes
bastalachd nf gallantry
Basgach, -aich, -aich nm Basque
Basgach a Basque
basgaid, -e, -ean nf basket
basgaid bidhe
basgaid truileis waste-paper-
Basgais nf Basque (lang.)
bàsmhor a fatal, lethal, mortal
bàsmhor mortal
thug e buille bhàsmhor
do gach aon a thigeadh dlùth he delivered
a fatal blow to everyone who came near
bàsmhorachd nf mortality
bha mi
a’ meòrachadh air bàsmhorachd an duine
I was contemplating man’s mortality
bàt’ – a shortened form of bàta used in
compounds where the second element
begins with a vowel to show the elision of
the vowel which takes place in speech e.g.
bat’-aiseig ferry-boat – this is not obliga-
tory in the written form
bata, -aichean nm bat, cane, cudgel, staff,
stick, walking stick or any long, thin stick
bàta, -aichean nm boat, craft
note that, as
in English, all boats are referred to as ‘she’
nuair a bha am bàta a’ dlùthachadh ris
an tìr bhuail i air crèig as the boat was
nearing the land she struck a rock
air a’ bhàta go by boat
bàta-aigil nm submarine
air bord a’
bhàt’-aigil on board the submarine (see
bat’- above) b.-aiseig nm ferry-boat
de na bàtaichean-aiseig aig Mac a’
Bhruthainn one of MacBrayne’s ferry-
boats (tè is fem though bàta is masc – see
bàta) b.-athais nm pleasure boat b.-
foluaimein nm hovercraft b.-giomaich nm
lobster boat b.-iasgaich nm fishing boat
b.-itealaich nm hovercraft b.-saoraidh nm
rescue ship b.-seilg na muice whaler
b.-sgrìobaidh nm trawler b.-smùide nm
bàta-smùide le rothan plead-
hanach a steamboat with paddle wheels /
a paddle steamer b.-teasairginn nm
lifeboat, rescue ship
bidh na bàtaichean-
teasairginn a’ sàbhaladh beatha dhaoine
air a’ mhuir the lifeboats save people’s
lives on the sea b.-tumaidh nm submarine
batail, -e, -ean nf battle
batal, -ail, -ail nm battle
batan, -ain, -an nm baton
bataraidh, -aidhean nm battery
bàth, -adh v drown, quench, saturate, sub-
merge (note that this verb may be used
transitively only i.e. one cannot say as in
English ‘he drowned’, but must say ‘he
was drowned’ i.e. bha e air a bhàthadh /
chaidh a bhàthadh
similarly: bha i air
a bàthadh / chaidh a bàthadh she was
bhàth e e fhèin he drowned
bàth (fuaim) muffle
bhàth iad
fuaim nan ràmh le luideagan they muffled
the sound of the oars with rags
bàthach, bàthcha, bàthaichean /
bàthchannan nf byre, cowshed
bàthadh, -aidh nm & vn of bàth drowning
etc. elision (gram.), extinction
bathais, -ean nf brow, forehead
used like the English ‘cheek’ and hence:
audacity, effrontery, impudence
chan eil
cion bathais orra they don’t lack cheek
thuirt e nach bitheadh de bhathais ach
aige fhèin sin fhaighneachd he said that
none but he would have the effrontery to
ask that
’s ann ort a tha a’bhathais! you
have a cheek!
bathar, -air nm (also badhar) commodity,
goods (for sale), merchandise, product(s),
bathar àrd-theicneolach high
technology products / goods
bainne dairy products
bathar gro-
saireach groceries
bathar truiste bale
bathar aotrom fancy goods
thàinig iad
bàs-bhuille 64