aithnich, -eachadh v 1. know, recognise
’s cinnteach gun aithnich thu e you must
know him
dh’aithnich mi e anns a’bhad
I recognised him on the spot / at once
nach do dh’aithnich thu iad air an
trusgan? didn’t you recognise them by
their clothing?
dh’aithnichte(adh) iad
air an adaichean they could be recognised
by their hats
cha do leig e air gun do
dh’aithnich e mi he didn’t show that he
recognised me…
rudan nach deach aige
air an aithneachadh things which he
couldn’t recognise (lit. which did not go at
him on their recognising – see rach agad
mar as fheàrr a dh’aithnichear e as
he is best known
note the use of the fut
tense and the imperf / cond tense in the
following examples: chan aithnich mi
mòran dhaoine an seo I don’t know many
people here
an aithnicheadh tu e? did
you know him?
chan aithnichinn i I
didn’t know her 2. discern, perceive, tell
(i.e. perceive etc.)
dh’aithnich e air a
h-aghaidh gun robh seo a’ còrdadh rithe
he knew by her face that this pleased her
cha do dh’aithnich e air a guth gun robh
dad ceàrr he did not perceive by her voice
that anything was wrong
tha mi ag aith-
neachadh air do ghuth gu bheil… I can
tell by your voice that…
nam b’urrainn
dhomh aon fhailinn aithneachadh air b’i
gun robh e … if I could discern one failing
in him it was that he was…
e dè an tac a bha i a’ dol a ghabhail he
perceived what tack she was going to take
dh’aithnicheadh duine gun robh e
beartach one could tell that he was rich
dh’aithnicheadh lethchiallach sam bith
othaisg o reithe any halfwit could tell a
ewe from a ram
Bha e a’ feuchainn ri
taing a thoirt dhomh. Dh’aithnich mi sin
He was trying to thank me. I knew that.
aithnichte pp known, familiar, manifest,
cha robh dòigh air an uireasb-
haidh a dhèanamh aithnichte there was
no way to make their want known
sin glè aithnichte that was very obvious /
dh’fhairich mi gun robh mi air
talamh aithnichte I felt I was on familiar
àithnteil, -e a mandatory
aithreach, -iche a penitent, sorry, regretful
(rather old-fashioned and less commonly
used than aithreachas)
used with
assertive verb is and the prep do with the
sense ‘be a cause of regret to’
b’aithreach leinn riamh gun do dh’fhàg
sinn an t-àite sin it has never been a cause
of regret to us that we left that place
aithreachail, -e a contrite, penitent,
aithreachas, -ais nm penitence, regret,
gabh / dèan aithreachas
regret, repent, rue
bha aithreachas air
he was filled with regret / he was regretful
is ann orm a tha an t-aithreachas nach
do phòs mi i it’s my regret that I didn’t
marry her
… is e na shuidhe air stòl an
aithreachais [and he] sitting on the stool
of repentance / as he sat etc.
… a bheir
ort aithreachas a ghabhail … which will
cause you to repent
same as athraichean
aithridh, -e nf penance
aithris, aithris v communicate, enunciate,
echo, narrate, predicate, quote, relate,
repeat, recite
aithrisidh iad an uair sin
an rann a leanas they will then recite the
following verse
tha e air aithris air
Dòmhnall nach robh eagal aige ro dhuine
sam bith it is related of Donald that he was
afraid of no one
aithris, -e nf & vn of aithris communicat-
ing etc., enunciation, imitation, narration,
recitation, recital, relation (telling), report
a-rèir aithris according to (oral)
aithris-sgoile nf school report
aithriseach, -iche a documentary, imita-
tive, narrative
prògram aithriseach na
dhà earrann a two-part documentary
aithrisiche, -ean nm reciter
àitich, àiteach / -eachadh v cultivate,
delve, inhabit, settle, till
ag àiteachadh
na tìre cultivating the land
tha an gleann
air àiteachadh bho a bhun gu a bhràighe
the glen is cultivated / inhabited from top
to bottom
àitich a arable
talamh àitich arable land
aitidh, e a damp
bha an taigh fuar aitidh
the house was cold and damp
aitreabh, -eibh, -an nm/f building, edifice,
chì thu na h-aitreabhan aig
bun an deilbh you will see the buildings at
the bottom of the picture
àl, àil, àil nm brood, generation, offspring,
young (sometimes àl òg young), litter (of
tha inntinn na circe uile air leas
agus sonas a h-àil the hen’s whole mind is
on the benefit and happiness of her brood /
offspring etc.
tha trì àil aca anns a’
bhliadhna they have three litters per year
leigidh a’ chuthag le eòin eile a h-àl
31 àl