àrd- pref denoting high, chief etc.
àrd-aigne nf magnanimity à.-amasach
a ambitious
’s e pròiseact àrd-
amasach a tha seo this is an ambitious
project à.-aoibhneas nm exultation
le measgachadh de àrd-aoibhneas is
anshocair with a blend of exultation
and unease à.-bhaile nm metropolis
à.-bhàillidh nm mayor à.-bheachdaich
pontificate v à.-cheannach a lofty
cho àrd-cheannach ris na beanntan as
àirde as lofty as the highest hills
à.-chlàr nm plateau à.-chliù nm lauda-
tion à.-doras nm lintel
àrd-dorais fanlight à.-eaglais nf
cathedral à.-easbaig nm archbishop
à.-èibhneach a ecstatic à.-èibhneas
nm ecstacy à.-fhear-stiùiridh nm
chief executive À.-Fhear-Tagraidh,
an t-À.-Fhear-Tagraidh nm the Lord
Advocate à.-fhèill nf jubilee à.-
fhoghlam nm erudition à.-fhuaimneach
a loud
le ospaig àrd-fhuaimneach
with a loud sob à.-ghlòir nf grandilo-
quence à.-ghlòrach a sonorous
à.-ghuthach a audible, loud, loud-voiced
gu h-àrd-ghuthach loudly, aloud,
dh’èigh e gu h-àrd-ghuthach
he shouted aloud / loudly à.-innleadair
nm chief engineer (also prìomh-
innleadair) à.-inntinneach a high-
minded à.-inntleachdail a high-brow
à.-inntleachdair nm high-brow à.-
iolach nf acclamation, loud shout
àrd-iolach with a loud shout
am bratach ri crann ri àrd-iolach nan
Gaidheal the banner was raised to the
mast to the acclamation of the Gaels
à.-ìre nf high-level, high standard
àrd-ìre dòigh-beatha high standard of
living (see also the following) à.-ìre
a high-level, higher, advanced
beatha àrd-ìre high standard of living
cumaidh seo daoine bho fhoghlam
àrd-ìre this will keep people away
from higher education à.-mhaighstir
nm headmaster
… far an robh e na
àrd-mhaighstir sgoile where he was
a [school] headmaster à.-mhanach nm
prior à.-mhol v extol, laud à.-
mholadh nm applause à.-ollamh nm
professor (in the U.K. this means head
of a department, not a reader / lecturer
as it may elsewhere) à.-rathad nm
major road à.-sgoil nf academy, high-
school, secondary school
chaidh e
àrdachadh, -aidh, -aidhean nm & vn of
àrdaich promoting etc., advancement,
(process of) elevation, ennoblement, exal-
tation, gradient, preferment, promotion,
tha iad a’faighinn àrdachadh naoi
sa cheud they are getting a raise of nine
àrdachadh-chàirdean nm nepotism
àrdachair, -ean nm
see àrdaichear
àrdaich, -achadh v advance (of rank),
dignify, elevate, ennoble, exalt, heighten,
honour, magnify, prefer, promote, raise,
uplift, upraise
àrdaich (an luach) appre-
ciate intrans (fin.)
àrdaichear, -eir, -an nm elevator, lift (e.g.
in a building)
àrdaichear-sgi nm ski-lift
àrdail a cardinal (of numbers)
àrdail cardinal number
figear àrdail car-
dinal figure
àrdan, -ain nm arrogance, haughtiness,
(mental) loftiness, pride, proud anger,
… leis an àrdan a bha air…
because of the proud anger he had
e a leithid de dh’àrdan is gun …he
became so angry that …
àrdanach, -aiche a arrogant, haughty,
lofty, supercilious
àrdchlar, -air, -an nm plateau
arfuntachadh, -aidh nm & vn of arfun-
taich confiscating etc., confiscation
arfuntaich, -achadh v confiscate
funtaich am poileas an lìn the police
confiscated their nets
arfuntaichte pp confiscated, forfeited
h-oighreachdan arfuntaichte the forfeited
àrcan 48
do àrd-sgoil Chinn a’ Ghiuthsaich he
went to Kingussie secondary school
à.-sgoile a secondary (of education)
foghlam àrd-sgoile secondary educa-
tion à.-shagart nm high-priest, pontiff
à.-sheanadh nm assembly (of
Presbyterian Church) à.-stiùbhard nm
chief steward à.-theicneolach a high
bathar àrd-theicneolach
high technology goods / products à.-
thir nm highland (geog.) à.-thireach a
highland (geog.) à.-uachdaran nm
overlord, potentate à.-ùrlar nm dais,
hustings, platform, stage à.-urram nm