A, a
A! interj Ah!
A! Sin e! Ah! There it is!
a part used before nouns in the vocative
case i.e. when someone, an animal or
something – the last usually only in
poetry – is being addressed, either directly
or in correspondence
a Mhairead!
a charaid (chòir) dear friend /
dear sir (in letters)
a-mach a seo a choin!
out of here, dog!
a Sheumais, am faca tu
a’ chìr agam? James, have you seen my
for further information on the
Voc. Case, see App. 2 Sect. 2.1.2
a poss adj 1. her, its fem
becomes a h-
before vowels
a màthair her mother
h-athair her father 2. his, its masc
the following consonant if possible and is
omitted before vowels
a mhàthair his
sheall e air (a) athair he looked
at his father
often combined with simple
preps ending in a vowel e.g. da to his / to
its (see do)
a prep of (abbr form of de – also found in
the form a dh’)
a part used with vns, with the force of the
English ‘to’ with an infin
thàinig e a
shealltainn orm he came to see me
a’ def art the
used: 1. with nom & dat
cases of fem nouns beginning with b, m, p,
c and g
a’bhròg the shoe
air a’bhròig
on the shoe
a’ mhàthair the mother
bruidhinn ris a’ mhàthair talking to the
a’phìob the pipe
anns a’phìob
in the pipe
a’ chathair the chair
a’ chathair in the chair
a’ ghealach the
air a’ ghealaich on the moon 2.
with the gen & dat cases of sing masc
nouns beginning with the same letters
am baile the town
talla a’ bhaile the
town hall (lit. [the] hall of the town)
maighstir the master
taigh a’mhaighstir
the master’s house
a’ bruidhinn ris a’
mhaighstir talking to the master
prìosan the prison
doras a’phrìosain the
door of the prison
anns a’ phrìosan in
the prison
an cat the cat
earball a’
chait the tail of the cat / the cat’s tail
leis a’chat with / by the cat
an gàradh the
geata a’ ghàraidh the gate of the
garden / the garden gate
anns a’ghàradh
in the garden 3. to show elision of the n (in
informal speech) before any of the conso-
nants not mentioned above
bidh iad a’
cumail a’ leth eile they will be retaining
the other half.
a’ abbr form of ag used before vns begin-
ning with a consonant
tha e a’coiseachd
he is walking
though it should be noted
that ag is frequently used with ràdh say-
dè tha e ag ràdh? what is he saying?
a abbr form of interr part an / am used with
a bheil thu sgìth? are you tired?
also used between a prep and the verb,
with the force of the English rel prons
‘which / that’
seo an taigh anns a bheil
sinn a’fuireach an-dràsta this is the house
in which we are living just now
examples of this usage may be found
under the relevant prep.
a prep
1. reduced form of prep do (q.v.)
chaidh e a Chanada he went to Canada
an rathad a Steòrnabhagh the road to
Stornoway 2. reduced form of prep de
chan eil dad a thìde agam I don’t
have any time at all.
a rel pron who, which, that
by the indep form of the verb, except in
the fut tense, when a special rel fut
form is used
see App. 1 for Verb
sin a’bhean a bha an seo a-
raoir that’s the woman who was here
last night
sin an duine a rinn e that’s
the man who did it
tilg a-mach na
leabhraichean a tha salach throw out
the books which are dirty
sinn a-mach na leabhraichean a bhith-
eas salach we’ll throw out the books
which are (lit. will be) dirty
maid a’ toirt cuideachadh don fhead-
hainn a bhitheadh bochd we used to
give help to those who were needy
Note how ‘whose’ preceded by a prep
(e.g. ‘in whose’) is expressed
sin an
duine a bha sinn a’ fuireach san taigh
aige that’s the man in whose house we
were staying (lit. that’s the man who
we were staying in the house at him)
Note also that most interr prons are
followed by a and the construction
shown above e.g. cò? who? dè? what?
ciamar? how? carson? why? cuine?
when? (q.v.)
when an interr pron