Serial neurologic examinations are important to detect
signs of deterioration so that corrective measures can be
taken expeditiously. The patient must be maintained in opti-
mal physiologic condition to maximize the chances of neu-
rologic repair and recovery.
A. Respiratory Care—Patients with cervical cord injuries
frequently develop worsening of their respiratory status in
the ICU. This may be secondary to diaphragm fatigue or
ascending neurologic damage from edema or ischemia and
may require prompt respiratory support. Intubation in
patients with unstable cervical injuries should be performed
using fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation (see below for selec-
tion of neuromuscular blocking agents). Hypoventilation,
particularly during sleep, is not uncommon in the early stages
following high cervical cord injury and may require nighttime
ventilation. This is probably due to an impaired respiratory
drive to CO
or diaphragm fatigue. A high index of suspicion
for this disorder, which usually resolves in 1–2 weeks, must be
maintained in the early phases of ICU care.
Aggressive pulmonary toilet and aerosol bronchodilators
should be used to avoid atelectasis, mucus plugs, and pneu-
monia. Prophylactic antibiotics should not be used to pre-
vent pulmonary infections.
B. Hemodynamic Support—During spinal shock, decreased
sympathetic outflow may be manifested by bradycardia or
hypotension. However, one must not overlook a source of
hemorrhage (eg, liver laceration or pelvic fracture) because
such patients will not complain of pain. Hypotension from
spinal shock usually responds well to intravenous infusions
of crystalloid and colloid solutions. Vasopressors such as
dopamine may be required. Atropine, although short-acting,
may rapidly reverse hypotension associated with bradycardia.
Placement of a temporary cardiac pacemaker may be required
for severe bradycardia. Following recovery from spinal shock,
reflex hypertension, sweating, pilomotor erection, and rarely,
bradycardia or cardiac arrest (autonomic dysreflexia) may
occur. This is usually precipitated by painful stimuli such as
bladder catheterization, respiratory suctioning, or colorectal
manipulation. Hypertensive crises, which can be life-
threatening, should be treated by elimination of the precipi-
tating stimulus and administration of rapid-acting
intravenous antihypertensive agents. In recurrent severe
attacks, prophylaxis with phenoxybenzamine may be useful.
C. Cervical Immobilization—Unstable malaligned cervical
spine subluxations or fractures should be managed initially
with external immobilization. This can be achieved by
attaching tongs or a halo ring to the patient’s skull and apply-
ing distraction force through a pulley system attached to
weights. One must exclude the presence of atlanto-occipital
dislocation because traction in this condition can result in
overdistraction and serious injury. Gentle application of
5–10 lb is used initially, gradually increasing by up to 5 lb per
cervical level (eg, 20 lb for C4 and 30 lb for C6). More weight
may be required for reduction, but no more than 10 lb per
level should be administered. After each weight increase, the
lateral x-ray should be repeated to determine if realignment
has been achieved. It is often necessary to administer muscle
relaxants such as diazepam (5–10 mg intravenously every
8 hours) during skeletal traction to reduce muscle contrac-
tions or spasms that can hinder spinal realignment.
Application of a halo vest orthosis may be the proper choice
for certain bony injuries of the cervical spine.
D. Surgery—The principal goal in the management of cervi-
cal spine injuries is prevention of secondary neurologic
injury and provision of an optimal environment for recov-
ery. Securing a stable cervical spine (ie, bones, muscles, and
ligaments) will prevent further neurologic injury and reduce
the chance for persistent cervical pain resulting from insta-
bility. In general, bony lesions heal well if immobilized prop-
erly, whereas ligamentous injuries typically do not heal. The
indications for operation are decompression of incompletely
injured neural tissue and reduction and stabilization of
malaligned or unstable cervical segments. Some of the basic
features and treatment modalities for several common cervi-
cal injuries are outlined below.
1. Atlanto-occipital dislocation—These injuries, which
are seen most commonly in children owing to immature
craniovertebral articulations, are often fatal. They involve
extensive ligamentous disruption and can cause injury to the
brain stem, cervical cord, nerve roots, or vertebral artery.
Traction should not be used because it can increase the
distraction and cause further CNS damage. These injuries
are highly unstable and require operative bony fusion.
2. Jefferson fracture of the atlas—This is a burst frac-
ture of the ring of the atlas resulting from an axial force and
is usually asymptomatic. If combined displacement of the
left and right lateral masses on open mouth x-ray is more
than 6.9 mm, immobilization with a halo vest is suggested;
otherwise, a hard cervical collar is sufficient.
3. Axis fractures—A type 1 odontoid fracture involves
only the tip of the odontoid and can be treated with hard cer-
vical collar immobilization. Fractures through the odontoid
base are classified as type 2 and have a high incidence of
nonunion. Current treatment recommendations are for sur-
gical fusion if the fracture is displaced more than 6 mm or
halo vest immobilization for fractures displaced less than
6 mm. Anterior odontoid screw fixation or posterior
atlantoaxial fixation may be performed. Type 3 odontoid
fractures involve the base of the odontoid with extension into
the vertebral body and require only halo vest immobilization
for fusion. Hangman fractures are bilateral fractures of the
C2 pedicles with anterior displacement of C2 onto C3. They
are usually due to hyperextension injuries such as automo-
bile accidents in which the head hits the windshield.
Hangman fractures may be unstable and require traction ini-
tially if malalignment is present, followed by immobilization
in a halo vest. Isolated laminar or spinous process fractures