àille nf
same as àilleachd
àille comp of àlainn a
àilleachd nf beauty
boireannach aig an
robh àilleachd gun choimeas a woman
who possessed a peerless beauty
cuimhne aige air àilleachd bhorb an fhà-
saich he remembered the fierce beauty of
the desert
àilleag, -eige, -an nf 1. jewel 2. pretty girl
àilleas, -eis, -an nm desire, fad, will
… far
am faigheadh iad biadh gu an àilleas …
where they could find food to their hearts’
àilleasach, -aiche a fastidious, fussy,
tha e car àilleasach mu bhiadh
he is somewhat fastidious about his food
saoilidh mi gur h-e duine glè àilleasach a
bhiodh … I think it is a very fussy person
who would …
àillidh, -e a lovely, picturesque
àillidh a lovely view
aillse nf indec cancer
aillse craicinn skin
aillseach, -iche a cancerous, malignant
ailm, -e, -ean nf helm, tiller (naut.)
àil-mheidh, -e, -ean nf anemometer
ailpeach a alpine
ailtire, -ean nm architect
ailtireachd nf architecture
aimbeart, -eirt, -an nf need, necessity,
na h-aimbeartan corporra
the bodily needs
aimbeartach, -aiche a necessitous, needy,
aimheal, -eil nm vexation
bha e a-nis fo
aimheal is fo sgìos he was now vexed and
wearied (lit. under vexation and weari-
aimhleas, -eis nm mischief
aimhleasach, -aiche a mischievous
aimhleathan, -aine a narrow
sràid aimh-
leathan dhorcha a narrow, dark street
aimh-rèir nm inconsistency
aimhreit, -e, -ean nf commotion, con-
tention, discord, dissension, confusion,
disturbance, quarrel, riot, unrest, disorder
… mar gun robh e airson aimhreit a
sheachnadh … as if he wanted to avoid
thug e an t-òrdugh an
aimhreit a chìosnachadh he gave the order
to quell the riot / disturbance
cuir air
aimhreit put / throw into disorder / confu-
chuir na daoine sin an dùthaich air
aimhreit those people threw the country
into a state of disturbance / disorder
e seo a bhitheas a’ togail na h-aimhreit
it’s this which causes / will cause the
aimhreiteach, -iche a riotous, contentious,
quarrelsome, unruly, (en)tangled
bha e
na laighe an sin na thòrr aimhreiteach it
was lying there in a tangled mass
bha na
treubhan a’ bagradh a bhith aimhreiteach
the tribes were threatening to be contentious
aimhreiteachadh, -aidh nm & vn of
aimhreitich embroiling
aimhreitich, -eachadh v embroil
aimlisg, -e, -ean nf accident, calamity, con-
fusion, disorder
nuair a dh’èirich an
aimlisg seo dhomh when this calamity
befell me
… anns a’ chabhaig agus an
aimlisg a bha ann … in the haste and con-
fusion (which existed)
… mar gum bit-
headh iad a’ fulang aimlisg … as if they
were suffering [from] confusion
aimlisgeach, -iche a mischievous,
aimrid, -e a barren, infertile, sterile
a’cheàrn gharbh aimrid seo in this rough,
barren region
aimsir, -e nf 1. epoch, season, tense, time
anns an aimsir a chaidh seachad in the
tha aimsir ann airson subhachais
there is a time for rejoicing
[ann] an
aimsirean cèine in far off times
see App.
10 Sects.1.0 & 2.0 for further examples of
this and other words meaning ‘time’ 2. cli-
mate, weather
atharrachadh aimsir cli-
mate change
thuirt e gum feumadh iad
cothrom a ghabhail air an aimsir he said
that they must take advantage of the
bha an aimsir cho dona ’s a
ghabhadh i bhith the weather was as bad
as (it) could be
tha dùil againn ri aimsir
bhlàth we expect warm weather
droch aimsir fad na bliadhna bad weather
continued all (the) year
ri droch aimsir
in bad weather
ri aimsir reòta in freez-
ing weather (lit. in frozen weather)
aimsireil, -e a temporal
chum leas aim-
sireil is sìorraidh an trèid for the temporal
and eternal benefit of the flock (the con-
àin, -e nf heat (of the day)
aig àin a’
mheadhan-latha at the heat of midday
b’èiginn dhuinn fasgadh a ghabhail bho
àine an là we were compelled to take shel-
ter from the heat of the day
ain- neg pref corresponding to un- / in-
ain-diadhachd nf impiety, irreligion,
ungodliness a.-diadhaidh, -e a godless,
impious, irreligious, ungodly a.-dligheach
a illegitimate, unlawful
17 ain-diadhachd