càrn, cùirn, cùirn nm 1. cairn, heap
cuireamaid clach air a chàrn let us put
a stone on his cairn (i.e. let us keep his
memory alive) 2. cart, sled
càrn-cuimhne nm monument c.-motair
nm motor sled c.-slaoid nm sledge
càrnabhail, -ean nm carnival
càrnaid nf 1. cochineal 2. carnation
caroil, -ean nm carol
càrr nf dandruff, scab
carrach, -aiche a 1. scabby, mangy
am buntàta carrach the potatoes were
scabby 2. rough, rocky
air cladach
carrach on a rocky beach
carragh, -aigh, -an nf monument, pillar
carragh triantanachaidh triangulation
carragh-chuimhne nf memorial
carraid, -e nf distress, trouble
[ann] an
aimsir carraid agus teinne in time of
trouble and distress
carraideach, -iche a distressful, troubled,
na h-amannan carraideach
tron deach e the turbulent times through
which he had passed
carraig, -e / cairge, -ean nf crag, rock
carraigean, -ein nm carragheen, sea moss
carra-mheille / carra-meille nm caramel,
liquorice, wild liquorice, wood pease
carran, -ain, -ain nm shrimp
carrmhogal, -ail, -an nm curbuncle (gem)
carson interr pron wherefore? why? what
note that the stress is on the second
syllable (often written as car son for this
reason, but the form carson is now rec-
ommended – see son)
foll. by the rel
pron a and the indep or rel form of the verb
carson a tha thu a’ dèanamh sin? why
are you doing that?
carson a bha e anns
an t-seòmar agam? why was he in my
carson a bhitheas iad a’streap gu
mullach a’ chnuic a h-uile latha? why do
they climb to the summit of the hill every
day? (lit. why will they be etc.)
foll. by a neg verb nach is used with all
tenses (incl. the future)
carson nach eil
thu ag obair an-diugh? why aren’t you
working today?
carson nach reic thu e
rium? why won’t you sell it to me?
also: carson a tha an dà luamhan? why
the two levers? / why are there two levers?
carson is also used in indirect questions
chan eil fhios agam carson a rinn
e sin I don’t know why he did that
chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn carson I cannot
conceive why
carthannach, -aiche a charitable
carthannas, -ais nm charity, cordiality,
càrt, -àirt, -an nf quart
cartùn, -ùin, -aichean nm cartoon
càs, -àis, -an nm difficulty, dilemma,
hardship, predicament bha muinntir na
dùthcha [ann] an càs mòr the people of
the country were in great distress
cas, coise, -an nf 1. foot, leg
cas caorach
na casan toisich the forefeet
bha e le cas a’falbh is cas a’fuireach / bha
cas a’ falbh is cas a’ fuireach aige he was
indecisive / in two minds / dithering
thoir do chasan leat no caillidh tu am bus
get a move on or you’ll miss the bus
e a chasan leis he took off
thug i a casan
leatha she scampered
a chasan bhuaipe she lost her footing (lit.
her feet went from her) 2. haft, handle,
hilt, shaft (of tool), shank, treadle
cas na
spaide the handle of the spade
cas-bheart nf footwear (see caisbheart)
c.-cheangal nm joist c.-cheum nm foot-
step, pace
cas-cheuman troma tramp of
tha sinn a’ leantainn ann an cas-
cheuman ar n-athraichean we are follow-
ing in the footsteps of our forefathers
c.-chorrach nf stilt
chaidh iad thar na
h-aibhne air casan-corrach they crossed
the river on stilts c.-chrom nf caschrom,
foot-plough c.-dhìreach nf straight delv-
ing spade c.-na-tunnaig nf wild mustard,
charlock c.-rùisgte barefoot
cas, caise a abrupt, impetuous, precipitous,
rash, sheer, short (of temper), steep
eil a’ bheinn seo cas ri a dìreadh this hill
isn’t steep to climb
cas-chreag nf precipice c.-shruth nm cascade
cas, -adh v gnash
bidh iad a’ casadh am
fiaclan they will be gnashing their teeth
casa- a pl form of cas, a foot used in some
casa-feannag n pl herring-boning (stitch-
ing on selvedge of a blanket – lit. crows’
feet) c.-gobhlach / c.-gobhlagan adv
bha e casa-gobhlach air mullach
a’bhalla he was astride the top of the wall
c.-gobhlachan adv cross-legged
iad casa-gobhlachan they sat cross-legged
casach a legged
casachan, -ain, -an nf pedal
casad, -aid nm cough
dèan casad cough
v leigheas chasad cough mixture
casadaich nf coughing
used as a vn
bha e a’ casadaich am measg a’ cheò he
was coughing among the smoke
e air casadaich he began coughing
117 casadaich