infrequent Kerley lines, peribronchial cuffing, or pleural effu-
sions. In contrast, hydrostatic edema is associated with cardiac
enlargement, septal lines, and frequent pleural effusions. The
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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Early ARDS: Decrease in lung volumes, but lungs are
generally clear. If ARDS is caused by aspiration or pneu-
monia, parenchymal opacifications may be present.
Later: Air space opacification is usually bilateral but may
be asymmetric and patchy and may progress later to
more uniform consolidation. Air bronchograms are usu-
ally present.
Late ARDS associated with collagen deposition shows
less dense parenchymal consolidations with interstitial
or “ground glass” opacities.
Complications include pulmonary interstitial emphy-
sema, pneumomediastinum, and pneumothorax.
General Considerations
ARDS is a catastrophic consequence of acute lung injury,
with damage to the alveolar epithelium and pulmonary vas-
culature resulting in increased capillary permeability edema.
Despite numerous attempts at clarification in the literature,
there is still disagreement about the best way to describe this
disorder. It is usually characterized clinically by refractory
hypoxemia, decreased lung compliance, severe acute respi-
ratory distress, and pulmonary parenchymal consolidations
on chest radiographs. A number of disorders are associated
with ARDS, including both direct insults to the lungs and
nonpulmonary systemic conditions.
Radiographic Features
A. Chest Radiographs—The radiographic manifestations
correlate with the pathologic changes seen in the lungs and
vary with the stage of lung injury. Three stages have been
described in ARDS. Stage I (also known as the acute exuda-
tive phase) is the earliest and most transient stage of lung
injury and occurs during the first hours after the insult.
Pathologically, this stage is characterized by pulmonary cap-
illary congestion, endothelial cell swelling, and extensive
microatelectasis. Fluid leakage is confined to the intersti-
tium and is limited. Clinically, respiratory distress with
tachypnea and hypoxemia is present. In patients with ARDS
secondary to systemic insults, diffuse microatelectasis and
diminished lung compliance may result in a decrease in lung
volumes, but the lungs are generally clear. Interstitial fluid is
usually too mild to be radiographically apparent (Figure 7–15).
In primary pulmonary insults causing ARDS, such as aspira-
tion or pneumonia, parenchymal opacifications may be pres-
ent (Figure 7–16). Physiologic changes due to therapy are also
reflected on the radiograph, including volume overload and
barotrauma. The use of positive end-expiratory pressure
(PEEP) may cause improvement in aeration on the chest
radiograph without physiologic or clinical improvement. In
fact, occasionally there is paradoxical worsening of oxygena-
tion from alveolar overdistention with subsequent diversion
of pulmonary flow to poorly ventilated regions.
In stage II (also referred to as the fibroproliferative phase),
the pathologic features of hemorrhagic fluid leakage, fibrin
deposition, and hyaline membrane formation result in radi-
ographic consolidation. Air space opacification is usually bilat-
eral but may be asymmetric and patchy and may progress later
to more uniform consolidation. Air bronchograms are usually
present and become more conspicuous with severe consolida-
tion. The transition to stage II may occur 1–5 days following
the pulmonary insult depending on its type and severity. More
severe injuries result in a more rapid transition. Pleural effu-
sions are uncommon and, when present, are small.
Stage III (also referred as the fibrotic or recovery phase) is
characterized by hyperplasia of type II alveolar epithelial cells
and collagen deposition. Decreased lung compliance,
ventilation-perfusion imbalance, diffusion impairment, and
destruction of the microvascular bed result in abnormal gas
exchange and lung mechanics. Radiographically, parenchy-
mal consolidations become less dense and confluent.
Interstitial or “ground glass” opacities develop as fluid is
replaced by the deposition of collagen. Subpleural lucencies
may develop in regions of peripheral ischemia and ischemic
necrosis. The treatment of ARDS, including positive-pressure
ventilation, sometimes results in barotrauma that is mani-
fested as pulmonary interstitial emphysema, pneumomedi-
astinum, and pneumothorax (Figure 7–17).
Long-term sequelae of ARDS are variable. The overall mor-
tality rate is approximately 50%. Although long-term survivors