bigead, -eid nm littleness
see bìdil
bigein nm any small bird
usually used in
names as follows:
bigein-Brìghde nm linnet
bigein-mòr nm black shore lark
bigein-sneachda nm little snow bunting
bil nf
see bile nf
bile, -ean nf brim, lip, rim
bile-bhuidhe nf corn marigold
… far an
robh a’bhile-bhuidhe a’fàs gu lìonmhor…
where the corn marigold was growing
bile, -ean nm bill (Parl.)
tha bile a’ dol
tron Phàrlamaid a bill is going through
bileach a lipped
bileach-losgainn, a’bhileach-losgainn nf
burnet (plant)
bileag, -eige, -an nf 1. blade (of grass
etc.) 2. bill, account, label, leaflet, pam-
phlet, ticket
bidh iad a’ foillseachadh
leabhraichean is bhileagan they publish
books and leaflets
bileag iarrtais
demand notice
fear togail bhileagan
bileag tuarastail wages
bileag stiallach tear-off slip
bileag air label v
bileag-cead nf permit b.-ceusa nf luggage
label b.-bhàite nf water-lily (see duilleag-
bhàite nf ) b.-fiosrachaidh nf label
b.-phàrcaidh nf parking-ticket
bidh e
a’ faighinn bileagan-pàrcaidh a h-uile
seachdain he gets parking tickets every
bileagadh, -aidh nm labelling
is ann an
seo a nì sinn am bileagadh it’s here we do
the labelling
bilearach, -aich nm sweet sea-grass
billean, -ein, -an nm billion
bine, -eachan nf bin
a’ togail nam
bineachan lifting the bins
also biona
binid, -e nf rennet
binn, -e nf award (legal), decision, doom,
judgment (jud.), sentence
thoir binn sen-
thoir a-mach binn judge
thug iad
seachad am binn they gave their judge-
ment / decision / verdict
is ann oirnn a
thàinig a’bhinn a thoirt gu buil it fell to us
to carry out the sentence
thoir binn
a-mach air pronounce judgement on
faigh binn receive judgement
binn, -e a dulcet, melodious, musical,
sweet (of sound), tuneful
binndeachadh, -aidh nm & vn of binndich
coagulating etc., coagulation
binndich, -eachadh v coagulate, curdle
binnean, -ein, -an nm (also binnein in
nom) apex, height, peak, pinnacle, point
(of hill), spire, vertex
binneanach a peaked, pinnacled
measg beanntan binneanach na
Gaidhealtachd among the pinnacled
mountains of the Highlands
for the use
of beanntan here rather than beann see
App. 3 Sect. 2.3 (f )
binneas, -eis nm melody, sweetness (of
Bìoball, -aill, -aill nm Bible
am Bìoball
Laidinn the Vulgate
leugh e rudeigin às
a’ Bhìoball he read something from the
biocair, -ean nm vicar
biocant, -aint, -aint nm viscount
biocar, -air-an nm beaker
biod, air bhiod adv agog, full of excite-
ment, on tenterhooks
bha a h-uile duine
air bhiod gu faighinn air ais everyone was
on tenterhooks to get back
bìodach, -aiche a diminutive, tiny
biodag, -aige, -an nf dagger, dirk
bìog, -a, -an nm chirp, squeak
bìogail, -e nf chirp, chirping
dèan bìogail
chirp v
bìogarra a churlish, mean
bìogarrachd nf churlishness, meanness
biolair, -e nf cress, watercress
biomaid / bhiomaid
see bitheamaid /
bhitheamaid under bi
biona, -achan nm bin
also bine
biona-stùir nm dustbin
bior, -adh v prick, sting
bior, -a, -an nm cusp (of a tooth), pin (knit-
ting pin), prick, prickle, prong, skewer,
spike, spit (for roasting)
faigh bior ann
fhuair e bior na mheòir he got
a splinter / thorn in his finger
also see
bior, air bhior adv on tenterhooks
cumaidh an sgeulachd seo air bhior thu
this story will keep you on tenterhooks
bior-fhiacal nm toothpick b.-greasaidh nm
goad b.-ròstaidh nm spit (for roasting)
bha damh mòr ga thionndadh air bior-
ròstaidh a huge ox was being turned on
a spit b.-tomhais nm probe
biorach, -aich, -aichean nf dogfish
tha a’
bhiorach dèidheil air an rionnach the
dogfish is fond of mackerel
biorach, -aiche a piercing, pointed, prickly,
aig bàrr a shròin bioraich at the
tip of his pointed nose
bha iad a’casadh
am fiaclan biorach they were gnashing
their pointed teeth
bha a’ghaoth biorach
79 biorach