can be reversed with naloxone. These include nausea and
vomiting (17–34%), pruritus (11–24%), and urinary reten-
tion (22–50%).
Epidural morphine has a relatively slow onset, prolonged
action, and delayed occurrence of respiratory depression.
Fentanyl has a rapid onset and short duration of action and
is not uncommonly used for continuous epidural infusion.
The addition of epinephrine to epidural narcotics is not rec-
ommended because of the increased incidence of side
Intermittent epidural administration of opioids has the
drawback of peak and trough concentrations, so patients
may suffer unacceptable pain before adequate analgesia is
restored. Continuous infusion, PCA, or a combination of
both may provide better pain control in certain situations.
The epidural route has been used more commonly than
the intrathecal route for postoperative pain control. Potential
risks, complications, and monitoring requirements are simi-
lar for the two techniques. Because of spinal cord toxicity, not
all drugs used epidurally are safe for intrathecal use.
Compared with regional anesthesia, epidural or intrathecal
narcotics provide highly effective pain relief with no direct
effects on hemodynamics and motor function. However,
they may be less effective than regional anesthesia in block-
ing nociceptive perception and the associated metabolic and
neuroendocrine reactions.
Local Anesthetic Analgesia
Postoperative or posttraumatic pain control also can be
managed with long-acting local anesthetics. Brachial plexus
block, intercostal block, other peripheral nerve blocks,
intrapleural block, and local infiltration of the wound area
are available. When feasible, continuous infusion may be
more effective and reliable.
Regional Analgesia
Regional analgesia with local anesthetic agents generally pro-
vides better pain relief than opioids because anesthetic
agents block both the afferent and the efferent pathways of
the reflex arc. This minimizes neuroendocrine and metabolic
responses to noxious stimuli. Nevertheless, when local anes-
thetics are administered epidurally or intrathecally, care must
be exercised to minimize side effects such as hypotension and
limb paralysis or weakness secondary to sympathetic and
somatic nerve blockade. A proper combination of opioids
and local anesthetics may achieve the ideal goal of adequate
analgesia with minimum metabolic and physiologic changes.
Local Anesthetic Agents
Local anesthetics produce both sensory and motor block when
a sufficient quantity is deposited near neural tissue. They are
used in the ICU to provide anesthesia and analgesia through
spinal, epidural, field, nerve block, or intravenous techniques.
Local anesthetics are classified as esters (eg, tetracaine,
chloroprocaine, and procaine) or amides (eg, lidocaine, bupi-
vacaine, and ropivacaine) depending on the chemical bond of
their alkyl chain. The ester local anesthetics are metabolized
by plasma cholinesterase, and the amide local anesthetics are
metabolized by the liver. The actions of local anesthetics are
affected by multiple factors, including lipid solubility, pK
protein binding, metabolism, and local vasoactivity. Onset of
block depends on the availability of the nonionized form of
the drug, which is determined by its pK
and the tissue pH.
The extent of binding to membrane protein and the time of
direct contact with the nerve fiber affect its duration of
action. Epinephrine (1:200,000) is frequently added to local
anesthetic solutions to reduce their absorption and prolong
the duration of action through local vasoconstriction.
Allergic reactions to local anesthetics are rare and more
likely to occur with esters than with amides. High plasma
concentrations of local anesthetics from either excessive
absorption or inadvertent overdose lead to severe side effects.
Hypotension, direct myocardial depression, arrhythmias,
and cardiac arrest are potentially lethal complications.
Perioral numbness, restlessness, vertigo, tinnitus, twitching,
and seizures are common manifestations that involve the
nervous system.
A. Lidocaine—Lidocaine is currently the most widely used
local anesthetic in the ICU because it has a low incidence of
side effects, a rapid onset of action, and an intermediate
duration of action. It has a volume of distribution of 90 L, a
clearance rate of 60 L/h, a distribution half-life of 57 seconds,
and an elimination half-life of 1.6 hours. It is metabolized in
the liver by oxidative dealkylation.
Lidocaine is used to provide pain control in spinal,
epidural, caudal, nerve, and field blocks, as well as in Bier
block anesthesia (IV regional block). Lidocaine in concentra-
tions of 2–4% has been used topically in the nose, mouth,
laryngotracheobronchial tree, esophagus, and urethra.
Lidocaine concentrations of 0.5–1.5% are used for local infil-
tration. An intravenous bolus of lidocaine (1.5 mg/kg) is use-
ful to attenuate the increase of intracranial pressure and blood
pressure during laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation.
Systemic toxicity occurs when plasma concentrations of
lidocaine are above 5–10 μg/mL. Doses of 6.5 mg/kg can
cause CNS toxicity.
B. Bupivacaine—Bupivacaine, commonly used in obstetric
epidural and spinal anesthesia, is highly protein-bound and
produces intense analgesia of prolonged duration but is rel-
atively slow in onset. It has a volume of distribution of 72 L,
a clearance rate of 28 L/h, a distribution half-life of 162 sec-
onds, and an elimination half-life of 3.5 hours. It is metabo-
lized primarily in the liver.
Bupivacaine is used commonly in neuraxial anesthesia
and for nerve blocks. CNS toxicity occurs with plasma con-
centrations of 1.5 μg/mL. Clinically, doses exceeding 2 mg/kg
may cause systemic toxicity. Cardiac toxicity owing to severe