lowered to 850
C to reduce the distortion and
then quenched (Ref 25).
Carburizing boost-diffuse cycles conducted
over 2 h are advantageous for case depths
40.50 mm (0.020 in). They are also useful
when relatively deep cases free of carbides or
retained austenite are required. This is important
when the carbon content is greater than the
eutectoid composition, where there is an in-
creased tendency to form carbides and retained
austenite upon quenching. These effects in-
crease with alloy content (Ref 24).
Harris also developed equations to compute
the carburizing and diffusion times to achieve a
specific case depth and surface carbon content
(Ref 24):
Carburizing time (h)=(C C
Diffusion time (h)=Total time Carburizing time
where C is the final desired surface carbon
content, C
is the surface carbon content at the
end of the carburizing cycle, and C
is the carbon
content at the core.
The effect of the steel alloy composition on
the carbon gradient is illustrated for AISI 1020
plain carbon steel and AISI 8620 after carbur-
izing at three temperatures in Fig. 8 (Ref 24).
The alloy content will influence the diffusion
rate, but its greatest effect is on the case carbon
content. Normal carbon gradients, such as those
shown in Fig. 8, can be achieved by maintaining
a saturated austenite condition at the surface
during the entire boost-diffuse carburizing cycle
(Ref 24).
It is important to control the ratio between the
boost and diffuse times and to carefully control
the carbon potential to avoid obtaining a carbon
profile such as that shown in Fig. 9 (Ref 24).
Although the desired surface hardness was
obtained, the lower carbon content at the surface
can lead to a transformation that proceeds simul-
taneously outward from the case-core interface
and at the surface and proceeds inward such that
the last portion of the case to transform is just
below the surface. This will result in an unde-
sirable condition where the surface is in tension
relative to the core as well as a corresponding
decrease in fatigue strength in addition to an
increased potential for cracking (Ref 24).
Boyer reports that a maximum tolerable car-
bon potential for carburizing cycles of up to 10 h
at 925
C is 1.3% to avoid excessive soot for-
If excessively high carburizing temperatures
are used, the following situations may occur:
Rapid increase in grain growth and loss of
Increased energy consumption
Increased deterioration of the furnace fix-
tures and baskets
When high carbon potentials and long car-
burizing times are used to produce high surface-
carbon content and deep case depths, excessive
retained austenite and/or free carbides may be
obtained as a result. These microstructural pro-
ducts exhibit adverse effects on residual-stress
distribution (which is discussed subsequently).
Therefore, although high carbon potentials may
be used for short carburizing times, substantial
deleterious effects may result if used over pro-
longed carburizing times.
Excessive carbon potentials, gaseous atmo-
sphere composition control problems because of
carbon probe malfunctions or air ingression, and
inadequate furnace purging can lead to excess
free carbon and sooting, which may be suffi-
ciently severe as to leave carbon deposits on the
parts (Ref 24, 26). This can lead to correspond-
ing problems in controlling the carbon potential,
resulting in nonuniform carburizing and dimen-
sional control problems.
Quenching. During carburizing, the steel
microstructure consists of polycrystalline aus-
tenite. Grain coarsening may occur if the car-
burizing times are relatively long. The austenitic
grain size will determine the size and distribu-
tion of martensite that will form as a result of
quenching. In addition, phosphorus segregation
into the grain boundaries may occur during the
carburizing cycle, which has been found to be
directly dependent on phosphorus and carbon
content. Hyde et al. found that fatigue and
fracture toughness decreased slightly when the
phosphorus content increased from 0.005 to
0.017%, and when 0.017 to 0.031% P was pre-
sent, the endurance limit and fracture toughness
decreased substantially (Ref 27).
Phosphorus also affects the degree of carbon
segregation in the form of cementite at the aus-
tenite grain boundaries. During quenching,
small amounts of cementite form at the auste-
nite grain boundaries in the high-carbon case
(Ref 25, 27). This leads to increased sensitivity
to intergranular fracture, which is a major cause
of fatigue crack initiation in carburized steels
(Ref 25).
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