9 Surface Forces and Nanorheology of Molecularly Thin Films 471
acteristic distance σ on the order of one lattice spacing, σ ≈ 1nm, and inserting
these values into (9.32), the friction force is predicted to be F ≈ 100mN for the ki-
netic friction force, which is close to the measured value of 75mN. Alternatively, we
may conclude that the dissipation factor is ε = 0.75, i.e., that almost all the energy
is dissipated as heat at each molecular collision.
A liquid lubricant film (Sect. 9.8.3) is usually much more effective at lowering
the friction of two surfaces than a solid boundary lubricant layer. However, to use
a liquid lubricant successfully, it must “wet” the surfaces, that is, it should have
ahighaffinity for the surfaces, so that not all the liquid molecules become squeezed
out when the surfaces come close together, even under a large compressive load.
Another important requirement is that the liquid film remains a liquid under tribo-
logical conditions, i.e., that it does not epitaxially solidify between the surfaces.
Effective lubrication usually requires that the lubricant be injected between the
surfaces, but in some cases the liquid can be made to condense from the vapor. This
is illustrated in Fig. 9.20a for two untreated mica surfaces sliding with a thin layer
of water between them. A monomolecular film of water (of thickness 0.25nm per
surface)has reducedS
fromits valuefor drysurfaces(Fig. 9.16)by a factorof more
than 30, which may be compared with the factor of ten attained with the boundary
lubricant layer (of thickness 2.5nm per surface) in Fig. 9.18. Water appears to have
unusual lubricating properties and usually gives wearless friction with no stick–
slip [313].
The effectiveness of a water film only 0.25nm thick to lower the friction force
by more than an order of magnitude is attributed to the “hydrophilicity” of the mica
surface(micais “wetted”by water)and tothe existenceof a stronglyrepulsiveshort-
range hydration force between such surfaces in aqueous solutions, which effectively
removes the adhesion-controlled contribution to the friction force [283]. It is also
interesting that a 0.25nm thick water film between two mica surfaces is sufficient
to bring the coefficient of friction down to 0.01–0.02, a value that corresponds to
the unusually low friction of ice. Clearly, a single monolayer of water can be a very
good lubricant – much better than most other monomolecular liquid films – for
reasons that will be discussed in Sect. 9.9. A linear dependence of F on L has also
been observedfor mica surfacesseparated bycertain hydrocarbonliquids[275,285].
Figure 9.20b shows the kinetic friction forces measured at a high velocity across
thin films of squalane, a branched hydrocarbon liquid (C
), which is a model
for lubricating oils. Very low adhesive forces are measured between mica surfaces
across this liquid [285] and the film thickness decreased monotonically with load.
The friction force at a given load was found to be velocity-dependent, whereas the
contact area was not [285].
Dry polymer layers (Fig. 9.21) typically show a high initial static friction (“stic-
tion”) as sliding commences from rest in adhesive contact. The development of the
friction force after a change in sliding direction, a gradual transition from stick–
slip to smooth sliding, is shown in Fig. 9.21. A correlation between adhesion hys-
teresis and friction similar to that observed for silica surfaces in Fig. 9.17 can be
seen for dry polymer layers below their glass-transition temperature. As shown in