is reperfused. A hemorrhagic infarct implies embolism.
Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage occurs as a result of
hypertensive vascular disease, but in elderly people it also can
be caused by amyloid angiopathy.
Clinical Features
A. Symptoms and Signs—Stroke owing to occlusive vascu-
lar disease, or thrombosis, tends to have its onset in a stepwise
or progressive fashion. It occurs commonly while the patient
is sleeping. An embolic stroke is sudden in onset and produces
maximum neurologic deficit at the outset. Transient ischemic
attacks can precede either thrombotic or embolic infarction
but probably are more frequent in association with throm-
botic disease. An intracerebral hemorrhage also is sudden in
onset and may cause an acute rise in intracranial pressure
owing to mass effect. The location of a stroke is clinically
helpful; for example, a small lacunar infarct in the internal
capsule is almost certainly due to intracranial, small vessel, or
occlusive disease. The first step in localizing the lesion is a
careful neurologic examination.
B. Imaging Studies—Brain imaging will confirm the loca-
tion of the infarct and determine whether hemorrhage has
occurred. This information is required before anticoagulation
therapy can be started. Typically, a bland infarct will not show
on CT scan in the first few hours up to about 24 hours after
onset. CT imaging, however, is very sensitive for the detection
of fresh bleeding. MRI, especially with diffusion studies, is
sensitive for acute infarction. MR angiography can demon-
strate occluded or stenotic large- and medium-sized arteries.
Differential Diagnosis
A history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or tobacco
smoking and a family history of stroke or myocardial infarc-
tion are common in occlusive disease. A history of hyperten-
sion is common in intracerebral hemorrhage. If an embolic
infarction is present, a source should be found; this may be
clots arising in the heart or clots from the periphery reach-
ing the brain as a result of right-to-left cardiac shunting, as
may occur with a patent foramen ovale. Artery-to-artery
embolization, usually from an internal carotid artery, also
may be considered. Strokes secondary to cocaine abuse cur-
rently are a problem not to be overlooked. Also occasionally
encountered are strokes caused by carotid artery or vertebral
artery dissection. These are traumatic in origin, and symp-
tomatic onset usually is 24–72 hours following trauma.
Often a history of neck extension is obtained. An intimal
tear and flap are demonstrated by either endovascular or
MR angiography. A brain CT scan is very sensitive for
demonstrating intracerebral hemorrhage or hemorrhagic
infarction, but an acute bland infarct does not show until
density of the infarcted tissue has decreased and edema
occurs. MRI is sensitive in all cases. Occlusion of large ves-
sels supplying the brain can be demonstrated with Doppler
ultrasound, MR angiography, and CT angiography. Selective
contrast angiography is indicated when the diagnosis is in
doubt and a surgically treatable vascular lesion could be
present. The workup for an embolic source should include
electrocardiography and, if a rhythm disturbance such as
atrial fibrillation is not found, echocardiography. An
embolic source sometimes can be demonstrated only on the
transesophageal echocardiogram.
Rarer causes of stroke include polycythemia, sickle cell
disease, collagen-vascular diseases, lupus anticoagulant, and
hypercoagulable states. Infrequent causes of stroke also are
moyamoya disease, fibromuscular hyperplasia, Takayasu’s
disease, and tuberculous or other arterites. Infarction caused
by arterial spasm associated with ruptured berry aneurysm
and subarachnoid hemorrhage is well known in neurosurgi-
cal practice.
In general, the management of an acute stroke consists of
supportive care and control of blood pressure. In this cir-
cumstance, autoregulation of cerebral blood flow is impaired
or lost, and regional brain perfusion is passive and essentially
dependent on systemic blood pressure. Therefore, hypoten-
sion is to be avoided. Edema characteristically develops
24–72 hours following infarction and can lead to complica-
tions owing to mass effect; this is especially critical in the
posterior fossa, where obstruction of CSF flow and second-
ary hydrocephalus can result (Figure 30–3). Fluid balance in
acute stroke patients therefore should be watched carefully
and kept on the “dry side” to minimize the risk of hypona-
tremia and further brain swelling. Inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion sometimes can complicate this problem.
When progressive mass effect with secondary hydrocephalus
occurs, management is as described in Chapter 29, and will
require consultation with a neurosurgeon. Since many stroke
patients develop dysphagia or have poor mental status, aspi-
ration precautions should be taken, and a nasogastric tube
should be placed. Swallowing evaluations often are necessary
before allowing oral intake.
Anticoagulation is clearly indicated in embolic disease
but usually must be delayed in the presence of a significant
hemorrhagic infarct because of the risk of further bleeding.
However, this factor must be weighed against what one
judges to be the risk for repeated embolization. Common
practice is to delay for about 10–14 days. The efficacy of anti-
coagulation in occlusive vascular disease is less clear, but it is
common practice at this time to anticoagulate patients with
strokes in progression or frequently repeated transient
ischemic attacks. In the critical care situation, initial antico-
agulation for cerebrovascular disease is accomplished with
intravenous heparin.
Antiplatelet therapy has been shown to reduce the inci-
dence of future stroke in patients at risk, including those with
present or prior stroke, and it can be initiated in the acute
phase of a new stroke. The available agents are aspirin or
enteric-coated aspirin, 81–325 mg/day; clopidogrel bisulfate,