proportional to the quantity of shrinkage cavities
or shrinkage pores present in the obtained
During the shrinkage p rocess that occurs in
the solid state, the component size starts to be
reduced. At this moment, the casting component
faces the resistance of the mold and/or core. This
kind of stress from the casting component, when
trying to contract, generates residual stresses
that may cause plastic deformation of the casting
component, hot tearing, or cracks during heat
treatment later on. Yet, this shrinkage depends
more on the volume reduction intrinsic to the
cast alloy and the project of the mold than on the
casting parameters.
Six Rules for Casting Component Feed-
ing. In the absence of gases and if the feeding of
liquid metal is appropriate, no porosity will be
found in the casting. However, because there are
many complex casting projects, there may be
regions of the mold with feeding problems,
allowing the internal hydrostatic tension in the
liquid metal to generate the conditions for the
formation of internal pores .
In the design of a component to be cast, it is
necessary to have an effective supply of material
in order to compensate the shrinkages pre-
viously mentioned. For the additional liquid
metal supplied to the system to compensate the
volume shrinkage that occurs during cooling, a
riser must be provided in the casting of the
component. The use of these risers, also known
as feeders, exothermic sleeves, or hot tops, can
eliminate the problem of shrinkage pores. The
quantity, form, and volume of these risers vary
according to the form and complexity of the
component to be cast. However, despite the fact
that there is a vast amount of literature on the
calculation and quantity of these risers, the
correct location of them depends on the experi-
ence of the process controller.
The following criteria, however, are con-
sidered fundamental for proper feeding of the
component, and thus, the defects caused by
shrinkage pores are reduced or eliminated:
Thermal transfer criterion: The riser must
solidify at the same time or slower than the
Volume criterion: The riser must contain
enough mass to fulfill the volume shrinkage
needs of the component.
However, there are still rules that are eventually
observed, and they define additional geometric,
thermal, and pressure criteria that are absolutely
necessary for perfect solidification:
The junction between the casting and the
riser must not create a hot spot. This place
cannot have a larger solidification period
than the riser o r the casting component;
otherwise, it can cause the formation of a
shrinkage porosity.
There must be a way in which the liquid
metal of the riser can reach all the required
There must be a pressure variation in order to
cause a liquid material flow in the right
There must be enough pressure in all the
regions of the mold to avoid the formation
and growth of cavities.
Internal Porosity Formed from the Sur-
face. If ther e is not enough internal pressure
inside the component being cast and if the liquid
inside the mold is still connected with the liquid
in the external surface, it can be sucked to the
inside, causing the growth of porosities that are
connected with the surface (Fig. 12), because the
liquid naturally drags air with itself that stays in
the interdendritic spacings of the casting com-
ponent. This preforming mechanism is much
more common than imagined. It occurs mainly
in alloys with a very long cooling range, when
the development of the dendritic lattice means
that the aspiration of liquid in the neighboring
surfaces becomes easier than feeding from a
more distant point. The point at which the liquid
may be pulled from the surface can be anywhere
for an alloy with a long enough cooling period.
Thus, in an alloy with an intermediary solidifi-
cation period, the starting point is usually a hot
spot, such as an internal corner or a recess angle
of the component.
The possibility of the connection of two
opposed surfaces in the same component
through the pores is one of the main reasons that
alloys with long solidification times should not
be employed in the manufacturing of compo-
nents where high working pressures are applied,
such as hydraulic valves or motor cylinder
heads, because they would cause leakages. The
prerequisite in such com plex components is that
the interior should have positive pressure in all
points in order to avoid the connection of the
surfaces through internal porosities, which is
rarely achieved.
Internal Porosity from Nucleation. Alloys
with very short solidification intervals, such as
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