444 Marina Ruths and Jacob N. Israelachvili
It is questionable whether the hydration or hydrophobic force should be viewed
as an ordinary type of solvation or structural force that reflects the packing of water
molecules. The energy (or entropy) associated with the hydrogen-bondingnetwork,
which extends over a much larger region of space than the molecular correlations,
is probably at the root of the long-range interactions of water. The situation in wa-
ter appears to be governed by much more than the molecular packing effects that
dominate the interactions in simpler liquids.
9.4.5 Polymer-Mediated Forces
Polymers or macromolecules are chain-like molecules consisting of many identical
segments (monomers or repeating units) held together by covalent bonds. The size
of a polymer coil in solution or in the melt is determined by a balance between van
der Waals attraction (and hydrogen bonding,if present) between polymer segments,
solution will thenbehavevirtuallyideally,and thedensitydistributionof segmentsin
the coil is Gaussian. This is called the theta (θ) condition, and it occurs at the theta
or Flory temperature for a particular combination of polymer and solvent or solvent
mixture. At lower temperatures (in a poor or bad solvent), the polymer–polymerin-
temperatures (good solvent conditions), the polymer coil will be expanded.
High-molecular-weightpolymers form large coils, which significantly affect the
properties of a solution even when the total mass of polymer is very low. The radius
of the polymer coil is proportional to the segment length, a, and the number of seg-
ments, n. At thetaconditions,the hydrodynamicradiusof the polymer coil (theroot-
mean-square separation of the ends of one polymer chain) is theoretically given by
= an
, and the unperturbed radius of gyration (the average root-mean-square
distance of a segment from the center of mass of the molecule) is R
= a (n/6)
In a good solvent the perturbed size of the polymer coil, the Flory radius R
proportional to n
Polymers interact with surfaces mainly through van der Waals and electrostatic
interactions. The physisorption of polymers containing only one type of segment
is reversible and highly dynamic, but the rate of exchange of adsorbed chains with
free chains in the solution is low, since the polymer remains bound to the surface
as long as one segment along the chain is adsorbed. The adsorption energy per seg-
ment is on the order of k
T. In a good solvent, the conformation of a polymer on
a surface is very different from the coil conformation in bulk solution. Polymers ad-
sorb in “trains”, separated by “loops” extending into solution and dangling “tails”
(the ends of the chain). Compared to adsorption at lower temperatures, good sol-
vent conditions favor more of the polymer chain being in the solvent, where it can
attain its optimum conformation. As a result, the extension of the polymer is longer,
even though the total amount of adsorbed polymer is lower. In a good solvent, the