blianna / bliannach / bliannail
bliadhna / bliadhnach / bliadhnail
bliochan, -ain nm bog asphodel
bliotsan, -ain nm wall lettuce
blobhsa, -aichean nf blouse
bloc(a), -aichean nm block
graf bloc
block graph
bloigh, -e, -ean nf fraction, particle, piece,
pinch (small quantity)
bloighean òrain
snatches of a song
bloigh eòlais smat-
cha bhi sinn a’ tàladh daoine le
bloigh de sheirbhis we shan’t attract peo-
ple with scrappy service
the following
are mathematical terms: bòrd bhloighean
fraction board
bloigh anabharr improper
bloigh chumanta vulgar fraction
bloigh dheicheach decimal fraction
bloigh cho-ionnan equivalent fraction
see bloigheachadh
bloighdich, -eachadh v
see bloighich,
-eachadh v
bloigheachadh, -aidh nm & vn of
bloighich fracturing etc.
bloigheachaidh a fractioning
bloigheachaidh fractioning tower
bloigheachas, -ais nm fragment, ‘an apol-
ogy for’
bloigheadh, -idh, -idhean nm smash
bloigheag, -eige, -an nf particle
bloighich, -eachadh v fractionate, fracture,
bloinigean-gàrraidh nm spinach
blonag, -aige nf fat, lard, suet, tallow
blosg, -adh v blast (with explosives)
blosgadh, -aidh nm & vn of blosg blasting
(with explosives)
bò, bà, bà nf cow dat sing boin gen pl indef
bhò gen pl def nam bò
tha barrachd
uachdair ann am bainne na bà bàine the
white cow’s milk is creamier
bhò cows’ hoofs
adharcan nam bò the
horns of the cows / the cows’horns
eil ann ach bò odhar mhaol agus bò mhaol
odhar it’s six of one and half a dozen of
the other (lit. there isn’t in it but a dun,
polled cow and a polled, dun cow)
bò-bhainne nf milch cow
boban, -ain, -an nm 1. daddy, papa 2. bobbin
bobhla, -achan nm bowl (receptacle &
wooden ball)
bobhla siùcair sugar-bowl
bobhlaireachd nf bowling, bowls
bòc, -adh v bloat, puff, surge, swell
boc, bocadh / bocadaich / bocail v bounce,
flutter, frisk, jump, prance, skip
bha iad a’
bocadaich is ag eubhach mu choinneimh
they were skipping and shouting in front
of him
na brataichean a’ danns ’s a’
bocail the flags dancing and fluttering
boc, buic, buic nm buck
boc- pref denoting male animal e.g.
boc-earba nm roebuck b.-goibhre nm
billy-goat b.-maighich nm buck-hare
bòcadh, -aidh nm & vn of bòc swelling
bocadh, -aidh nm & vn of boc skipping etc.
bocail nf & vn of boc skipping etc.
bòcan, -ain, -ain nm apparition, bogey-
man, ghost, goblin, hobgoblin, sprite,
bha iad a’ dèanamh bhòcan de
gach creig is preas they were making
bogeymen of every rock and bush
bochd, bochda a
note that the pl form is
bochda 1. impecunious, needy, penurious,
poor (in material wealth, quality or condi-
tion), shoddy
dèan bochd impoverish /
faodaidh cridhe beartach
a bhith fo chòta bochd a rich heart may lie
(lit. be) under a poor coat
is sinne nas
bochda dheth sin we are the poorer of that
sin an dùthaich bu bhochda a chunnaic
mi riamh that was the poorest country
I ever saw
bha na daoine mòran na bu
bhochda na bha sinne the people were
much poorer than we were
air cho bochd
’s am bi an talamh … however poor the
soil is … 2. ill, poorly, sick, unfit
bha a
mhàthair tinn bochd his mother was sick
and poorly 3. poor (meriting sympathy)
an duine bochd! the poor man!
is bochd
sin that’s a pity
nach bochd sin what
a pity / isn’t that a pity?
na cuirp
bhochda aca their poor bodies
bochd, -an nm indec in sing pauper
bochdaibh / na bochdan the poor
nam bochd the condition of the poor
bochd v
see boc
bòchd v
see bòc
see bocadaich
bochdainn nf penury, poverty, want
cò a
b’urrainn dol na b’ìsle ann am bochdainn
na esan? who could descend further (lit.
go lower) into poverty than he?
bocs …
see bogs …
bod, boid, boid nm penis
bodach, -aich, -aich nm old man, oldster
bodach na Nollaige Santa Claus
sneachda snowman
bhiodh sinn a’
dèanamh bodaich shneachda we used to
make snowmen
bodach-ròcais / b.-feannaig / b.-chearc
nm scarecrow
cha robh eagal air na
h-eòin ron bhodach-ròcais the birds
weren’t afraid of the scarecrow (see eagal)
b.-ruadh nm codling
83 bodach-ròcais