9 Surface Forces and Nanorheology of Molecularly Thin Films 443
with which water films rupture on hydrophobic surfaces. In this case, the van der
Waals force across the water film is repulsive and therefore favors wetting, but this
is more than offset by the attractive hydrophobicinteraction acting between the two
hydrophobic phases across water. Hydrophobic forces are increasingly being im-
plicated in the adhesion and fusion of biological membranes and cells. It is known
that both osmotic and electric-field stresses enhance membranefusion, an effect that
may be due to the concomitant increase in the hydrophobic area exposed between
two adjacent surfaces.
Fromthe previousdiscussionwecan inferthat hydrationand hydrophobicforces
are not of a simple nature. These interactions are probably the most important, yet
the least understood of all the forces in aqueous solutions. The unusual properties
of water and the nature of the surfaces (including their homogeneity and stability)
appear to be equally important. Some particle surfaces can have their hydration
forces regulated, for example, by ion exchange. Others appear to be intrinsically
hydrophilic (e.g., silica) and cannot be coagulated by changing the ionic condition,
but can be rendered hydrophobic by chemically modifying their surface groups.
For example, on heating silica to above 600
C, two adjacent surface silanol (−OH)
groups release a water molecule and form a hydrophobic siloxane (−O−) group,
whence the repulsive hydration force changes into an attractive hydrophobic force.
How do these exponentially decaying repulsive or attractive forces arise?
Theoretical work and computer simulations [138,140, 182,183] suggest that the
solvation forces in water should be purely oscillatory, whereas other theoretical
studies [184–191] suggest a monotonically exponential repulsion or attraction, pos-
sibly superimposed on an oscillatory force. The latter is consistent with experimen-
tal findings, as shown in the inset to Fig. 9.7b, where it appears that the oscillatory
force is simply additivewith the monotonic hydration and DLVO forces, suggesting
that these arise from essentially different mechanisms. It has been suggested that
for a sufficiently solvophilic surface, there could be “hydration”-like forces also in
nonaqueous systems [190].
It is probable that the short-range hydration force between all smooth, rigid, or
crystalline surfaces (e.g., mineral surfaces such as mica) has an oscillatory com-
ponent. This may or may not be superimposed on a monotonic force due to image
interactions [186], dipole–dipole interactions [191], and/or structural or hydrogen-
bonding interactions [184,185].
Like the repulsive hydration force, the origin of the hydrophobic force is still
unknown. Luzar et al. [188] carried out a Monte Carlo simulation of the interaction
between two hydrophobic surfaces across water at separations below 1.5nm.They
obtained a decaying oscillatory force superimposed on a monotonically attractive
curve. In more recent computational and experimental work [192–195], it has been
suggested that hydrophobic surfaces generate a depleted region of water around
them, and that a long-range attractive force due to depletion arises between two
such surfaces. Such a difference in density might also cause boundary slip of water
at hydrophic surfaces [51,196,197].