Unduly slow deflation produces venous congestion, which
decreases the amplitude of the Korotkoff sounds as the cuff
pressure nears the diastolic pressure.
When compared with intraarterial pressure measure-
ments, those obtained by auscultation differ by 1–8 mm Hg
systolic and 8–10 mm Hg diastolic. At intraarterial pressures
below 120 mm Hg systolic, auscultation tends to overesti-
mate pressure, whereas above 120 mm Hg, auscultation
underestimates arterial pressure.
3. Oscillometry—The oscillometer uses two cuffs in series;
one occludes the artery proximally, whereas the other detects
the onset of pulsations. Slow deflation of the proximal cuff
produces aneroid needle oscillation or mercury column vari-
ation at systolic pressure. Oscillometry is the only noninva-
sive technique capable of indicating mean arterial pressure,
which coincides with maximum deflection of the manome-
ter. Although diastolic pressure is defined as that point at
which oscillation ceases, measurement of diastolic pressure is
in fact inaccurate. Oscillometry requires several cardiac
cycles to measure blood pressure accurately.
Automated oscillometry devices generally use single-
bladder cuffs that are alternately inflated and deflated. On
deflation, alterations in cuff pressure are sensed by a trans-
ducer inside the instrument. Pairs of oscillations and corre-
sponding cuff pressures are stored electronically to permit
measurement of the systolic and diastolic pressures. Use of
these automated devices is limited in those with irregular
rhythms or when motion cannot be minimized. In addition,
measurements tend to be unreliable in low-flow states.
4. Plethysmography—Arterial pulsations produce minute
changes in the volume of an extremity. Such alterations in
finger volume can be detected photometrically with a
plethysmograph. These devices tend to be less accurate than
alternative pressure monitoring techniques, particularly dur-
ing low-flow and stress conditions.
5. Doppler—The Doppler principle states that any moving
object in the path of a sound beam will alter the frequency of the
transmitted signal. The sound beam used to “insonate” tissue is
created by applying an electrical potential to a crystal that causes
it to oscillate in the radiofrequency spectrum. This sound is cou-
pled to the tissue of interest through an acoustic gel.
When the beam strikes moving blood cells, the frequency
of the reflected beam is altered in a manner proportionate to
the velocity of the reflecting surface. Continuous- and pulsed-
wave Doppler equipment is currently available. Continuous-
wave transducers have two crystals mounted together in a
single probe. One is continuously transmitting, and the other
is continuously receiving. Only the velocity of flow and its
direction can be determined by a continuous-wave device.
Because a Doppler shift occurs only when blood moves rela-
tive to the transducer, an angle correction must be applied:
where Δf is the frequency shift, fe is the frequency of the
insonating beam, V is blood velocity,
is the incident angle
of insonation, and C is the velocity of sound in tissue.
The depth of tissue penetration by the sound beam is
inversely proportional to the frequency of insonation.
Because arteries of interest are typically superficial, a 10-
MHz probe can be used. As can be seen from the equation,
the largest frequency shift is obtained when the probe is held
parallel to the artery. Perpendicular positioning decreases the
frequency shift (cos
→ 0). Doppler blood pressure meas-
urements are obtained by placing an ultrasonic probe on an
artery distal to a compressing cuff.
Doppler sounds become apparent when cuff pressure falls
below arterial pressure. Arterial pressures obtained using a
Doppler probe usually are higher than those obtained by pal-
pation and lower than those obtained by direct measurement,
although the overall correlation is excellent. An automated
device (Arteriosonde) is available for Doppler measurements.
It uses a 2-MHz insonation frequency directed at the brachial
artery. Overall accuracy is very good—especially at low pres-
sures, when ultrasonic and palpatory techniques are more
accurate than auscultation. Disadvantages include motion
sensitivity, requirement for accurate placement, and the need
to use a sonic transmission gel.
B. Invasive Pressure Monitoring—Insertion of a catheter
into an artery is the most accurate technique for pressure
monitoring. Such catheters are connected by tubing to pres-
sure transducers that convert pressure into electrical signals.
Because arterial pressure waves are themselves too weak to
generate electrical impulses, most transducers actually meas-
ure the displacement of an internal diaphragm. This
diaphragm is connected to a resistance bridge such that
motion of the diaphragm modulates an applied current. The
transducer’s sensitivity is the change in applied current for a
given pressure change.
Because transducers are ultimately mechanical, they
absorb energy from the systems they monitor. If absorbed
energy in the transducer’s diaphragm is suddenly released, it
will begin to vibrate at its natural (resonant) frequency. The
tendency for this oscillation to stop depends on the damping
of the system. Oscillating frequency increases as damping
decreases. The resonant frequency is a function of the natu-
ral frequency and the damping coefficient. Classically, a sys-
tem’s damping coefficient is determined by applying and
releasing a square pressure wave (Figure 8–3).
Damping increases when compliance increases. Soft
(compliant) connecting tubing absorbs transmitted pressure
waves and damps the system. Other factors that increase
damping include air in the transducer dome or tubing, exces-
sively long or coiled tubing, connectors containing
diaphragms, and the use of stopcocks. Because air is more
compressible than water, even small bubbles increase the sys-
tem damping. Excessive damping results in underestimation
of systolic pressure and overestimation of diastolic pressure.
There is little effect on mean pressure. Underdamped systems
produce the opposite effects. Additionally, systems with