catabolic response to injury is the same in malnourished and
nonmalnourished patients. Therefore, the absolute urine
urea nitrogen content does not indicate who is initially more
Protein requirements for critically ill patients can be esti-
mated by the use of the 24-hour urinary urea loss. Add 4 g to
the quantity of urinary urea (in grams) to get an estimate of
total nitrogen losses (in grams). For example, if the urine
urea nitrogen is 12 g per day, add 4 g to equal 16 g of nitro-
gen loss per day. Multiply this amount by 6.25 to determine
the protein requirement per day (16 g nitrogen × 6.25 g
protein/g of nitrogen = 100 g of protein per day). Adjustments
should be made based on the urinary urea loss + 4 g +
additional nitrogen losses estimated if there are severe stool,
skin, or fistula losses.
Serum Albumin
The serum albumin level is one of the best predictors of mal-
nutrition because it provides the clinician with an index of
visceral and somatic protein stores in most medical illnesses.
Exceptions include anorexia nervosa and congenital analbu-
minemia (rare). Serum albumin level rarely increases during
most hospital stays because of albumin’s 21-day half-life.
Thus, while serum albumin is a marker of initial nutritional
status, serum transferrin (7-day half-life) or, better yet, pre-
albumin (1-day half-life) responds more rapidly to nutri-
tional support. Either one can be used to monitor sequential
measurements, which would reflect improvements in nutri-
tional intake and status.
Albumin is a 584-amino-acid protein with a net negative
charge of 19, permitting transport of many compounds.
Large portions of the plasma’s calcium, magnesium, zinc,
bilirubin, many drugs (eg, anticoagulants, antibiotics, etc.),
and free fatty acids are transported bound to albumin.
Approximately 40% of whole body albumin reserves (4–5 g/kg)
are intravascular, and albumin is responsible for about 76%
of the colloid oncotic pressure of the plasma. Patients with
normal serum albumin levels have less wound edema, and
the inflammatory phase of wound healing is shortened.
A. Causes of Hypoalbuminemia—Except for the rare
patient with analbuminemia, hypoalbuminemia results from
an increase in plasma volume; an increase in skin, urine, or
stool losses of albumin; an increase in albumin degradation;
loss into ascites; or a reduction in albumin synthesis. Bed rest
is associated with an approximately 7% increase in plasma
volume and an equal reduction in serum albumin. In
patients who are hypoalbuminemic, plasma volume can
increase by 18% with bed rest. Because the skin stores
approximately 20% of the total albumin mass, excessive
losses of albumin occur with burns and subsequent exuda-
tive losses. Massive losses of protein can occur in the
nephrotic syndrome, in which 60% to as much as 90% of the
protein lost in the urine is albumin. Gastrointestinal losses of
protein can vary markedly, and the amount of albumin nor-
mally degraded and lost in the stool is not known. In addition,
large amounts can be lost into ascites fluid. A third factor
contributing to the development of hypoalbuminemia is
impaired albumin synthesis in the liver. Albumin is synthe-
sized in the hepatocyte as a larger precursor, preproalbumin,
containing 24 additional amino-terminal amino acids
referred to as the signal peptide. The preproalbumin under-
goes two sequential cleavages within the rough endoplasmic
reticulum within 3–6 minutes of initial formation and is
transported to the Golgi apparatus within 15–20 minutes for
subsequent vesicular release. Albumin synthesis is inhibited
by severe protein and calorie deprivation, ethanol, severe
liver disease, malabsorption, early forms of injury, burns,
infections, cancer cachexia, and aging.
B. Albumin Synthesis—The rate of albumin synthesis (nor-
mally 150 mg/kg per day) is stimulated by (1) reduction in
colloid oncotic pressure, (2) antibiotic treatment, (3) gluco-
corticoid therapy in cirrhosis, and (4) amino acid adminis-
tration. Albumin synthesis was increased to 350 mg/kg per
day in a small group of patients with idiopathic tropical diar-
rhea following 2 weeks of tetracycline therapy. In a small
group of patients with cirrhosis, prednisolone, 60 mg daily
for 2 weeks, was associated with an increase of albumin syn-
thesis from 130 to 260 mg/kg per day.
In one study, albumin synthesis is more stimulated (240
mg/kg per day) after 300 kcal of amino acid administration
than after 400 kcal of glucose administration (160 mg/kg per
day). Furthermore, albumin synthesis is higher (360 mg/kg
per day) when providing a total of 700 kcal/day rather than
only 300 kcal/day (albumin synthesis rate 240 mg/kg per
day) for the same protein intake (1 g/kg per day).
There is a positive correlation between albumin synthesis
rate and serum concentrations of leucine, isoleucine, valine,
and tryptophan. It appears that the albumin synthesis rate in
cancer cachexia is also responsive to isonitrogenous amounts
of a branched-chain-enriched amino acid solution. In one
study, cancer patients increased albumin synthesis from 100
to 190 mg/kg per day as a result of increased administration
of leucine, isoleucine, and valine (branched-chain amino
acids). These observations imply that providing a diet rich in
tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, and valine may stimulate
albumin synthesis.
Nutritional Predictors of Outcome
Serum albumin is an excellent predictor of survival (Table 6–1).
At least 22 studies to date have shown that a below-normal
serum albumin level can be used to predict disease outcome
in many groups of patients. Thirty-day mortality rates for a
total of 2060 consecutive medical and surgical admissions
were reported at a Veterans Affairs hospital. The investigators
found that 24.7% of the patient population had a low albu-
min, defined as less than 3.4 g/dL. The 30-day mortality rate
for hypoalbuminemic patients was 24.6% compared with
1.7% in patients with normal serum albumin levels. The
investigators also demonstrated an excellent correlation
between serum albumin levels and 30-day mortality rates. In