Actuators 21-57
in bimorph, and one of them expands while the second one contracts. Disk or ring multilayer-bending
piezoactuators consist of circular elements with a diameter of a few centimeters. When voltage is applied,
the component deforms, taking partly a spherical shape, and reaches displacement up to 200 µm.
Displacement amplification up to 2000 µm can be achieved by various constructive means. The stiffness
of such designs decreases with the square of the displacement amplification ratio and is much smaller
than in the stack design. Along with levers (Figure 21.82d), monolithic hinge lever mechanisms made
of structural material by cutting constricted hinges are used to function as lever mechanisms. The second
mechanisms are free of backlash. Moonie piezoactuator consists of a piezoelectric disk sandwiched
between two metal plates (Figure 21.82e) with cavities bonded together. The small radial displacement
of the disk is transformed into a much longer axial displacement, normal to the surface of the metal
plates. Forces and displacements achieved are in between conventional multi-layer and bimorph actuators.
If absolute positioning of high accuracy is necessary, the controlled operation of piezoactuators is used.
Sensors detect the actual displacement, and the input voltage is controlled by their signals. This leads to
positioning with high accuracy, avoiding hysteresis effect and changes in position because of fluctuating
An inchworm motor is used for positioning in hundreds of mm range with resolution up to 2 nm
and up to 2 mm/s speed. This motor is composed of three piezoceramics elements (Figure 21.82f). Two
elements (1 and 2) are used to clamp and release the driven link, and element 3 is fixed on the frame
and used to shift the driven link when expanding. By applying drive voltages with a certain phase
difference, this device can move simulating the worm motion, and the working cycle of stepping is as
follows: 1e; 3e/ driven link moves by step; 2e; 1c; 3c/ driven link moves by step; 2c. Here e stands for
expansion and c for contraction.
21.3.5 Application Areas
Owing to the inherent properties of piezomaterials, actuators with a lot of engineering advantages can
be developed. Some of them are: compactness and light weight, rapid response, practically unlimited
resolution, no magnetic field, large force generation, broad operating frequency range, high stability,
solid state, low power consumption, proportional to the applied voltage displacement, and 50% and
more energy conversion efficiency.
They are used in micromanipulation, noise and vibration suppression systems, valves, lasers and
optics, ultrasonic motors, positioning devices, relays, pumps, in automotive industry, industrial automa-
tion systems, telecommunications, computers, and so forth. Some of the applications are shown in
Figure 21.83.
Suppression of oscillations: Piezoactive material-based dampers convert mechanical oscillations into
electrical energy. The generated energy is then shunted to dissipate the energy as heat, that is, oscillation
energy is dispersed. The principle scheme is given in [2].
Microrobot: The microrobot platform legs are piezoactuators. By applying voltage to the electrodes,
the piezo–legs are lengthened, shortened, or bent in any direction in a fine movement.
Micropump: The diaphragm is actuated by a piezoactuator; input and output check valves are subse-
quently opened for liquid or gas pumping. The advantages are fast switching and high compression rate.
Microgripper: The piezoactuator works on contraction for gripping motion based on the compliant
mechanism. The gripper is of very small size and almost of any required geometrical shape.
Micromanipulator: Due to the practically unlimited resolution, piezoactuators are used in numerous
positioning applications.
Microdosage device: Piezoactuators allow high precision dosage of wide variety of liquids in the range
of nanoliters for various applications.
Multilayer ceramics and single crystals are expanding their application. Multi-layer ceramics as finished
transducers are used for stabilization of hard drives, tuning the lasers, adjusting mirrors in optical switches,
and other instrumentation applications. Their stacked design is applied for fuel injection, optical switches,
and medical instrumentation where nanorange is required. Single crystals have found applications in Page 57 Wednesday, October 10, 2007 7:10 PM