462 Marina Ruths and Jacob N. Israelachvili
the aboveparameters,(9.31)predicts S
for vander Waals
surfaces. This range of values compares very well with typical experimental values
of 2×10
for hydrocarbon or mica surfaces sliding in air (see Fig. 9.16) or
separated by one molecular layer of cyclohexane [45].
The above model suggests that all interfaces, whether dry or lubricated, dilate
just before they shear or slip. This is a small but important effect: the dilation pro-
vides the crucial extra space needed for the molecules to slide across each other
or flow. This dilation is known to occur in macroscopic systems [293,294] and for
nanoscopic systems it has been computed by Thompson and Robbins [255] and Za-
loj et al. [295] and measured by Dhinojwala et al. [296].
This model may be extended, at least semiquantitatively, to lubricated sliding,
where a thin liquid film is present between the surfaces. With an increase in the
number of liquid layers between the surfaces, D
increases while ΔD decreases,
hence the friction force decreases. This is precisely what is observed,but with more
than one liquid layer between two surfaces the situation becomes too complex to
analyze analytically (actually, even with one or no interfacial layers, the calcula-
tion of the fraction of energy dissipated per molecular collision ε is not a simple
matter). Furthermore, even in systems as simple as linear alkanes, interdigitation
and interdiffusion have been found to contribute strongly to the properties of the
system [143,297]. Sophisticated modeling based on computer simulations is now
required, as discussed in the following section.
Relation Between Boundary Friction and Adhesion Energy Hysteresis
While the above equations suggest that there is a direct correlation between friction
and adhesion, this is not the case. The correlation is really between friction and ad-
hesion hysteresis, described in Sect. 9.5.4. In the case of friction, this subtle point is
hidden in the factor ε, which is a measure of the amount of energy absorbed (dissi-
pated, transferred, or “lost”) by the lower surface when it is impacted by a molecule
from the upper surface. If ε = 0, all the energy is reflected, and there will be no
kinetic friction force or any adhesion hysteresis, but the absolute magnitude of the
adhesion force or energy will remain finite and unchanged. This is illustrated in
Figs. 9.17 and 9.19.
The following simple model shows how adhesion hysteresis and friction may
be quantitatively related. Let Δγ = γ
be the adhesion energy hysteresis per
unit area, as measured during a typical loading–unloading cycle (see Figs. 9.17a
and 9.19c,d). Now consider the same two surfaces sliding past each other and as-
sume that frictional energy dissipation occursthrough the same mechanism as adhe-
sion energy dissipation, and that both occur over the same characteristic molecular
length scale σ. Thus, when the two surfaces (of contact area A = πr
tance σ, equating the frictional energy (F ×σ) to the dissipated adhesion energy
(A×Δγ), we obtain
Friction force: F=
, (9.32)
or Critical shear stress: S
= F/A =Δγ/σ , (9.33)