vascular bed during the arterial pulse. In the ICU, pulse
oximetry has important uses and has become a standard of
care in many institutions. There are, however, a number of
issues that should be understood and considered with this
monitoring technique. In particular, the reliability of this
method may be limited in patients with severe hypoxemia,
abnormal arterial pulsations, and hypoperfusion of the site
of measurement.
When light of a particular wavelength is transmitted
through a clear solvent containing solute that absorbs light at
that wavelength, the amount of light absorbed is the product
of solute concentration, path length, and the extinction coef-
ficient (determined by the solute and the wavelength). For a
hemoglobin solution, the relative concentrations of oxy- and
deoxyhemoglobin can be determined in a spectrophotome-
ter because the extinction coefficients are different for these
two hemoglobin species at certain wavelengths.
Pulse oximetry uses the beat-to-beat changes in light
absorption through a vascular bed to estimate arterial O
uration, discarding any nonvariable light absorption by con-
sidering only the difference between peak and nadir light
intensities. The method determines O
saturation by a com-
plex calculation that includes several important assump-
tions. With the use of two light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
producing light in the red and infrared ranges, pulse oxime-
try is able to estimate oxyhemoglobin as a proportion of the
sum of oxyhemoglobin plus deoxyhemoglobin—the so-
called functional oxyhemoglobin saturation. Pulse oximeters
are “calibrated” by comparison of arterial blood oxygen sat-
uration in volunteers to calculated values; the devices use a
“look-up table” to translate the measured proportion to the
displayed saturation. Pulse oximetry is subject to artifact-
caused errors. Movement of the oximeter probe, extraneous
incident light (especially if pulsatile), variations in arterial
pulsation, dependent position, venous pulsations, and other
factors may result in incorrect O
saturation readings. Pulse
oximeters are most commonly transmission pulse oximeters,
in which light is passed through tissue (ear or fingertip) to a
sensor on the opposite side, but they may be reflectance pulse
oximeters, in which light passes through tissue but is
reflected back to a sensor on the same side as the light source.
The accuracy of pulse oximetry is generally considered good
in the range of normoxia to mild hypoxemia. However, accu-
racy may be suspect during more severe hypoxemia, such as
when arterial O
saturation is below 75%. In this range, dif-
ferences between measured O
saturation and pulse oximetry
saturation range from 5–12%.
A. Patient Factors—Patients in the ICU frequently have
hypotension, poor distal extremity perfusion, and impaired
oxygen delivery—or are being given pharmacologic vasopres-
sors or vasodilators. These factors affect blood flow to the site
of pulse oximetry and vary the contour and intensity of the
beat-to-beat pulse used to calculate O
saturation. Most
devices are programmed to avoid reporting O
when low perfusion or a poor pulse signal is being measured.
In some of the few studies considering these issues in the ICU,
failure of the pulse oximeter to measure O
saturation was not
infrequent in patients with hemodynamic instability
(12–15%). However, other studies have demonstrated that
some pulse oximeters continue to measure and report O
uration despite very poor blood flow and severe hypotension.
These results may not be reliable, and there is concern that
pulse oximeter O
saturation under these conditions may be
misleadingly high. Pulse oximeter technology continues to
evolve. The latest-generation devices have improved resist-
ance to motion artifact and low perfusion. These are expected
to be more reliable and accurate in the ICU setting.
B. Abnormal Hemoglobins—The pulse oximeter cannot
measure carboxyhemoglobin nor accurately measure oxyhe-
moglobin in the presence of carboxyhemoglobin. The oxy-
gen saturation displayed is essentially equal to the difference
between total hemoglobin and deoxygenated hemoglobin
(100% – the percentage of deoxyhemoglobin), but the relative
concentrations of oxy- and carboxyhemoglobin are
unknown. Other substances in the blood may or may not
affect pulse oximetry. Bilirubin has little effect on pulse
oximetry; methemoglobin, generated in the presence of oxi-
dizing agents such as nitrites and sulfonamides, usually
increases the difference between functional O
saturation and
oxyhemoglobin, but a sufficiently high methemoglobin con-
centration also may have the peculiar effect of causing the
pulse oximeter to read 85% regardless of other conditions. A
number of dyes such as indocyanine green and methylene
blue also have effects on the accuracy of measurement.
Clinical Applications
Pulse oximetry has widespread usefulness in the ICU, espe-
cially in adjusting inspired oxygen, during weaning from
mechanical ventilation, and in testing different levels of
PEEP, inverse I:E ratio, or other mechanical ventilator adjust-
ments. Other uses include monitoring during procedures
such as bronchoscopy, gastrointestinal endoscopy, cardiover-
sion, hemodialysis, and radiography. Pulse oximetry is par-
ticularly accurate in following O
saturation in patients who
have mild to moderate hypoxemia (O
saturation >75%) but
without severe hypoperfusion or hypotension. It cannot be
regarded as a complete substitute for arterial blood gas deter-
minations partly because of the lack of P
and pH determi-
nations but also because of the relationship between P
saturation when the latter is above 90–95%. Results of
pulse oximetry should be interpreted cautiously in patients
with carboxyhemoglobinemia or methemoglobinemia.
Keogh BF, Kopotic RJ: Recent findings in the use of reflectance
oximetry: A critical review. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol
2005;18:649–54. [PMID: 16534307]
McMorrow RC, Mythen MG: Pulse oximetry. Curr Opin Crit Care
2006;12:269–71. [PMID: 16672788]