with a reduction in thrombophlebitis. Subcutaneous tunnel-
ing may help to reduce the rate of catheter infection, but the
best precaution is optimal nursing care and the use of
chlorhexidine as an antiseptic for skin preparation.
Catheter-related infection is a major concern. The two
most likely causes for catheter-related infections are migration
of bacteria down the catheter sheath and trapping and growth
of bacteria that accumulates on the fibrin tip at the distal end of
the catheter. Replacement of the catheter involves either
exchange over a guidewire or selection of a new site. If obvious
infection is present at the original site, a new site must be
selected. If there is no obvious infection at the catheter site, the
catheter may be exchanged aseptically over a guidewire. The
removed catheter tip should be sent for culture, and if bacteria
grow over the next 24–72 hours, the exchanged catheter
should be discontinued and a new site selected. Central line
placement has a 3–5% likelihood of causing pneumothorax or
some other serious complication. Changes of catheter sites
reserved solely for TPN usage are not needed on a regular basis
but only when there is evidence of local or systemic infection
or other complication of the catheter.
The most common complication of TPN is catheter-
related infection. In a pediatric setting, 15% of patients may
develop bacteremia or candidemia. Patients at highest risk
are those with diabetes mellitus. It has been estimated that
catheter-related infections occur in 3% of nondiabetic adults
and in 17% of diabetic adults. The most serious infections
are due to Candida species, with mortality rates as high as
34% despite antifungal treatment.
C. Carbohydrate and Protein—Since the intravenous route
is not the natural route for nutritional substrate administra-
tion, it is important to provide adequate but not excessive
amounts of protein, carbohydrate, and fat on a daily basis.
Most critically ill patients need 1.5–2.5 g/kg per day of pro-
tein. The ideal body weight value should be used in calculat-
ing the daily protein requirements. Dextrose administration
to most critically ill patients should not exceed 3.0 mg/kg per
minute (4.3 g/kg per day). This generally translates into
about 300 g dextrose, or 2 L of 15% dextrose, in a 70-kg
adult. Administration of greater amounts of dextrose can
result in glucose intolerance, abnormal liver function tests,
and fatty infiltration of the liver.
D. Lipid—Currently available intravenous fat emulsion prod-
ucts are derived from soybean or a mixture of soybean and
safflower oil. The products vary slightly in the amount of
linoleic, linolenic, and oleic acids. Each product is available
in 10% and 20% concentrations, but the 20% product is
the best choice because of its caloric density and the lack of
imbalance in the phospholipid-to-lipid ratio. Intravenous
lipid can be administered as a separate 20% concentration
over 20–24 hours or—more commonly—as part of the
TPN called “3 in 1” with dextrose and amino acids.
Maximum fat administration can be estimated at 2 g/kg
per day or 140 g/day (1260 kcal).
The use of intravenous fat administration in critically ill
patients initially was very controversial. Some of the early stud-
ies did not demonstrate any improvement in nitrogen reten-
tion when glucose calories were exchanged for fat calories.
The septic patient has a reduced ability to use calories
provided as dextrose, so any amount of dextrose in excess of
300 g/day (1020 kcal) may not be used as energy and could
contribute to the development of fatty liver infiltration and
mild elevations in liver function tests. Because septic
patients have an approximately threefold increase in fat oxi-
dation rate, fat calories may be readily used in these
patients. As a precaution, however, and because excessive
amounts of intravenous lipids in animals contribute to an
increased incidence of sepsis and associated morbidity, a
maximum of 60% of total calories as intravenous fat is
acceptable in most critically ill patients.
There is some interest in the use of peripheral adminis-
tration of lipid, amino acids, and dextrose in a single 3-L bag
via a very small catheter. In theory, the catheter floats in the
vein, causing less luminal damage. An option used by some is
to administer the peripheral infusion of lipid emulsion for 18
of the 24 hours and to run in 5% dextrose over the 6-hour
resting period. This makes physiologic sense because fasting
will permit clearance of very low-density lipoprotein
(VLDL) particles and allow for adaptation to the nonfed
Essential fatty acid requirements are estimated to be
approximately 1–4% of total energy requirements and
should be in the form of linoleic acid. An elevation of the
eicosatrienoic acid (triene) to arachidonic acid (tetrane)
ratio to 0.4 is indicative of essential fatty acid deficiency.
Treatment of essential fatty acid deficiency requires
approximately 10–20% of total energy to be in the form of
linoleic acid.
E. Parenteral Nutrition Solutions—Some standard par-
enteral nutritional formulas and those containing higher
amounts of branched-chain-enriched amino acid formulas
are listed in Table 6–7. Most formulas provide approximately
1 kcal/mL of TPN. Standard parenteral nutrition solutions
do not contain glutamine owing to the instability of this
amino acid in solution. Standard parenteral formulas also do
not contain large amounts of arginine. Both glutamine and
arginine can be added to the parenteral formulas before
administration, but there is no convincing evidence that
added arginine is helpful. Recent data suggest that glutamine
may be a preferred fuel for enterocytes and lymphocytes. The
use of glutamine-enriched formulas can prevent postinjury
expansion of the extracellular water compartment in bone
marrow transplant patients. There also may be a slight reduc-
tion in the incidence of infection.
F. Recommendations for Ordering Central Parenteral
Nutrition—Each hospital should have standard formulas for
parenteral nutrition. Consider using a central parenteral
nutrition formula with 15% dextrose, 5% amino acids, and