Excessive fluid administration during resuscitation may
result in pulmonary edema, increased need for escharotomy,
and even the need for fasciotomy in unburned limbs.
Recently, the occurrence of intraabdominal compartment
syndrome has been recognized as a complication of excessive
fluid resuscitation. An increase in intraabdominal pressure to
greater than 25 mm Hg may impair venous return and
decrease cardiac output. This is often associated with elevated
peak and mean airway pressures and high pulmonary artery
wedge and central venous pressures. It is prudent to monitor
intraabdominal pressure routinely using an indwelling blad-
der catheter in patients with extensive burns who receive fluid
volumes of more than 25% of preburn total body weight dur-
ing the resuscitation phase. More important, strict attention
to the rate of fluid administration and reduction of excessive
resuscitation fluid volumes should be emphasized.
Continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure with
indwelling arterial cannulas is not required in uncomplicated
burn resuscitations. In patients with inhalation injury or
those who do not respond as expected to fluid resuscitation,
frequent monitoring of arterial blood gases should be per-
formed, and a distal extremity artery should be cannulated to
decrease the risk of complications associated with repetitive
arterial puncture. Femoral arterial cannulation also has a low
complication rate and may be employed if distal arterial can-
nulation is not possible.
Other measures of perfusion such as serum lactate, base
deficit, and intramucosal pH, commonly followed during
resuscitation of various shock states, may be difficult to
interpret when used to monitor burn resuscitation. An eleva-
tion of plasma lactate concentration is observed frequently in
severely burned patients and may in part reflect increased
circulating levels of catecholamines. Glucose administration
increases the rate of glucose oxidation with a subsequent
increase in plasma lactate and pyruvate concentrations fol-
lowing thermal injury. Thus caution must be used in inter-
preting elevated serum lactate levels as related to the
adequacy of burn resuscitation and systemic oxygen delivery.
Similarly, measurement of the arterial base deficit during
burn resuscitation often will yield values as low as –6 even
though other measures of resuscitation, such as urinary out-
put, are at normal levels. This may reflect a relative deficit in
systemic oxygen delivery; however, the excessive fluid admin-
istration required to reverse the base deficit will result in
complications of overresuscitation. Measurement of gastric
intramucosal P
changes using a gastric tonometer may be
used to detect intestinal ischemia during burn resuscitation.
Patients with significant gastric acidosis have a mortality rate
twice that of patients without acidosis. The deaths in this
group were predominantly from multiple-organ dysfunction
occurring several weeks after injury. This suggests that intes-
tinal ischemia still may occur in some patients despite appar-
ently adequate fluid resuscitation after thermal injury,
inflicting persistent deleterious effects on distant organ func-
tion. Conversely, Venkatesh and colleagues have reported
depression of gastric mucosal pH in the presence of “nor-
mal” indices of systemic circulation and attributed this dis-
parity to selective GI vasoconstriction and the development
of tissue edema.
At the beginning of the second postburn day, when col-
loid replacement is initiated and infusion of lactated Ringer’s
solution is discontinued, the volume of 5% dextrose in water
infused per hour should be equal to 25–50% of the preced-
ing hour’s volume of lactated Ringer’s solution. If the urinary
output remains greater than 30 mL/h, that infusion rate
should be maintained for the next 3 hours, at which time the
rate of infusion of 5% dextrose in water should be further
reduced in a similar manner.
Pulmonary function must be reassessed continually
throughout the resuscitative phase. Tachypnea may indicate
metabolic acidosis from underresuscitation, hypoxemia, or
restriction of chest wall motion owing to circumferential
burns or massive edema. Evaluation must include ausculta-
tion, chest x-rays, and arterial blood gas analyses if a signifi-
cant tachypnea occurs. Thermally injured patients in the ICU
should be monitored with a pulse oximeter. In most patients,
hemoglobin saturation by arterial blood gas analysis matches
that obtained by pulse oximetry; however, patients with
severely burned digits may be difficult to monitor using this
method. In addition, a decrease in intensity of the pulsed sig-
nal detected in an extremity monitored by pulse oximetry
may reflect inadequate distal perfusion from underresuscita-
tion, constricting circumferential burn wounds, or arterial
spasm owing to high levels of circulating catecholamines.
Low oxygen saturation, as measured by pulse oximetry, also
may indicate circulating levels of carboxyhemoglobin or
methemoglobin as a consequence of the inhalation of carbon
monoxide or cyanide, respectively.
In thermally injured patients requiring endotracheal
intubation and mechanical ventilation, end-tidal CO
toring should be used to detect early changes in ventilation
owing to inhalation injury or restriction of chest wall
motion. This method of monitoring is particularly useful in
pressure-controlled modes of mechanical ventilation. Chest
radiographs should be obtained at least daily during resusci-
tation and the period of edema absorption. Subsequent x-
rays are ordered as clinically indicated.
Serum chemistry profiles, complete blood count, arterial
blood gases, and other baseline blood studies are obtained on
admission, with further tests depending on the clinical situa-
tion. The patient’s weight should be measured on admission
and followed daily as an indicator of fluid balance.
Evaporative water loss from the wound typically peaks on
the third postburn day and persists until the burn wound is
healed or grafted. Insensible water losses may be estimated
according to the following formula:
Insensible water loss (mL/h) = (25% + % BSA
burned) × total BSA (m